Dreams, Lies, and Butterflies Chapter 7 by Yinx1

Santana hated the fact that she was a busy body. That quality had been there since before she could remember. Back when she was seven, she listened in on her parents, her father, speaking of a young girl he had done surgery on earlier that day.

"A thirteen hour surgery, Elsa," her weary father sighed, shuddering. He saddled up to the bar of the spacious marble and dark mahogany cabinet kitchen. "Her little body was so mangled that fiberglass almost splitting her in two. She is going to be in therapy for at least a year maybe more." He shook his head. "It's a miracle her body could endure it all. It's nothing less than a miracle she is alive."

Elsa slid a small tumbler of bourbon in front of him. "Where are her parents?" She pulled her simple rob tighter around her, mentally preparing herself for the already known answer.

"Killed. The eighteen wheeler they hit didn't have the guard rail the car at least half the car was under the bed of the truck. The first responders told me," he paused at the horror reading on her face. "Thankfully, she was in the back seat."

Elsa gasped in horror. "She does…doesn't know her parents are gone?" Manuel shook his head.

He chugged down the strong liquid. "She's unconscious, in an induced coma for the pain she's in...don't know how to tell a child that. Worst thing I have to do it as a doctor is tell the living that their loved one is dead." Manuel stared at the bottom of the empty tumbler.

"I'm sorry, Manny." Elsa reached across the counter and patted her husband's arm. She refilled his glass, topping it off higher than the previous downed drink. "You know what frightens me the most is putting her in foster care knowing of the medical bills she will tally." She stared at her husband as he sipped his drink. "I don't know any foster care or adoptive parents that would take in a child with those problems. She is going to be in the system with no one that cares for her."

Manuel took downed the drink letting the strong burn take him away from the problems at hand. "I don't think we should worry about that. It's for the system to handle. Have to meet with the social worker in the morning," he shuddered, again. "She going to have a rough road ahead of her."

"I can't help but to worry. Not having parents is one thing being the sole survivor is another," Elsa whispered softly. "If it was Santana, Manny..." She paused when her husband looked up at her.

"Elsa, you...we don't know her."

"I know we don't know the family or her but...but I have a feeling that God may be putting her in our lives for a purpose..." Her voice trailed off as she poured herself a splash of bourbon in her own de-cafe coffee.

"We have room," he glanced up at her after a few minutes of silent thought, seeing a warm smile spread across her face.

Three months later, a seven year old Mercedes Jones was wheeled into her new home. Her recovery far from being complete, she had just started strength training for her legs walking was still a long way off.

Santana never once had a stain of jealously for her and the attention this newcomer got from her parents. After learning that they were only five hours apart on their birthday, Santana began treating Mercedes more like a sister or twin. They became inseparable, joined at the hip, and behaving as twins do. Since Santana was older by the five hours, she took up the reigns as being protector and leader, and Mercedes let her. It wasn't until late high school when Mercedes realized Santana was becoming irritated and paranoid, almost jealous even, that she was trying to have her own life outside being in her sister's shadow.

It was senior year of high school when Santana realized why she was so irritable and condescending with Mercedes; she was in love with her. And to her dismay, she knew Mercedes would never return the love she felt.

Mercedes sat lotus style in the middle of her fluffy queen size bed; Tess, her tabby cat, curled up next to her. Petting her absent-mindly as she listened to an artist's song on YouTube she wanted to cover next. Wishing silently that she was a part of that elite group successful entertainers. Sighing, she tried to collect her thoughts on paper, as she thought back to two weeks back. She had kissed Sam. Sam. Of all people. And of all people, his kiss was amazing and she dare to say better than Ethan's. Speaking of Ethan she had seen him talking to Sam and she knew he was staring at them when they kissed the second time.

The kiss, though the best she ever had, had in fact confused her.

Mercedes knew when she had kissed Sam the second time it was to make the staring beau jealous but something happened. A feeling she never felt with either Ethan or Mike. She still could feel the kiss on her lips and it brought a small smile to them. It quickly faded.

