John felt the sunlight penetrate his eyelids and he waved his hand around to grab the curtain, only to hit it against a bedframe.
It was then that he remembered that he wasn't in his room and he wasn't alone, evident by the heavy but pleasant weight on top of him.
He cracked an eyelid open and was greeted by the sight of a very naked Sherlock sprawled out on top of him, sleeping peacefully. John tried to shift his position, but Sherlock had some sort of sixth sense that honed in on John. He wrapped his arms around John's middle, and burrowed in further into his chest, a content smile on his face. John would have loved to stay in bed with Sherlock if he didn't have the overwhelming urge to use the bathroom. When Sherlock moved for a split second, John made the move to untangle himself out of his arms and hop out of bed. His eyes softened when he looked back at Sherlock: his face was very relaxed, making him look more like a child who was in the midst of a very pleasant dream. He padded out of the room quietly, did his business, and climbed back into bed.
Sherlock's fingers wandered until they made contact with John's torso, slithering around and down to wrap around his waist. John had to bite his lower lip to hold back the groan that bubbled in his throat as sparks flew down to his groin. All of this went past Sherlock as he resumed his place nestled against John. This was a new, and wonderfully human, side to him that John wouldn't mind seeing more often.
John absentmindedly traced circles all over Sherlock's back, listening to his quiet breathing. It was a relaxing sound; one that he could get used to easily. He gently massaged Sherlock's scalp, amused as his breathing was replaced with snorts. Sherlock's eyelashes tickled his neck, indicating that he was awake.
"Good morning," John murmured, kissing his forehead.
"Morning to you too," Sherlock replied with a yawn. His hand slipped below the thin blanket cover to meet its target, making John inhale sharply. "In fact, it must be a very good morning," he said. A twist of his wrist and John was begging for more, moaning Sherlock's name. He released into Sherlock's hand, feeling fully relaxed.
John rolled the detective onto his back, peppering his face and chest with kisses. He took his sweet time bringing Sherlock to his orgasm and back down from Cloud 9. John moved so that he was next to Sherlock, their foreheads almost touching. He was always fascinated with Sherlock's eyes because it seemed like they were never one color, but always changing with his emotions. Right now, they were a brilliant mixture of green and blue that just seemed alive. He almost forgot what he was going to say, but he caught it right as he opened his mouth.
"So…" John started. There was no real other way that he could phrase it.
Sherlock smiled. He knew from the look on his best friend's face what he was trying to articulate. "John, if you're going to launch into a discussion about where our relationship will go from here, we both know where we want it to go. To save you the trouble of worrying about what I want, I'll just say right here that I don't care what you want us to be, but all I know is that I still want to be with you, no matter what. I meant what I said last night."
He blinked and then visibly relaxed. "That makes things a lot smoother."
Sherlock chuckled and kissed his nose. It wasn't something that he did often. Frankly, he wasn't one for affection period, but living with John has made him so much more human. He was willing to soften his heart for him. "Personally, I don't think this really changes things between us. Except that we can shag each other's brains out now."
John laughed and hugged him tight. "And this is why I love you."
He grunted, but he smiled and pressed his lips to John's neck. "I'm not sure what love is, but I do know that it's something I could get accustomed to feeling, and especially if it's for you," he mumbled.
"I'm glad," John sighed, pulling Sherlock in closer.
It was true: life went on as normal in 221B Baker Street, except there was a lot less tension and lot more love going around. They both still occasionally had nightmares from those three long years being on opposite sides of the Channel, but they were there to comfort each other. Rarely were they apart, except when Sherlock was too lazy to get the groceries, although he made a conscious effort to for John's sake.
Now whenever they went out to dinner or just out in general, John no longer had to deny that he was Sherlock's date or that they weren't a couple. It was a funny running gag for a while, but he was glad that he could declare that they were together without any reservations.
Both of them couldn't believe that it had taken them this long to stop and really evaluate what everyone has been saying about them and follow their guts. It led them to each other in a way that they never expected nor anticipated, but they embraced it all the same because they took each other for everything they were.
A/N: Thank you so much for your reviews everyone! I appreciated all of them. Now I know that this was kind of a sappy ending, but I couldn't really think of any other way to continue the story on, so this is how it ended up as. This quarter has been brutal, and I'm sorry I've left you all hanging for so long, but your patience has definitely been rewarded. I'll have more stories on the way, so stay tuned!