A/N) Hey guys i realized that i need to start posting more on this story, so here is chapter 10! hope you enjoy! :)

When Tsukune next awoke, he was hit with a pounding in his head.

"Kain, why?" thought Tsukune before he blacked out again, that image running through his mind again.

He dreamed of what the picture meant. He saw his ancestor, Kain, standing in a hallway made of bones. And Kain was pointing at something in the background. His people. The remains of the last silvers. Looking at the made Tsukune sick. Because they gave most of their powers to the newly formed Silfiers, they were degrading. They had become smaller, thinner, less dangerous, and they all had a broken spirit. All this Tsukune could tell by seeing the picture in his head. Then he noticed something. Kain had tears in his eyes. Small, golden droplets that shone across his scarred silver snout.

"Why did they do this to themselves? Why? Did they know this was going to happen? And what is that place, it reminds me of something...

Then Tsukune woke from light being shone in his face. He snarled. The people backed away, then came closer. Tsukune noticed that he was not constricted in any shape or form. He then saw that he was in his shared room with Moka. He looked frantically for her, but to no avail. Then he got pissed at his captors.

"Where is Moka?" he said angrily.

"Well now Tsukune, is that how you treat your old friends and bodyguards?" said Tsubame as he walked into the light.

" Bro have you forgotten? He loves her more than us, so of coerce he would act like that, especially when you hit him in the head with a rock." said Tsubasa sitting on the window sill.

"Well we had to do something sis. He would have still been conscious otherwise. And did you help? NO! You watched from the sidelines like always." said Tsubame, annoyed.

"Wait, the presences I felt before you KNOCKED ME OUT, was you two? By the way, that fuckin hurt dude!" said Tsukune rubbing the bump on his head."Now tell me, Where is Moka? She fainted after drinking my extra ghoul powered blood when I fused with him."

"Well, Moka is in the Nurses office and should be arriving back here any minute." said Tsubasa quietly.

Then there was a silence. The step-twins were nervously looking at each other and and back at Tsukune until they couldn't take it anymore.

"TSUKIIIIII!" they yelled together as they tackled him.

"That's more like you two!" said Tsukune laughing as he got up, the twins at his heels smiling like dogs looking for a treat. "I was wondering when you were going to stop trying to be serious."

"Awww! Was it that obvious Tsukki?" said the twins in unison.

"Yeah it was! It was hilarious. You two looked slightly constipated the whole time" Said Tsukune, laughing his ass off. For once however, ghoul was silent. Tsukune couldn't even feel his presence. 'He must be talking to Kain about something...' thought Tsukune while laughing. Then, Inner Moka appeared, and she looked freaked out.

"Tsukune! The lock, it's, broken! I can't feel Omote at all!" cried Inner Moka. She then collapsed onto Tsukune, unable to take all the emotional stress.

'She's telling the truth, I can't feel outer Moka at all! And the rosario is even attached! This is bad.' Thought Tsukune.

"Hey Tsubame, go get the headmaster. He should be able to fix this. And Tsubasa, can you get me on the line with Issa? We need to have a chat...

3 days later...

Tsukune was for the most part, annoyed. By talking with Issa, he found out 2 important things. One, outer Moka no longer existed because all of her was combined with Inner Moka except for her mind itself. So everything like hobby's, likes, dislikes or memories are now in Inner Moka, but outer Moka's mind was now combined with inner Moka. She was still alive but could only come out when Inner Moka's youki was drained enough for her to come out. She had become somewhat like ghoul in that nature. That was good news. The bad news was, Moka had to leave for 4 months because of a weird family ritual for her. What's worse was he didn't know if he could come or not, so he was sitting in class thinking about what to do if he couldn't go with her. Basically, he was OOZING killer intent, and there was a quite large circle between him and everyone else, except for a few girls.

'Ahhh what to do, what to DO!' screamed Tsukune mentally.


Ghoul shut up or I will shove my textbook up your ass!'

'SORRY TSUKKI, BUT THAT'S YOUR OWN ASS YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! HEH HEH.' laughed Ghoul as Tsukune stopped fighting. 'WHAT NOW TSUKKI, MOKA GOT YOUR TONGUE?' said Ghoul slowly, trying to get Tsukune angry again.

Tsukune wasn't even paying attention. Even his aura dissipated. He was looking at someone who had just passed the entrance of the door. HE then stood up and ran out of the classroom trying to follow them. They had stopped outside the school gates, looking confused. Then Ghoul realized who this was. Unconsciously, the two started to merge together again. Then, they said something that surprised everyone who had followed him after his sudden exit. "Mom, is that, you?" asked the combined Tsukune and Ghoul quietly.

A/N) So guys how was it? please review and tell me!

PS- i'm looking for a beta reader who is willing to do any of my stories or just one in general. But I really need a beta reader for this story! so if you are a beta reader and are willing to beta this story, PM me!