It had been a few days since that night and she had avoid Sam who seemed to want more, at least to talk about the possibility of dating. The memory of his sad long-full green eyes as she headed the opposite direction after spotting him still haunted her. It really wasn't fair to him. She should talk to him. But what to say?

Mercedes shook her head, popping herself out of the daydream. She looked at her paper to see an interlocked hearts containing Ethan and Sam's names within them. Why don't you make up your mind she cursed at herself.

A knock came as her door open. Mercedes didn't need to look up at her sister's customary knock-and-walk-routine.

"Trout Mouth is at the door," Santana sighed in a bored tone. "Are you going to talk to him today?"

Mercedes shook her head, staring at the hearts she drew.

"Well too bad; Sam," she called.

Mercedes looked up to see him walk in her bedroom; she quickly turned a few pages in her songbook.

"Well, my job is done." Santana smirked as she strolled towards the door. Waggling her finger at the awkward two, "No hanky-panky," she chortled at her own joke.

One stared as the other avoided eye contact.

"Why are you here, Sam?" Mercedes pointed to her desk chair still unable to look at him.

Sam sat down, "It was the only thing I could think of so we can talk and you can't disappear on me. It's been two weeks, Mercedes."

Mercedes sucked in half of her bottom lip. "I…I don't think...there's nothing to talk about, Sam."

"We kisses, Mercedes. Twice. And you call that nothing?!"

Mercedes finally chanced a glance at him, "Haven't you ever been caught up in the moment?"

"Yes, but not with that kind of passion behind it." He watched her turn way. Sam sat back disgruntled his honeydew melon colored eyes wandered to her room.

Sam loved what he saw; posters of artist and songwriters she admired along with corny and cheesy inspirational sayings like "Set Your Mind Towards Your Goal" that hung on every public school's bulletin board in the country. A lop-sided smile spread across his face. He felt like he was being watched. It wasn't Mercedes but a large blonde furball that swish its tail as it keep its green eyes on Sam.

"What's its name?" Sam asked.

"Lord Tubbington."

"Tubbington?" Sam chuckled. Their eyes met.

Mercedes smiled, "Don't laugh, I was six when I named him. He was always a fat cat ever since I got him for my birthday present from my birth parents…the last birthday present I got from them." Her eyes set adoringly on the feline as if reminiscing.

Sam leaned forward in the chair, resting his forearms on his thighs, "Why don't you talk more about them?" he asked quietly.

Mercedes shrugged, "I've forgotten most really, the rest is just too painful to remember sometimes."

"I'm sorry for your losses, Mercedes, I can't even begin to imagine how that is."

"Thanks, Sam." She grimaced.

He rolled the desk chair next to the bed. "Look, Mercedes, I get that you come with a lot of baggage but what I don't understand is why you don't want someone to help share the load."

"My parents' death isn't the baggage I carry, Sam," she whispered. "Believe it or not what happened when I was six doesn't affect why I'm this way with you," she finished harshly.

"Then what is it? Cause I really can't believe you're that prejudice. Santana told me you don't date white guys."

Mercedes saw red as she glared at him. "So what? Now you're going to give me color is only skin deep and we all bleed red speech?"

Sam shrugged coolly, "It's true, Mercedes, but no, I'm not; I just find it hard to believe you're like that. I mean your sister is Spanish."

Mercedes sat up straight, crossing her arms, "I'm not dating my sister, Samuel. So that asinine excuse doesn't cut it."

"Then what is it then; did someone like me hurt you, break your heart?"

Mercedes said crossly, "Why can't you just except that I don't want to date you?"

Sam mimicked her body language, "I can, once you admit you're prejudice against dating white guys."

Mercedes gave a short gasp that turned into a low growl. Her deep brown eyes flash red before they narrowed, her upper lip started to curl.

"Sorry," Sam mumbled shaking his head and unfolded his arms.

