Omega Zero the Ten Tailed Demon

A/N: There is no excuse for a late chapter. There is only hope that readers will enjoy it.

Chapter 3: A New Order

(Chapter Begin, Scene Change: In front of the Hokage tower)

Omega had told Naruto that he would need to behave for his 'Auntie Anko', to which the woman tried to strangle him before he left.

Once he had made his way towards the tower he noticed that many of the building seemed that they were around longer or that some buildings that were burned to a crisp were standing as if nothing happened to them.

'So I did change the past.' He thought as he reached his destination. Omega quirked an eyebrow at sight of the Hokage exiting the tower.

"You wanted to meet me outside Sarutobi-san?" Omega asked curiously.

Lifting his head in surprise, the Hokage saw Omega standing in front of him.

"Ah Uzumaki-san. I had called you in preparation for your Jounin test but some important matters that require my presence had came up." he said, walking past him.

"What KIND of important matters?" Omega asked as he followed the kage.

Somehow knowing that trying to keep Omega from following him would be pointless he said "Well after your... 'Stunt', the other day, we found that Danzo had been continuing an organization known as 'ROOT' under our noses. And now that they know that their master had been silenced they tried to commit suicide and destroy any information of their previous actions. It was pure luck that we were able to catch so many."

"And you're going to determine their fate?" Omega asked, making Sarutobi nod.

"Since I was the one who killed Danzo, I should be the one to talk to them." Omega stated.

"I can't guarantee your safety if you do." Sarutobi replied.

With a chuckle and a smirk Omega said "I think you should be more worried about them." leaving the Hokage confused.

(Scene Change: Outside of Root Anbu holding cell)

"So they're in here?" Omega asked as the two reached the room, the guards moving aside for them.

"Yes, now I advise caution; although chakra restraints have been tied on do not underestimate them." the elderly kage warned before motioning the guards to let Omega through.

"Noted." Omega replied as he steeled his features into an impassive face.

Entering the room; Omega found around thirty men and women on their knees with glowing ropes binding their wrists and ankles behind them.

"So this is 'Root'?" Omega said aloud making the others look at him "Funny, I expected a bit more from a Cyclops, then again he DID go down in one hit."

While many didn't react, some lowered their heads in shame while a few looked at him with rage once they realized that it was Omega who killed their previous leader.

Walking to a woman who had her head down; Omega kneeled, cupped her chin and raised her head.

"Seeing how I'm feeling generous I'll give you a choice; you can die to be with your former master, OR, you can join me and live for a reason." Omega offered

"WE WOULD SOONER DIE THAN OBEY YOU!" a voice shouted out.

Turning towards the right he saw a man glaring at him while the others around him leaned away from him.

Getting up and walking towards him, Omega stood in front of the root Anbu and said "And by 'we' you mean you."

"I MEAN that none of us would follow you, we would sooner DIE than betray Leader-sama." The man retorted.

"Really?" Omega asked before looking around "That's not what I see."

Looking for himself the man saw the other members looking away from him as if they were trying to ignore him or looking at him with shock.

"You would betray Leader-sama for his KILLER?!" The man shouted/asked.

"Whether or not they will follow me is their choice." Omega said, crossing his arms "The question is whether or not YOU will follow me."


"...Really?" Omega asked, closing his eyes "Not even for all the power and wealth I offer?"

"Not even if you brought Leader-sama BACK!" The man retorted.

"Very well..." Omega said, snapping his eyes open to reveal his E.M.S* and send the man into a genjutsu. "Proceed..." he then activated his saber and raised it above his head as his voice deepened to a rumble "On your way to Oblivion."** Before bringing his saber down.


Omega had sliced the man in two.

Regaining his composure and clearing his throat, Omega went back to the woman; his E.M.S still activated, and said "In his arrogance he chose death. What will you choose?"

The woman looked up into Omega's eyes and saw him as she did Danzo when he (Ironically) picked her off the streets when she was a young orphan. She then bowed her head and replied "I will follow you, Leader-sama."

"... Excellent." Omega said with a small smirk. Placing his palm on her collar he activated his O-knuckle. To the woman's credit all she did was close her eyes and whimper. When Omega removed his hand his symbol could be seen on her collar.

Cutting her binds, Omega helped her stand before moving to the next 'root' Anbu.

(Scene Change: Outside the room)

Outside the cell, Sarutobi stood nervously. With the room having a seal to prevent outsiders from eavesdropping he couldn't tell what was happening in the room.

Until the door opened allowing Omega and his new Anbu to step outside.

