AU! The Nations crash down at a deserted island and are about to witness the true meaning of ''every man for himself'' in the fight for survival. Human names used. Different main characters but with Alfred in the lead. Several pairings. List will be updated as the story evolves. USUK, GerIta, Spamano, PruAus.

Alfred opened his eyes slowly. As the pain in his skull subsided, his vision started to clear. He was met with bright light. It washed out everything until it lowered in intensity, and he could see, albeit a little blurrily. There were palm trees with coconuts, a distant sort-of jungle, sand, and water so blue it looked unreal. For a second, Alfred believed he had died, and come to paradise. And maybe he had.

The last thing he remembered was sitting on a plane, mind swimming with excitement for getting home and reuniting with his family ...Or, perhaps, that wasn't quite true. It was the last memory he could recall clearly... but not the very last. He could just barely remember the feeling of panic. The sound of prayers and terrified screams roaring through the narrow flight cabin. The disgusting smell of burning flesh. The brief images of oxygen masks and the sea beneath them closing up far too quickly. The plane crashing.

He lay still for a few moments, simply trying to gather enough energy to get up. He finally found the power to push himself upright, and slowly started inspecting his bruised body for any serious injuries. His head felt fuzzy, and everything was sort of a blur, but nothing seemed fatal. There wasn't one spot on his body that wasn't aching, but that was to be expected after crashing from an aeroplane.

As his vision finally cleared up completely, his sky-blue eyes began to scan his surroundings curiously. Almost instantly everything around him exploded in sound. It almost felt as if he'd lost his hearing for a moment, and then in a flash it had returned, blasting on full power.

People were crying and tumbling out from the smoking plane wreck, desperately trying to get away from it as quickly as possible. The tail of the plane was still burning and the whole thing seemed unreal.

They were on an island, most likely deserted, with absolutely no way to get back. There was no food left on the plane. No method to call for help. Nothing.

Alfred was vaguely observing the other passenger's scared behaviour when his eyes fell on a whimpering brown-haired boy, sitting quite close to him, and hugging himself like he was afraid he'd fall apart. Forced by his urge to help anyone in need, Alfred crawled closer.

''Hello there. I'm Alfred.'' he said, smiling down at the boy as genuinely as he possibly could. Most people would probably produce a hell of a lame-ass smile, the latest event considered, but Alfred was a positive person, and his childhood had contributed in teaching him how to smile through everything. No matter how bad he felt, no one would know. Alfred was damn good at faking happiness and always had been.

The slender boy looked up, his chocolate-brown eyes wide and scared. Alfred would have expected reluctance in those brown irises, he was a stranger after all, but the boy didn't seem to have even heard of the word mistrust.

''Feliciano,'' he sniffled quietly, a single tear slipping down his left cheek. Judging by his appearance and accent he was most likely Italian. Thank Goodness he speaks English. Alfred could hardly even speak his own language, much less a foreign one.

He crawled even closer and seated himself in front of Feliciano so they had eye contact. Okay, basics first. Feliciano, fortunately, wasn't hurt, just terribly scared. He didn't seem like the type of person who could travel alone. Perhaps his family is still inside the plane…

''Nice to meet you, Feliciano. Did you know anybody on this plane?'' He made sure to pronounce every word clearly and kept his tone as gentle as possible.

''Y-yes,'' Feliciano stammered, a few more tears slipping down his cheeks. ''My brother Lovino. A-and his friend Antonio.'' Alfred glanced around curiously, scanning the people around them to find someone with a similar appearance to Feliciano.

''Do you see them here? What do they look like?'' he asked. Feliciano looked around as well but frowned miserably.

''Ve, I can't seem to f-find them. They have brown hair. And they're t-tan.'' Alfred raised his brows a little at the very non descriptive leads but didn't question further. Feliciano was probably under a lot of stress right now. And besides, surely he'd be able to recognise them if they met.

''Let's go look for them then, shall we?'' Alfred said, extending his hand to help Feliciano up. The Italian boy nodded, accepted the hand, and walked as close to Alfred as possible, following him around in the warm sand like a lost puppy.

Walking toward the crashed plane made Alfred's stomach turn into knots, but he kept going. He wanted to help everyone as soon as possible, and right now Feliciano was in desperate need.

They were just about to reach the entrance when a slightly deep and heavily German accented voice stopped them. ''Don't go in there. There are a lot of bodies. You don't want to be haunted by those images, trust me. I went in there to find my brother.''

Alfred turned around to see a fit, blond man softly clutching his left arm. He had a very strong and stoic attitude and seemed completely unaffected by what was happening around him. Alfred could see the deep red colour staining his clothes, even as he stood about five meters away, and figured they'd have to take care of that afterwards. In the meantime Feliciano had paled considerably and was slowly backing away.