"So, I'm prejudice because I don't want to date you, I have now heard everything. Your nice guy act sure went out the window fast, Evans, and your ass can follow right out the door." She pointed to her bedroom door.

"I'm sorry," Sam confessed, "I didn't mean it like that...okay maybe I did, but I can't get past what I felt when we kissed, Mercedes. I know you felt something too."

"I don't see why you're after me in the first place when there are so many other girls out there who might give you the time of day. Why does it have to be me?"

"Why not you?" Sam rolled his eyes scoffing when she turned way again. "You won't give us a chance to even see if we are compatible. That kiss proves that we are more compatible than you think, Mercedes."

"It was just a kiss, Samuel!" Mercedes cried.

He challenged, "You and I both know that's a damn lie!" He paused, calming down. "You can at least give us a chance to see where this leads then I'll walk away if you still feel this way."

Mercedes stared at him. "Just one date."

Sam shook his head, "No seven."

Her mouth gaped open, "Seven dates!? That's not-"

"A chance is not one date, Mercedes." Sam told her. "Seven, that way we truly will know everything there is to know about each other, to see if we work or not," he stood.

"Fine," she rolled her eyes, "when's the first one?"

"I'll call you," he smirked letting Lord Tubbington sniff his hand before petting the massive house pet.

"You serious? You aren't even going to give me a date?"


"What if I meet my dream guy tomorrow or hell tonight at work?"

Sam chuckled, "I doubt that." 'Cause he is standing right here, he thought.

"Cocky, lovely," she jeered. "Well, I call you and set up a date like for tonight?" Mercedes thought on her feet.

"You can, but it won't count toward our seven." Sam held back a snort as Mercedes scoffed in frustration. "Mercedes, even if nothing comes of our dates I want to be able to call you a friend." He gave her a small smile and kissed the apple of her cheek before leaving.

As if summoned by a nonverbal spell, Santana and Tina entered a few minutes later. Tina sat on the bed facing Mercedes while Santana took the desk chair, Sam left vacant. Both had 'tell me what happened' faces on.

"Like you two weren't listening in," Mercedes scoffed, answering their silent question.

"Well, I wasn't," Tina said confidently. "Can't say the same for others." Her dark brown eyes looking anywhere but at Santana.

Santana, sitting back in the chair with her arms and legs crossed, rolled her light brown Spanish eyes. "I'm not saying I didn't. Anyway why did you agree to go out with him? I thought we moved on from boys for a while to concentrate on you career?"

Mercedes shook her head slowly shrugging, "I don't know...maybe just to give it a chance. It's not like anything is going to come from it." She sighed, "After these dates, Sam will see we aren't meant to be a leave me be. It's a win-win, right?"

Tina glanced over at Santana. "I don't think so, Cedes. Sam told you he loved you; he's not the kind of guy that gives up easily."

"Sam got caught up..."

"If he got caught up he could easily let you go, but he loves you." Tina pointed out. "Santana, help me..."

"I'm with Cedes on this...the sooner Sam gets it that they don't belong together the better off we…she…Mercedes will be."

"See I'm right," Mercedes smiled at her best friend.

Tina sighed sadly standing, "So right, you're wrong." She left the room.

"What does she mean by that?" Mercedes asked turning to her sister, who had gotten up and was planting herself on the bed, snuggling under the covers.

"Who knows, but if you ask me, Tina has gotten it into her head that you and Lip Injections are like soul mates, destine to be together from across the universe. Or some type of mumbo-jumbo."

Mercedes snorted, Santana beamed enjoying the fact she could make her laugh with the slightest effort.

"Tana, be serious. Does Tina really think that Sam and I look good together?"

Santana shrugged, "Yeah, but looking good together is a whole different think than being good for each other." She began tugging at her sister's arm so she could lie down next to her. "Remember, Ethan and you look very sexy together," she reminded Mercedes, "and he left you with a broken heart. Do you want that again?"