"Omega... what?" the Hokage attempted to ask.

"I felt that I needed a... team of my own. Danzo is dead so it is only logical that I take command of his troops." Omega replied.

Locking gazes on one another, Omega and Sarutobi entered a staring contest of sorts before sarutobi pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"You do realize the amount of paperwork I'll need to do don't you?" he asked.

Placing a hand on Sarutobi's shoulder Omega said "Some sacrifices need to be made."

The kage drooped his head and sighed before leading the way back to his office.

(Scene Change: Outside the Hokage's office.)

After signing some documents and placing an order for a large quantity of Anbu masks, Omega stood in front of the Hokage.

"I believe you had summoned me for a mission."

"Yes," Sarutobi nodded "The Kazekage had sent a scroll asking a representative to finalize the new treaty we agreed upon; however one of the stipulations was to spend the rest of the day with his youngest son."

Omega looked at him with a flat look and a quirked eye brow.

"Like Naruto, the Kazekage youngest son also has a demon sealed within him. Unfortunately the sealing process was imperfect, leaving the boy unstable. I was planning on sending back the scroll back, but with you here I might be able to complete the treaty." looking back up at Omega, Sarutobi was surprised to see him with his arms crossed and his eyes closed, thinking about what he told him.

Opening his eyes Omega stood and said "I accept the mission." he then turned to leave and took two steps before turning back "By the way, do you have my Anbu masks ready?"

"Yes, they've been sent to your squad's barracks. There is also another one for you if you want it." Sarutobi replied as he gave him the mask and the mission scroll.

Taking the mask Omega saw the smooth and flat surface of the mask adorned with a large "Omega" symbol.

"I'll be back within a week." Omega said before leaving.

(Scene Change: Konoha Park)

After leaving Omega found that Naruto left the apartment while he was gone. With a little searching Omega found him alone at a swing set all alone.

Stealthily walking up behind Naruto Omega crouched and asked "Miss me outoto?"

Turning and seeing his brother Naruto glomp-huged him and squealed "ANIKI!"

Looking up at him with a pout Naruto asked "What took you so long?"

"Why don't I show you?" Omega replied before snapping his fingers, summoning five Anbu in "Omega" masks.

Naruto shrunk behind Omega as he didn't know these Anbu.

"Naruto, these Anbu are part of my 'Omega Squadron', and they'll be taking care of you while I'm away on missions like the one I'm going to now." moting to one of them an Anbu moved closer, ironically this Anbu was the first Anbu who accepted Omega's offer before. "Naruto meet Hitomi. Hitomi this is Naruto."

"It is an honor to meet you Naruto-san." She said.

"Nice to meet you Hitomi-chan." Naruto replied.

"Now behave for Hitomi while I talk to the others Naruto." Omega said as he gestured the other Anbu to the side.

"Now you listen to me. I don't care how skilled you are, I don't care what position you were before. While I'm away from Naruto you WILL watch him and ensure his safety. If he calls for help you go to him and protect him; if he is being harassed you will step forward and stop the instigators. I want an Anbu near him to show that he is NOT alone and at LEAST five others hidden in case of an emergency. If I return and find him harmed in any way; NO ONE, not even kami, will save you from my wrath. Do you understand me?" Omega explained/asked.

"Hai Leader-sama." the group responded with a solid nod.

"Good. Now I'll be bringing back Hitomi so you can relay the orders to her. Once you do, send her back to me and go relay the orders to the rest of the squad." Omega said.

Motioning Hitomi to go to the other Anbu Omega moved back to Naruto.

"Now Naruto, I'll be gone for a while. And while I'm gone these Anbu will take care of you, if you EVER need help just call out for them, they'll protect you." Omega said ruffling Naruto hair.

"Ok onii-san." Naruto said as he gave one last hug to Omega.

Hitomi then returned as Omega stood up. Once close enough Naruto held her hand as he looked at omega sadly.

"Bye onii-san." Naruto said depressed.

"I'll be back soon outoto." Omega replied before vanishing in a blur.

Naruto looked at the floor and rubbed his eye, sniffling a few times.

"Is there anything you would like to do Naruto?" Hitomi asked.

"Well... would you like to get some ramen?" Naruto cutely asked.

"I've never had ramen." she replied.

"NEVER HAD RAMEN?!" Naruto asked in shock before pulling her along "We need to get you some ichiraku's ramen right away."

(Chapter End)

A/N: I apologize for the wait but I hope you enjoy this chapter.

*E.M.S will stand for Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and I will not repeat myself any more.

**The same character who said this was voiced by Orson Welles.