I know this kinda thing has been done before but I wanted to give it a go :/

Posted: 16/1/12

Prologue: R.I.P Purple Piano

"Where's Quinn?" Finn said looking round the room for his ex-girlfriend, the girl had broken up with his shortly after the beginning of the summer break.

The rest of the glee club looked round the room, it suddenly occurring to them that they were a member short.

Artie was the first to dare volunteer some information "I don't know, haven't seen her all summer" he said with a shrug.

"She's been hanging round with that new girl" Mercedes interrupted, a bitchy hint in her voice, already showing what she thought of this 'new girl'.

"Oh that punk... Rachel something" Kurt added, sounding as irritated as his fellow diva

"Yeah I know the one, she fell asleep in English this morning" Puck chuckled, their English teacher was dead scary, he thought it was kinda cool how she'd dared to tell the teacher the truth about their teaching methods "she then threatened jewfro for just looking at her" he chuckled

"I tried talking Quinn into rejoining the Cheerios, she said that wasn't her anymore and she had new friends" Santana actually sounded like she missed the other blonde


"Quinn?" Mercedes stood at the mouth of the lion's den... well not quite; she stood in front of the 'skanks'. The group of girls seemed to be covered in a haze and fog of cigarette smoke as half of them had one hanging from their mouths, or poised between fingers.

The now pink haired girl was the second to last to turn her attention to the intruder. She slowly turned to confront her old friend

"What happened Quinn?" the diva and glee club co-captain asked, she wasn't scared... well that's just what she kept telling herself.

Behind the newest member of the skanks, stood two girls, one skinny; we'd later learn they call her Mack, another larger who looked like she was ready to beat the crap out of anyone who looked at her funny. Two were sat down further away; one large girl watching them and another behind her, sunglasses on, with their head rolled back and snoring loudly.

"I got some new friends Mercedes" she said bluntly. She really wanted the girl to just leave before she got hurt, Mercedes had shown her respect in her time of need, even if she'd had to earn it first, either way she just wanted the diva to leave.

"The glee club misses you Quinn, we need you... this isn't where you belong" she shuffled her feet nervously. Even though her voice hadn't betrayed her The Mack was closing in, like she could smell the fear.

"You only need me because you're now one member short to qualify for competition" she took a drag on her cigarette before dropping it to the ground and grinding it against the ground with the heel of her boot "and how would you know where I belong?" she snapped "You don't know me"

"I thought we got closer since sophomore year" Mercedes defended "When you moved into my house for that short amount of time" she chose to not bring up anything too sour from Quinn's past

"These are my friends now, they don't judge me" the new skank, former cheerio, former pregnant teen, sneered at her former, self elected, glee captain.

"We never judged you Quinn" Mercedes tried, but Quinn heard it as a lie. Rachel hadn't brainwashed her, only pointed out what she already knew, they chose Finn over her.

"You okay, Q?" was heard from behind Quinn, the girl who had been sleeping stepped forward revealing herself; ripped jeans, a t-shirt with some sort of band name on it, a leather jacket, doc martins on her feet, and sunglasses over her eyes. She had a pink streak in her hair, and the outline of a star tattooed just below her collar bone. When she opened her mouth to speak Mercedes noticed a tongue piercing.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Quinn said over her shoulder before she turned back to the diva "I'm where I want to be Mercedes" she said lowly

"Well you know where we are when you come to your senses" she quickly left before one of the other girls could attack her.


At lunch time the glee club were grouped together as they made their way outside to the courtyard. They immediately noticed an unwelcome guest leaning against the purple piano, their purple piano.

"Excuse me, what are you doing to our Piano?" Kurt asked, one hand on his hip, the other clutching the strap of his bag over his shoulder. Most of the rest of the glee club stood behind him, some curious, others worried that someone would make a spectacle of themselves further humiliating the club.