Mercedes shook her head lying next to her looking up at the ceiling. "No. But Sam is not like Ethan at all. Sam doesn't put me down like Ethan does, but Ethan is really good in bed."

"Gross." Santana complained.

Giggling, Mercedes stared up at her painted mural ceiling. "Not gross, good. What about you, Tana? We don't talk much about your sexy life."

Probably cause I don't have one she thought. Santana remained silent.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Mercedes continued after an awkward minute. "You'll find the right person, made just for you." She took her sister's hand in both of hers, giving it a light peck. "Naptime?" Mercedes glanced over before getting out of bed to turn off the overhead light.

Santana blushed grateful of the afternoon darkness that hid it. "Yeah…naptime."

Sam ran his hand over his freshly cut hair. Taking his smart phone out of his pocket he did a last minute face check. Everything was on point.

"Stop fidgeting, Sam, damn, you are making me nervous. And I, Archibald Abrams, does not get nervous on a date." He said pushing up his glasses on his nose.

"Your name is, Arthur, like the loveable anteater. And thanks for double dating with me. I hope it takes away some of Mercedes' worries."

"Hey, I'm here for the free money, and food. 'Cause I ain't paying."

Rolling his eyes and taking a deep breath, Sam Evans knocked on the door.

Mercedes had just finished placing a dab of perfume behind each ear as she heard the knock. Checking herself in the mirror she smoothed her white lacy top and same colored camisole over indigo blue jeans. Sam had told her it was casual so she had on white K-Swiss to match. Grabbing a khaki colored corduroy blazer Mercedes headed out.

She opened the door and couldn't stop the "Wow," from escaping her mouth.

Sam dressed in a laurel green V-neck that made his eyes pop, dark wash jeans and a dark brown leather jacket. He held one yellow roses and one white rose in his hand.

"Wow, yourself, Cina-buns," Artie grinned popping the collar on his oxford shirt.

Sam elbowed him in the ribs, "Thanks," he grinned at Mercedes, who was chuckling at Artie's humor. "You look amazing."

"Thank you." Her eyes wandered to the flowers.

"Oh, this is for you," he handed over the white rose, "fresh start." Sam beamed watching her eyes flutter close as she sniffed the rose.

"This is for Santana," Sam said about the remaining yellow flower.

As if she stood behind the front door, Santana appeared behind Mercedes.

"Flowers, how original, and a unique way to set you a part from all the other guise Cedes has dated," Santana drawled snatching her rose from him.

"I...um," Sam stuttered.

"Don't be bitter, Tana, it causes wrinkles," Tina rolled her eyes before beaming at Sam, she came up behind the two. Scooting by, she said a hello to Artie by giving him a hug and a kiss. They started to the car.

"Yellow is supposed to stand for friendship, the florist told me." Sam replied innocently.

"Yeah I know," Santana answered bitterly. "At least you went to a florist and not the gas station for these. You get a point for that." She turned her attention to Mercedes. "Okay, you got my phone number and remember, every girl's bathroom has a window," her eyes' smirked at Sam before closing the door.

"Sorry, about her," Mercedes apologize as they walked down the walkway.

"It's okay, I guess," Sam rubbed the back of his neck. "Is she really always this protective?" He opened the front passenger door for her.

Mercedes chortled before she got in, "You don't know the half of it."

Mercedes looked out the window at the dusk ridden sky. "So where are we going?" She asked as they pulled off the curb.

Sam swallowed nothing his mouth dry as brimstone. "I thought...thought we could have fun at a carnival. It's in town and I haven't been in a few years."

"A carnival?" Mercedes looked over at him. "You know they just cheat you out your money, right."

"Maybe, but isn't part of the fun, though?" he flashed her a smile that wasn't returned as she went back to staring out the window.

Yeah maybe to those that have more of it she thought. Yes her adopted parents were loaded but a trait she kept from her birth parents is never over stay your welcome. Mercedes took it to heart by doing household chores for her allowance while young and getting a part time job once fourteen. She never took what she didn't earn which earned her the favorite title with her parents.