''You can stay here Feliciano,'' Alfred said calmly, ''stay here with…'' he looked over at the larger male and immediately the stoic blond stood up a little straighter.

''Ludwig,'' he said, ''but I have to find my brother.'' Alfred nodded, gently pushing Feliciano a little closer to the German.

''Good, you can stay here with Ludwig,'' he told Feliciano, turning around to face the tall blond.

''I understand that you need to find your brother, but if you could just wait until I find Feliciano's family, I'd really appreciate it. He's very shaken up right now, and I don't think it would be good for him to be alone. Just having your company will make him feel safer. I'll be back in a minute, I promise.''

Ludwig nodded tentatively and Alfred turned around, slowly closing in on the battered gate. As soon as Alfred was out of his reach, Feliciano practically threw himself at Ludwig, clutching his good arm and holding on to it for dear life. Ludwig seemed highly disturbed and uncomfortable with this, but Feliciano remained oblivious and continued to press himself as close to the larger man as possible.

When Alfred entered the wrecked plane, the first thing he noticed was swearing. A lot of swearing. And he could have sworn there was the tiniest echo of angry sobs. These were not necessarily nice things to listen to, but it made it easier for him to find the noises' owner.

He pretended not to see the lifeless bodies in the passenger seats, bloody and bruised, and assured himself that they were just sleeping.

As he advanced closer he could just barely make out a head with messy brown hair, a shade or two darker than Feliciano's, sitting on the floor next to one of the seats and fighting with whomever was sitting there's seatbelt. Bingo.

''Hey,'' he called out, ''are you Lovino?'' Immediately the man stopped fidgeting and his whole body tensed up.

He turned around and glared accusingly at the blond intruder. ''How do you know my name, bastard?'' he spat.

Alfred was slightly insulted by the harsh words but figured that the person in front of him, Lovino, he reminded himself, had been through a lot these few hours and was probably anxious, that being the cause of his bad attitude.

''I found your brother, Feliciano. I came to get you out of here so the two of you can reunite.'' Lovino turned his full attention to him and narrowed his eyes in suspicion, practically glaring daggers, until his his expression transformed into something completely else; worry.

''Shit. Is Feliciano alright? He isn't hurt right? Please say he isn't fucking hurt,'' he nearly pleaded, suddenly looking very vulnerable as he searched Alfred's sky-blue eyes for answers.

Alfred shook his head, ''He's just fine. A little shaken up, but only mentally. He needs you. Are you coming with me?''

Lovino looked to the person in the seat, whom was still out of Alfred's range of vision, eyes clouding with desperation. ''I'm not leaving without Antonio. H-he isn't waking up, but I know he's not dead, because he promised me he wouldn't die when the plane started dropping, and he always keep his promises-'' Alfred stepped forward and gently nudged Lovino to the side, effectively stopping his upcoming ranting.

''Alright, I'll carry him out of here,'' he inspected the stuck seatbelt, ''but first we need something to cut this over with. Can you go outside the plane and ask somebody if they have something we can borrow?'' Alfred said, trying and failing to loosen the safety harness on his own.

Lovino nodded slowly but looked conflicted, ''I don't want to leave him. I mean even if he's a stupid bastard I don't want him to be in danger and I- I-''

Alfred tilted his head to the side and smiled reassuringly at the brunet, ''It's alright. I'll take care of him; you don't have to worry.'' Lovino definitely didn't seem completely convinced, but got up nevertheless and ran out as fast as he possibly could. Really fast. Alfred was certain hardly two minutes passed before Lovino was at his side again, insistently pushing a lighter into Alfred's hands. Alfred looked at him quizzically.

''Uh... I'm not a smoker-''

''We aren't allowed to have knives on a plane, you idiot. This was the best I could do.'' Lovino rudely interrupted. Alfred nodded sheepishly. Of course. God, I'm such a dumbass.

''Hurry.'' Lovino whispered miserably, and the second Alfred's eyes brushed over the Spanish male, he understood why.

Antonio did not look good. At all. He looked battered and bruised, but worst of all, he looked downright dead. The only thing betraying his vitality was the weak sound of his heart beating. A slow and barely audible rhythm.

Alfred quickly set to work, and not long after he was running out of the crashed plane clutching the surprisingly light Spaniard in his arms, Lovino worried by his side.

As they got out, Alfred immediately located Feliciano and Ludwig, who had moved over to a safer spot a little further away.