Santana and Brittany watched from afar with the rest of the Cheerios. The entire courtyard watched intently while continuing their idle chatter. The Cheerio's had more purpose to watch though, especially the two unhappy co-captains. They hoped Coach Sylvester's instructions given to the Latina would be carried out by the slightly intoxicated girl, who was holding a nearly full bottle of vodka, leaning against the piano in the courtyard.

"I'm doing no harm" she said casually "What's the deal with these things, anyway?" the brunette asked as she tapped the top of the piano.

"They're for our glee club assignment" Tina decided to volunteer a simple explanation

"What's glee club?" she asked casually as she intrusively ran her fingers over the keys.

"It's our show choir group" Rachel snorted but Kurt didn't falter "I along with Mercedes here are co-captains"

Rachel just nodded as she glanced back at the piano. Then as she turned to look back at the glee club, her eyes found Quinn and their other friends in the crowd. She held that hazel gaze for a moment with a smirk before she addressed the group "And ah, what's the assignment?"

"We have to stop and improvise a performance when we see the piano" Mercedes offered that explanation, but with bite in her tone.

Rachel laughed nearly spilling some of the alcohol "So like triggered musical tourettes or something"

The glee club didn't look impressed, they didn't like the way she was resting on their piano and kept eyeing it with that devious smirk "We should report you for having alcohol, on the school grounds"

"Oh you can't blame me" she mock pouted "You see this really hot girl in a cheerleader outfit gave me a load of alcohol to use to burn down this piano, then just a minute ago, this short girl" she held out a hand indicating a height "with blonde hair and glasses, insulted me, calling me an ass, and said I was supposed to use the alcohol to burn down the piano"

The club looked at her angry and horrified "If someone told you to jump off a cliff would you do it" Kurt yelped his question. Why was this girl following instructions from strangers when she obviously wasn't the type to follow orders?

"If they were hot enough" the tipsy brunette shrugged. She continued before they could get another word in "So! You have to give a performance every time you see one of these" she tapped the top of the piano again, and stood up properly "Well then, captain my captain" she mocked "It would be a shame for this piano to go without a little show"

She smirked at the glee club as she stepped up, standing on the keys, playing no tune, just noise, with the heel of her boot. She took another step, managing to not lose her balance in her tipsy state, as she stood on the top of the upright piano.

Rachel started tapping her foot as if along to a beat of a song playing in her head, while she as took a cigarette out of a carton and tucked it behind her ear, all before she started singing to the courtyard.

"Take me into the night and I'm an easy lover"

Her voice slurred but matched the original song; she smirked at the club who looked disgusted. Quinn watched from the side with her other new friends, amused at the show Rachel was putting on.

"Take me into the fight and I'm an easy brother"

She took the cigarette from behind her ear and took the tip in her mouth, so it stuck to the moisture on her lip.

"And I'm on fire"

She sang with the cigarette hanging from her mouth, she took out a lighter from the back pocket on her ripped jeans and lit the cigarette on the word 'fire'.

"Burn my sweet effigy"

She poured the rest of the cheap vodka on the keys of the piano below her.

"I'm a road runner"

She then smashed the bottle on the keys too, the glee club stepped back as the shards of glass flew everywhere.

"Spill my guts on a wheel"

All the time that cigarette is hanging on her lip as she slurred sang.

"I wanna taste uh-huh"

She smirked at Kurt and Mercedes directly as she took a drag on the cigarette.

"And I'm on fire"

She held the cigarette out in front of her teasingly.

"And I'm on fire"

Rachel paused before letting go of the cigarette, the glee club, watched in horror as the lit cigarette ignited the alcohol on their beloved new piano.

"I'm on fire..."

She held the note, the back ground lyrics forgotten, as the flames licked at her boots.

"And I'm on fire..."

Mr Schue and Miss Pillsbury appeared on the court yard, looking at the scene in horror. Once Rachel finished the line, Quinn ran over and tugged at her hand encouraging her to jump down from the piano; they ran away, hand in hand laughing loudly.

Would any one like to read any more? Let me know...

This was just a brief start: If I write more; I'd have a bit of how Q and R met in upcoming chapters if you're interested