"I thought it would be fun," Sam confessed. "I mean yeah the caries take your money but it is a nice time. You won't know how much fun until you tried it," he glanced over at her then back, his eyes locking on Artie's to help him out.

It was Tina that came to his aid. "Mercedes…" Tina hissed. "What Mercedes means is that she doesn't want you to waste money on those rigid carnie games. That's all, Sam." She poked Mercedes in the arm with her foot, "Isn't that right, Mer-ce-des."

Mercedes glared at her before turning a soften face to Sam. "I'm sorry, I have an issue with money…"

"Why, aren't you and Santana loaded?!" Artie asked insensitively.

"Artie," Sam hissed.

"Um yes…but I think it is our parents that are the loaded ones, Artie," Mercedes glanced at him. "I mean they are the ones that own the house we live in, and pay the basic utilities, plus cable because Tana likes premium. I prefer not to rely on them for money."

"That's true, Cedes, you were the first of us to have a part-time job." Tina added.

"Yeah, Tana never got a teen job," Mercedes chuckled.

"She doesn't seem like the type that works," Sam smiled slightly pulling into the parking place.

The group got out. Tina and Artie walking ahead of them. Mercedes walked at Sam's side.

"She is a handful. You know she even complained when Daddy told her she had to find a job after college. You should have seen the way she begged." Mercedes continued about Santana. "I have been told by both parents that I'm the favorite," she bragged smiling up at him.

Sam chuckled. "Really, by both?" Mercedes nodded. "Does Santana know?"

"Yeah, doesn't care, she knows her stands," she smirked. "She's number six."

"Six? But there's five…"

"Tina number five," Mercedes' laugh was joined by Sam's as he took her around to the games.

The two were having a great time, Mercedes had insisted that she pay for her hand in the games. Sam agreed and she ended up winning a large overstuffed knockoff Mickey Mouse for him, at the ring toss.

"Will you be renaming him?" Mercedes giggled, watching Sam adjust the huge stuff animal in his arms.

"You don't think he looks legit?"

"Green shorts, blue shoes and flappy Pluto ears; at least they got the primary colors."

Sam smiled, "K, how about SamCedes," he suggested. "Reminder of our first date."

"The hell," Mercedes snorted, "Did you just Bradgelina our names?"

"Yeah, it's cute." Sam grinned. "Maybe a little weird…" his voice trailed off. His mouth went dry again. Maybe he had thought of their names together one, two, many times. But he did like the ring of Mercedes Evans or if she was more modern, Jones-Evans.

"A little," Mercedes shook her head walking up to a concession stand. "Hey," she turned back to him, "cotton candy or funnel cake?" She saw a disgruntled face and walked back. "Are you okay, Sam?" her worried eyes searched his face.

"Yeah," Sam forced a smile.

Mercedes touched his arm, "No…no you're not. Look, I was just joking about it being weird." She took the stuff animal from him, "I think he does look like a Samcedes," she admired the animal. She held up the animal; that was almost as big as her, in front of her face.

"Please do fret, Sammy," she did a perfect impression of Mickey Mouse including the sweet chuckle the icon was known for. "Miz Jones didn't mean anything by it. Besides my name is perfect because of this date you two are on. Haha."

Sam stared at the stuffed animal in complete disbelief. Mercedes lowered it revealing her shy sheepish expression. "It's the only one I can do, well that and Elmo. Santana hates it when I do Elmo," she blushed. "Now, you know my darkest secret."

His green eyes lit up, "You are amazing," Sam awed. He was itching to take her in his arms and plant a heat aching kiss on her gifted lips. "I…I don't even know how to do that." His mouth couldn't stay closed as it dropped ajar again.

Mercedes chuckled letting her nerves go, "When we were sixteen, Tana, Tina and I, we would go to Taco Bell and order food with Elmo's voice. Sometimes Elmo would add a few selected cuss words to the order…I'm such a dork."

