(A/N): This is a 'poem' I wrote to help apologize to myself about losing all my documents. And actually, by losing most of the documents when I had to reset my laptop, I found another one that I hadn't touched in a while. That will be up soon :)


They might be here already.

Hear them?

Enter now, children.

Only there's an exception.

That one can't come.

He's bad luck.

End his life.

Render him useless.

When will it be okay?

Only after it's fine.

Respond, if you can.

Let him not speak.

Don't talk, child – you will mess up everything.

Kings and queens have everything they need.

I must let children become them.

Let the sad children come.

Let the rejected children come.

Someday, I will have them all.

All this world is a lie.

Let it all be true, and…

Let yourself die.

(A/N): To get the most out of this, go through and just read the first letter of each line.

See the truth?