Len awoke to the smiling face of his lover. Kaito gently kissed him, murmuring good morning, his arms holding the smaller close. He kisses him back, enjoying the vanilla flavor his lips always had. The blond glanced at their alarm clock, 7:20 am it said. He sighed, knowing that he had to get out of his bed and haul his tired ass to school.

"School today." he told his lover as he began to get out of bed.

"No... Stay. I'll write you a note and say you have a doctor's appointment and then we can play doctor. Come on, it'll be fun" Kaito whined, holding on to his waist, preventing him from moving.

"You know I hate missing school. Kiyoteru-sensei always makes us take tons of notes" he tried to wiggle away from Kaito's grasp. Len was just pulled closer.

"But, but, I've got some serious morning wood..." he rubbed his hard on against Len's backside. "You wouldn't want me, your true love, to have to jerk off, right?"

Len blushed, feeling him grind against his ass through his pajama pants, and trying not to get aroused himself. "But, we did it four times last night. How are you not empty?"

"Please skip Len." Kaito kisses his neck. "This is really awesome. Prussia would be jealous of this."

Len laughed. "Kai, you're big, but not five meters. That size wouldn't fit anything. And stop bringing up Hetalia. It has no plot." he finally was released and he trudged, yawning, over to his uniform.

"I'm hurt Len... You're saying that an anime character is more awesome that your boyfriend. And you're forcing me to lie around at home and fap." Kaito pouted, trying to guilt him into staying.

He sighed. "Kaiii~ if you were that big, you wouldn't fit and it would hurt a lot. And I know you have recordings of us doing it., just use those as porn and do it your self" Len finished dressing. He glanced over his shoulder at his pouting lover. And there was quite a tent there. He caught himself staring and went to get breakfast just as Kaito let out an erotic moan.

"Nnmm~ oh Len..." he grinned, watching the blond blush. He wasn't even touching himself but just that little moan has sent a shudder up his lover's spine. Len shut the door on Kaito, walking quickly into the kitchen for breakfast.

"You know you have to work too Kaito." Len called back, grabbing his school bag and holding a banana.

"Yeah I know sweetness. Have fun and be safe. And if you do anything illegal, don't get caught" Kaito called from their bedroom, "I love you"

Len smiled, "I love you more"

"Don't start that~ cause if you do then I will make sure you play hooky with me today"

He laughed, walking out the door, "Bye-bye"

The train Len took to school was never very full. He stood near the door, waiting for his friend Piko to board and eating a banana. Piko and Rin both got on and he bro-fisted his friend and gave his sister a hug. They chatted the rest of the way to school, then drifted off to their class rooms. Len looked at the board and saw that today was a short day. The bell rang for class and Kiyoteru walked in. Everyone chanted the greeting, and he mumbled it back.

Class was normal. Kiyoteru-sensei rambled on while half the class took notes and the other half daydreamed. Len took notes for a while, then just doodled in his notebook. Then, as the end of class was approaching, the teacher said something odd.

"Kagamine-kun, I want to see you after class" then he continued with his lesson like nothing happened. At the end of class Len slipped out and told Rin and Piko that he had to stay late.
"But you'll miss the train." Rin said.

"I'll call Kaito. He'll come and pick me up." Len smiled.

"'Kay. But if that bozo doesn't pick up his cell, call us and we'll get Kupo to come get you." Piko told Len. He though that Kaito was a moron. He and Rin waved at Len and walked out of the school to their station. Len headed back into the classroom.

"You wanted to see me Kiyoteru-sensei?" asked the blond teen.

The brown haired man went over to the door and locked it. The blinds for the window had been drawn closed. Kiyoteru took off his thin glasses and loosened his tie. He approached the boy, gazing hungrily at him.

Len could tell something was odd with his teacher. He backed away a little, but bumped into a desk. Kiyoteru quickly took this chance and roughly turned the blond so he was lying face down on the desk, his wrists held firmly above his head in his teacher's hand. Len struggled under Kiyoteru.

"S-sensei! What are you doing?" the teen's voice trembled as the brunet took off his tie and tied the boy's hands together and then to the desk.

Kiyoteru licked his lips, sending a shudder down the teen's spine. "You're so cute Len." The teacher slid his hand up the shirt of his uniform, pinching one of his soft nipples. Len cried out in protest, flinching away from the touch. He struggled against his bonds, his teacher's hand gripping his hip tightly.

"W-what the hell are you doing?" he cried as the man's hand slid lower down his body, pulling the waistband of his pants down. Len struggled in vain, Kiyoteru slapped him hard, and he became still, stunned by the man's sudden violence.

He pulled the blond's head back by his long hair, and growled, "Shut up. I'm going to fuck you hard and you're going to take it like the whore you are."


"I've seen you with that blue-haired 'guardian' of yours. Oh yes, I saw plenty." Kiyoteru remarked, rubbing his bulge against the boy's butt.

"I don't know wh-"

He pulled his hair hard, causing a small shriek from the teen. "Don't play innocent with me you slut. You enjoyed his cock fucking you up the ass." Kiyoteru suddenly ripped his pants down, exposing Len's ass to the empty classroom. "And, now," he whispered huskily into his ear, and a clinking came from behind along with a zipping nose and the rustling of clothes.

"S-sensei..." Len could feel his teacher's erection against his ass.

Kiyoteru murmured into his ear, "you are going to take mine into your tight little slut-hole and enjoy it like the fucking whore you are." The terror was visible in his teary, green-blue eyes, as a scream ripped from his throat when the man behind him thrust hard into his small pucker.

Tears streamed from his eyes as the teacher thrust in to him hard. "Aaaaah! S-sensei! No, t-take it out! Take it out now!" he cried, "It hurts! O-oh god please! It hurts so much!"

The brunet moaned, enjoying the tightness of his student's ass. Kiyoteru thrust in hard, over and over again, ignoring the desperate cries from below him. The boy's pleading became weaker as he continued, more of it became weak screams of protest than actual words. Tears flowed from the blond's eyes, leaving little puddles on the desk the was tied to. Kiyoteru moaned, fucking his favorite student hard. The brunet came inside the teen with a moan, Len let out a horse sob, feeling the disgusting liquid fill him.

Kiyoteru pulled out of the quietly sobbing boy, and put his tool away. He untied Len's hands and he slumped of the desk to the floor, curling up into a trembling ball. The man smirked at the small form lying defeatedly on the floor of his class room, "I'll be sure to give you extra credit for this." He grabbed his bag and left the teen there.

A few minutes after he left, Len deiced to get himself out of this new found hell hole.