"You're a cute dork," Sam blurted out. "Sorry," he took back the stuff animal, side stepping her, he went to order some food. He felt her slip his hand into his free one. His ears redden as he looked down at her.

"Maybe we can be cute dorks together," she smiled up at him.

Ethan's cold steel blue eyes watched as Sam entered the Sony office. He jogged up to him.

"Hey, Sam, is it?" he asked pretending. He straighten out his tie on his Italian tailored suit before hold out his hand.

Shaking it, "Errr…yeah," Sam looked at him confused at first but as he placed the face a genuine smile appeared. "Ethan?"

"Yeah, I was hoping you remembered me…it was kind of loud in that club."

"Yeah it was," Sam shoved his hands into the pockets of his suit. "What brings you here?"

"Well you…actually our mutual friend, Mercedes Jones, she said she could talk about getting me a job here."

Sam scoffed, "A job?!"

"Did she not mention me?" Ethan asked innocently. His devilish blue eyes blinked in dismay. "You know how women can be…when Real Housewives is on," he chortled.

"Errr…yeah," Sam shook his head. So she instead of getting a deal he offered her she wanted a job for her friend.

She was just like all the rest of the women he has met. Sam shook his head again trying the rid himself of the bad thoughts. He would call and speak to her and get her side of the story. Tonight was their third date and he was looking forward to it one it being the first of them being alone without Artie or Tina.

"So about the job?" Ethan pressed on. "I have my resume," he handed over a manila folder.

"I don't do the hiring, Ethan," Sam took the folder. "But I can put in a good word with HR for you." He made to walk away.

"Yeah," Ethan grabbed his arm steering him back. "About that…I was hoping to bypass all the formalities. If you take a look you…"He opened up the folder in Sam's hand. "you'll see I am well qualified for about anything here, besides CEO." He chuckled at his joke. "Besides, my girlfriend, can put in a good word."

Sam's eyebrows sprang into his hairline, "Girlfriend?!"

"Yeah, well ex-girlfriend, Mercedes and I go way back…first times and all…" Ethan let go of Sam after planting the seed. "So how about an interview…better yet a job," his blue eyes bulged.

"Um…hold on a second," Sam pushed the folder back to him. Walking to his office he told his secretary to hold his calls. He retrieved his car keys and phone, before walking back to Ethan.

"Up for a drive?" Sam asked sternly, heading toward the elevators.

It was one of those days. A bad day.

Mercedes sat in her chair in her room an oxygen mask cover half her face as she took deep breaths of pure source. She had been feeling off since her blood transfusion yesterday. She heard a pounding on the front door. Knowing her sister and bestie were at work, she trudged slowly rolling her portable oxygen tank with her.

Getting up on her toes she peeped through the peephole to see Sam staring back. What is he doing here early?!

She removed her mask, "Sam, why are you here so early; our date isn't until tonight." Mercedes hoped that she would be able to go, if she got proper rest.

"Yeah, I know. I…we need to talk." Sam stepped aside revealing Ethan.

"Ciao, Amore," Ethan casted a wicked smile through the peephole at her.

Mercedes bit her bottom lip as she opened the door reluctantly.

"Mercedes, I…" Sam's voice trailed off at the sight of her sickly state. "What's-"

Ethan interrupted, shoving Sam aside and taking Mercedes in his arms, "Bedroom?"

Mercedes pointed to the corridor off the foyer, "Middle door," she gasped putting her mask back on. She looked back at Sam, who closed the door, and followed closely behind.

Ethan placed her on her desk chair. "When was your last transfusion?"

Taking a deep breath, Mercedes removed her mask, "Yesterday, it didn't go so well…Tana had a fit. I had to beg her to go to work today." She replaced the mask taking another breath, Mercedes looked over at Sam, "I'm doing better today." She forced a smile that he didn't return as he continued to stare.

