Blade: Welcome to Tal Celebare, the Tower of Silver Sunlight!

(from offstage) What does that have to do with Star Wars??

Blade: Uh… (under her breath) Nothing except I'm gonna fire you if you don't keep your trap shut!

(guy from offstage) Uh… eheh…

Blade: As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, welcome to Tal Celebare, home of the wacky interviews! This time I've decided to opt for a more popular subject… hopefully this will go better than my 'Ringtalk'. This is one of those crazy fanfics in which you, the reader, ask the questions! This fanfiction depends on you! So, without further ado, please welcome our guests! Tonight we're proud to welcome The One, the only, Anakin Skywalker!

Anakin: (walks out onstage to the cheers and swoonings of various fangirls)

Blade: And here's his Master and my favorite Star Wars character, Obi-Wan Kenobi!

Obi-Wan: (gets more cheers and squeals along with some 'we love you Kenobi!')

Blade: (waits for the noise to die down) Here's the ever-popular Green- skinned Jedi Master, Yoda!

Yoda: (floats onstage)

Blade: Also on tonight we have the last of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker!

Luke: (walks onstage, then looks around, puzzled) Who are they? (indicates Obi-Wan and Anakin)

Blade: Your father and your deceased Jedi master. Now sit down.

Luke: O.o (sits, casting disturbed glances in Obi-Wan and Anakin's direction)

Blade: I'm getting tired of intros, so please welcome the rest of our guests!

(Han Solo, Chewbacca, C3P0, R2D2, Watto, Leia, and Amidala walk onstage)

Amidala: (to Leia) Leia, I am your mother…

Leia: ??

Amidala: Sorry, I've always wanted to say that…

Blade: All right, on to the questi-

Anakin: (mock-sighs) Too bad Satine couldn't make it…

Obi-Wan: (eyes well up) S-s-s-satine? (starts crying) Satine!

Blade: Skywalker! What'd you do that for??

Anakin: No reason…

Blade: You cheer him up right now, mister!

Anakin: Make me.

Blade: (clears throat) I have here the plot for an NC-17 Watto/Anakin slash fanfiction-

Anakin: All right! I'll stop him! Just… eeech… (to Obi-Wan) Cheer up, Master. I'm sure she's up in heaven with Qui-Gon having lots of fun-

Obi-Wan: Qui-Gon! (cries harder)

Blade: …I will kill you, Skywalker, and your little son too.

Luke: O.o' I didn't do anything!

Blade: -.- I think we should go to the questions now…

A/N: Ok, guys, this is where you step in! Ask questions! Be wacky with them! If I don't get enough questions, I can't continue… as soon as I get the questions, I'll write chapter 2!