Hikikomori in Wonderland

Summary:One day in late September, a rich, cute, young hikikomori* otaku goes out into her mother's secret garden, where she finds a rabbit hole. As she looks down it, two twins pop up and decide to kidnap her. Now she must chose her fate to either stay here with her newly found friends, or go home to her brother, maid and butler. Will she be able to choose while running away from a witch that's trying to kill her? Who knows...



? POV-

"Yukairi-sama, please wake up. Yukairi-sama, please, it's already 12 P.M."a voice called. It was most likely my maid Elaine. I slowly opened my eyes to find my blanket at the foot of my bed. It must've been so hot last night I kicked it off.

"Hnnn... Elaine, where's Yuji?"I asked, rubbing my eyes. She pointed towards my window, which had a view of my garden.

"Yuji-san is in the garden tending to the flowers."Elaine answered. "Breakfast is ready Yukairi-sama, please get ready."she said, and left the room.

I sat up and stared at the wall blankly. It was 8 years since my parents died. I was only 5 at the time. After the incident, I was left in the care of my maid Elaine, and my butler Haruko, along with my twin brother, Yuji.

"That damn idiot... he promised to stay by my side..."I mumbled to myself, climbing out of bed into the bathroom.

I got ready as usual and went downstairs to eat breakfast. As I walked down the stairs, I tripped and fell. Luckily, someone caught me.

"Milady, you should be more careful. You know how clumsy you are."Haruko said calmly, placing me back on the ground, then adjusting his glasses.

"Ah, sorry. I was too busy staring at that wall."I said, walking past him. I heard him sigh, then his footsteps going up the stairs.

"Ah, Yukairi-sama, there you are. Breakfast is ready."Elaine said, placing a stack of fluffy pancakes with whip cream and strawberries on it. Although my face was calm, on the inside, my mouth was watering.

As I ate, Elaine just stared at me, making me a bit uncomfortable.

"E-Elaine, why do you keep staring at me like that?"I asked, wiping some whip cream off my cheeks with a napkin.

"Yukairi-sama, school's starting soon for everyone... Do you intend to stay home this year as well? Yuji-san is going, so why not you?"she said. I hadn't gone to school since I started 4th grade, and have been staying home watching anime, reading manga, playing video games, and drinking tea with sweets.

"Of course not. I can always be home schooled. I'm going to walk around."I said with a shrug, and got out of my seat and went to the garden.

Yuji wasn't here anymore though, but it was nice to see all these pretty flowers. I guess it wouldn't hurt to walk around for a bit.

I came across a small arch near a tall hedge with roses. A small white bench right up against the hedge made it look prettier.

I remember this place... Mama always used to sing to me here, and she'd tell me stories of what it was like when she was a little girl. I sat down on the bench and slid my hand down the arch, and I felt as if I was going to cry.

"W-whatever..."I said to myself, wiping the tears away. I spotted a small opening between the hedges, no wider than one's body. "What's that?"I asked, peeking inside. I saw a wide rabbit hole in the middle of the path to the forest.

I decided to investigate, and slid through the small opening. I sat down and stared down the hole for a good 5 minutes.

"... Why do I keep staring? It's not as if anything's going to pop out."I said to myself, and was about to get up when two heads popped out of the hole.

"Brother, are you sure this is the place?"a boy dressed in a red uniform asked.

"Yes! It should be here somewhere!.. Hey, why is there panties in front of our faces?"another dressed in blue asked. I immediately blushed and toppled over.

"Oops... Hey! Maybe we should take her back with us and play with her!"the other shouted, and I was picked up.

"W-wait! W-where are you taking me? ! HEY!"I shouted, but was thrown into the hole.

So, what did you think? If you loved it, please review! If you hated it, please tell me why by reviewing. I take criticism, but only constructive criticism. Info about Yukairi can be found on my profile under Character Filing.

* Hikikomori-A hikikomori is someone who secludes themselves within their home, sometimes refusing to leave their home at all in an effort to isolate themselves from society. It can be viewed as a social phobia similar to agoraphobia. Hikikomori are often associated with otaku but the terms are distinct.