Sam swallow nothing as his mouth as dry as desert sand, "What is wrong?" he inquired softly.

Ethan stood up; he stroked her cheek only to have her shove his hand away. "Mercedes has-"

"Ethan, can I have a moment with Sam." Mercedes interrupted him gasping from her shortness of breath.

Sam came over as Ethan exited, closing the door behind him without looking back.

Sam sat on the edge of her bed, watching her intently breathing slowly from the mask. She didn't look anything like herself. Her once glowing completion was dulled and dry. Her eyes sunken in and dark rings surrounded them, and her lips cracked. Her curls tied back in multi-colored silk scarf; she was dressed over-sized baggy clothes.

Mercedes spoke after a few minutes. "Sorry you have to see me like this. I promise it will be a one eighty by the time for our date tonight."

"I don't think there should be a date, Mercedes," he said quietly.

"Yeah, I don't think I'll be getting the rest for it…thought I would…" her voice trailed off. "Guess you want to know my true dark secret, huh?"

Sam remained silent watching her.

"I have sickle cell, Sam." She hung her head. "I started showing signs when I was in my last teens. Missed prom 'cause I was in the hospital being diagnosed." She chuckled. "I get what my family calls spells," she did air quotes still unable to look at him. "Sometimes they cause dizziness others…well I'm anemic. So blood transfusions leave me a bit weak….as you can tell."

"You were dizzy that night at the coffee shop when I offer you the contract," Sam remembered out loud. "You were sick…having a spell then, is this why you said marriage isn't in your future?"

Mercedes chuckled looking at him amusingly, "Do you have a card catalog of every single thing I have said to you since we met?"

Sam cleared his throat glancing away sheepishly, "I just remember things that are important to me." He looked back at her seeing a small smile appear on her lips. It vanished before she spoke again.

"I will not have anyone being obligated to be with me because of this, Samuel," she said firmly.

"It's Sam, Mercedes," he corrected her.

Mercedes let out a soft scoff, rolling her eyes, "Anyway, I don't want to share this with anyone, Sam."

"What about Ethan?"

"I was young—er; I thought it could work…we could work. Ethan likes to think he would be able to, but I know him enough that he wouldn't be."

"It's probably 'cause he doesn't love you enough."

"And you do, Samuel," Mercedes eyes narrowed, "You don't know me. Don't dare pretend that you do."

"You're right, but that is your fault, Mercedes," Sam snapped back. "You won't let me or anyone in." He stood up abruptly startling her. "Sorry," he mumbled walking over to her keyboard and songbook. He turned it on playing a few chords before sitting down and playing a sober yet uplifting tune.

She knew this song. She loved this song. Her mother used to sing this to her as a lullaby. "The Melody Within," she said to herself looking up quickly staring at Sam's broad back. How did he know? Once in a blue moon did she know of someone that had seen the movie yet knew the music.

"You're right," Mercedes repeated after a few measures of him playing. "I don't let anyone close not merely because of my disease but because of my parents as well," she heard him stop playing and felt his eyes on her though she didn't meet them.

Mercedes felt tears come to her eyes, lifting her head up, she blinked rapidly hoping to get rid of them. It didn't work, casting her head downward she sniffed.

"Don't get me wrong, I love Manny and Elsa like my own flesh and blood…," she rasped, her fingers fiddling with the oxygen mask. Curiously she didn't need it anymore. "But they are my own. I miss them, Sam, every day. There isn't a day goes by that I don't wish I was taken with them."

Her space was invaded as Sam knelt besides her.

"Look, Sam, you are a nice good guy-" She stopped as one platter size hands hid both of hers as he placed it on top, stopping her from fiddling.

"I'm not your boyfriend, Mercedes, so you can ax the breakup line." Sam sighed staring at her profile wishing she would look at him. "You are the one that is truly right. I don't know you, but we are getting to know each other. I'm going to here for you."

She snorted, shaking her head slightly, "That's what Ethan said."