''Lovino, Antonio!'' Feliciano nearly yelled, just about to tackle his beloveds to the ground in a hug, but froze completely when he noticed Antonio's condition.

''Oh no!'' he exclaimed, his voice cracking as he brought his hands to his lips. Alfred laid the man in his arms down on the soft sand as gently as possible, and Lovino clutched Antonio's hand desperately.

''Shut the hell up Feliciano! That tomato bastard will be fine! He promised me!'' he yelled furiously, seemingly fighting internally in order to stop the unwelcome tears that were flowing down his cheeks. Alfred, for Lovino's sake, pretended he didn't notice.

He wanted nothing more than to save Antonio, but he had absolutely no idea of what to do in situations like these, and it scared him. What if he dies? What if I can't save him?

Somebody cleared their throat behind him, and Alfred turned around to see a little Japanese man with sharply cut black hair, gazing up at him shyly.

''Hello sir. I can help your friend. I am studying to become a doctor. My name is Kiku.'' he bowed politely, and Alfred could almost physically feel the relief that washed over him. They had a doctor? They had a doctor.

''Amazing,'' he breathed. ''Thank you so much, Kiku. This is incredible man, you have no idea. I'm Alfred. Could ya help these people out while I look for others?''

Kiku nodded and sent him a small, closed-mouthed smile. ''Of course. It is my duty and pleasure to help those in need.''

As he left to walk amongst the people scattered around the beach, he faintly heard Kiku say something along the lines of, ''Feliciano try to find him some water, Ludwig and Lovino will have to check the plane for medicine.'' to the others. Alfred couldn't help the hopeful smile that stretched across his handsome face. Holy cow, we have a freaking doctor! We may just have a chance to survive this! Suddenly everything seemed brighter, if only just a little.

The remaining surviving passengers seemed okay. The island was, thankfully, no longer haunted by the echo of screams and yells, just the faint sound of muffled crying. As Alfred let his eyes wander over the beach they fell on a slightly skinny boy, sitting beneath a palm tree. He had messy blonde hair, but he was too far away for Alfred to make out any other details. He was sitting next to another blonde, this one with longer and wavier locks. He seemed taller than the messy haired boy, but not by much. The tallest blonde reached out for the smaller and pulled him into a hug. The little one made a big fuss out of pretending that he really, really didn't want to, but Alfred could tell that they both needed that. He himself would do pretty much anything for a hug right now, even from a stranger. Not that the two of them seemed like strangers. If their behaviour just now was anything to judge by he was pretty sure they knew each other.

Even though Alfred, for some unexplainable reason, really wanted to go over and check on the boy, he knew nothing crucial was wrong with him. He had to take care of the badly wounded first.

This seemed to be a very feminine looking boy with chocolate-brown hair who was lying unconscious on the beach. He had some blood running down his face, most likely coming from a wound somewhere on his scalp. A white haired boy was seemingly trying to help him, running his hands through the brown mop in order to find the leaking wound.

''Do you need help?'' Alfred called out to the white haired boy and was momentarily stunned when he turned around. An albino? How cool.

''Yea, I can't get this guy to wake up. I'm not really any good at medical stuff... so I don't know what to do.''

Alfred smiled kindly at him and crouched down on the sand. The brown haired boy looked like some kind of cute little doll.

''He'll be fine, 'cause we have a doctor. He's helping someone else right now, though. Maybe we should start by giving him some water. I'm Alfred by the way. Do you know him?'' Alfred said, brushing some of the doll-boy's hair out of his face.

The albino shook his head, ''Gilbert. And no I don't know him. The only one here I know is my brother Ludwig, but I can't find him.'' Alfred nodded, his smile widening considerably. I even found Ludwig's brother! He was damn good at this, was he not?

''That's perfect! He was looking for you. He's over by the doctor so when we bring this little guy over, the two of you can be together again.''

Gilbert looked up hopefully, his face exploding in a shit-eating grin. ''Luddy's okay?'' he asked, his maroon eyes glistening like blood in the sunlight. Alfred laughed happily.

''Yea, well y'know. He's got a pretty nasty wound but nothing too bad. As okay as one can be right now.''

Gilbert snickered, his unique eyes getting a proud glint to them. ''Awesome. I knew my Bruderlein would make it. He's a toughie. I taught him well.'' He nodded approvingly to himself before shifting his attention back to the boy beneath them.

''Now, let's get pretty-boy here over to the doctor's.'' Alfred almost believed he'd heard something dreamy in Gilbert's voice as he said the word pretty, but waved it off.

If there are any mistakes I'm very sorry. English is not my first language. Feel free to point them out to me :)

Please review! *Hugs* :D

Bruderlein: Brother (German)