Goku had been in the middle of meditating with Piccolo and Gohan when he felt it. That tiny fissure of power that he had always tracked, even as a boy- the ki belonging to Bulma- it was flickering like a light bulb that was about to blow. On and off. On and off... And then- His eyes snapped open as all traces of his former relaxation vanished.

A chill ran down his spine, and he broke out into a cold sweat and started to shake ever so slightly as Gohan and Piccolo suddenly returned to their senses to see what was wrong with him. Both were quiet for a moment as Hanna broke away from Kami and Mr. Popo and came to stand next to the saiyen. Her turquoise eyes sad with a certain kind of knowledge that Goku himself lacked as he looked at her for a moment when he felt her small hand on his shoulder.

"Goku? What's wrong?" Piccolo asked in concern, knowing that there were few things that could rattle the man this badly.

Goku used the tip of his tongue to wet his lips as he looked around nervously before asking Hanna in a tone so low that it was almost a whisper, "This wasn't supposed to happen was it?" To which Hanna only shook her head no. The attack on Bulma wasn't meant to happen. However she and Trunks had known that traveling back to the past would change many things. Especially if she had to stay behind.

So they had run every simulation possible to prepare them for what may have awaited them in this time line and had carefully weighed the pro's and cons. Trunks had someone known that perhaps something of this sort would happen. As the saying goes, the devil is in the details. And after carefully seeing how such a situation would play out, he had determined that he was expendable.

But Goku and Vegita and the rest of the Z fighters weren't.

However he had hidden that fact from her the best he could knowing that she would refuse to go to the past and stay if it meant inadvertently killing him. Goku turned and grasped her shoulders in his large hands and tightened his grip absently in his anxiety, letting his fingertips dig into her soft skin to the point where he was hurting her as he demanded. "Will she live?"

"I believe so. In fact if she does, this may be the catalyst for how she and Vegita got together." She replied very softly.

"I see." Goku said in a semi relieved tone as Gohan- finally realizing that something big had apparently happened- jumped up thinking that they were speaking of his mother, that perhaps she were hurt or something and started for the edge of the lookout only to be stopped when both Hanna and Goku yelled in unison.


Causing the boy to stop in mid step and turn to look at them with wide worried eyes as Hanna said. "Piccolo, think you can distract Gohan for a bit. Goku and I need to go see Bulma."

The namekian blinked at her and nodded as he got up and went over to Gohan and laid a comforting hand on the crying boy's shoulder and rasped, "Yeah. I've got this. Go do what you have too."

"Thanks Piccolo." Goku said, feeling grateful for the namekian for being there as he wrapped his arms around Hanna and used his instant transmission to vanish from the lookout to go to Capsule Corp to see Bulma.