"Well, I'm not Ethan. Don't you think you should give me a chance to prove I'm not?"

Mercedes turned her head looking at him finally, "This is not going to end well for you, Sam. You will get hurt."

Sam stroked his thumb over hers, "Being hurt is a part of life. The good and bad…some of us have more than others. But others are there to help you through the bad and smile with you in the good."

"Yes, but others don't have a limited lifespan. I don't need any more people around to make me feel bad when I die, Sam."

Sam sucked in his cheeks. She was right. If he remembered high school health correctly people with sickle cell don't live a long life and the life they live gets more painful the longer they go on. Was he willing to go along with her? She was giving him a clean way out.

"More people more love." He said simply. He intertwined their fingers bringing her hand to his lips and kissing the back. "You're giving me an opt out."

"Trust me, Sam, you don't want to be involved. I won't-"

"It's my choice, Mercedes,-"

"No, Sam, it's mine." She sighed heavily looking down at their fingers. Mercedes unlinked her hand then patted his. "You really need to trust me on this, Sam. I know my future and you should be tied down."

"I'm not-"

Mercedes placed a finger over his lips. "I won't be able to give you things you deserve like a happily ever after with two point three kids a house and a dog running around in a picket fence." She cupped his cheek smiling sadly as realization started to creep into his eyes. Realization was always the deal breaker.

"We can still be friends, but I will not be able to give you more." She let her hand drop into her lap.

Sam stood up slowly. "Any kind of relationship is a two way street, Mercedes Jones." He sighed deeply willing himself to push forward. "I love you, Miz Jones. And I-"

She beamed softly, "I know you do."

"But how…did Tina?"

"You told me already during movie night." Mercedes confessed to his confused expression. "I may or may not be fluent in Navi."

Sam's jaw dropped he gaped as his heart soared. There was no way in heaven, hell or Pandora was he letting her go. This was even more proof that she is his soul mate.

"Sam?" Mercedes snapped her fingers in front of his face.

Sam blinked rapidly coming back to reality. "You're perfect, Mercedes. There is no way I am leaving the most amazing woman I have ever met just because a few bumps in the road."

"My illness isn't a speed bump, Samuel Evans!" Mercedes snapped, standing up a little too fast that she swayed. Next thing she knew her body was in Sam's arms. She squirmed as her chest tightened. "Put me down-my mask," she gasped.

Sam stooped retrieving the mask from the floor then sat down on the desk chair; settling Mercedes in his lap. He handed over the mask, watching her doe eyes flutter close as she took in deep ragged breaths. Sam waited patiently.

Mercedes recovered from her light spell quickly. "I am not your charity project-"

"You're not." Sam replied sincerely.

"Yes I am." She pushed off him crossing the room her hand on the door handle, ready to put him out. "I just told you I can't give you what you want…"

"Who said I wanted those things, Mercedes?" He countered.

Mercedes turned around taken aback that he stood so close. "Y…you did. You may haven't said right out that you want things…but, Sam, I can tell you are one of those guys."

Sam's burrow furrowed, "What guys?!"

"Guys that want to be cared for and want that loving family setting. I won't be abled to do that. So we should stop this now." She looked up at him.

"You say I want these things, Mercedes, but what I want is a life with you in it." He watched her cast her eyes downward blushed hard.

Her ears were on fire. "Sam," she said in barely a whisper. Mercedes felt his lips on the corner of her mouth. "You will end up hurt, Sam."

"Probably," he kept his head bent so he could meet her eyes. "I know you are worth it."

"Because you love me?" she met his eyes, seeing them smile along with his lips.

Sam nodded. "And I have five more dates for you to fall in love with me." His lopsided smile grew wider as she smiled back.

AN: Thanks for waiting so long for this update. I hope you forgive me just had to figure out how to go about this. Which is not good when you already have the end written out. So trying to make the pieces fit is going to be a challenge. But that's my fault. Anyhoo, I hope you enjoyed the update. Until next time TTFN.