Dear Professor Gweldieth,
When you sent me to Kjladram to collect the rumored journals and documents that the Dwemer left behind, the only ones left behind that give true accounts to the last few weeks before the Dwemer disappeared, I was thrilled. To find an treasure trove of information, and I be the first to fall my eyes upon it? It was a blessing from Talos itself.
But I regret this now.
When we entered the city, it was nothing like the rumors suggested. Falmer...Mara, they were everywhere. Hideous beings, like elves, but blind and savage. Killed half of our escort and left us and a few guards left, and we locked ourselves in the old library. The city is also ruined, and half drowned in water, and there are no, repeat, no Dewmer Centurions or Spiders anywere. The Falmer destroyed them all. There is also strange unknown fungi growing around, and we think the Falmer eat it.
But as we delved into the library, we found a back door. Following it, we entered what seemed to be a prison room of some sort. Bronze bars and chains littered the place. There was blood everywhere, so much.
And, sir, I swear to Talos and my right arm that I found a skeleton of an arm.
A Dwemer arm.
Professor, the reason that I cannot tell you this in person is because I have resigned. Whatever happened in that city, whatever happened to the Dwemer, I have no more care for it. If you had seen what we saw down there, you would agree to.
Enclosed with this is all the research I could gather on the city, and it is not much. I refuse to add the prison room because nobody needs to know what happened down here. Nobody.
It had been an honor studying with you Professor. May we meet again one day in another life.
And please, for your sake, give up the Dwemer. Give them up before it's to late.
Yours Truly,