A/N I'm sorry for the long break. I've been traveling a lot this summer. I hope you enjoyed my Blaine backstory, "Fathers and Son."

I don't own Glee. I'm playing with their world with no expectation of compensation.

Santana snuggled in Brittany's arms until Rory knocked. "Supper's ready," he said through the closed door.

"We're on our way," Brittany answered, sitting up.

Santana sighed, "Do we have to?"

Brittany kissed her, and then stood up. "Come on," she pulled at Santana's hand, "I need to introduce my family to my amazing girlfriend."

Santana reluctantly sat on the edge of the bed. "But Brittany… your family already knows me."

"Which is why," Brittany came closer, picking up Santana's other hand, holding them both, "it's the perfect practice for telling your parents. My parents love you. Your parents love us. It will be fine."

Santana sighed, not sure she believed it. But she stood up, and then they were leaving the security of Brittany's bedroom, walking down the hall towards the dining room. Brittany led the way, holding Santana's hand the entire journey.

Brittany's parents and Rory were already seated at the table. Two more places were set, beside each other, for Brittany and Santana. The two girls had spent so much time together over their years of friendship that their parents had developed an understanding. Whichever house the girls went to after school and/or Cheerios practice, they would both be fed before the other went home. They hadn't called and asked to stay for dinner in years, just made sure their parents knew which house it would be at.

Santana tried to trade off houses about evenly. The Lopez family had their pride, even if they were living in Lima Heights Adjacent. But she didn't say a word about the seconds Mrs. Pierce offered, or the leftovers she brought home. When Mrs. Pierce sent pans of treats home for the neighbor children, Santana thanked her kindly.

So the two girls sat together as Brittany's parents discussed their days. Then they asked Rory how school was going. A glare from Santana, and he stuck to his own classes, not mentioning the mashoff performance.

Brittany went next. She, also, talked more about her classes, and the artwork she had made during the lectures. But she did talk about the TroubleTones performance.

Then it was Santana's turn. As she began to talk, Brittany reached up to hold Santana's hand, resting on the table, rubbing soothing circles on the back of Santana's hand.

"I got called in to Coach Sylvester's office this afternoon. There's another campaign ad airing Tuesday night. The third candidate… he's implying that Coach Sylvester is…" Santana choked on the words, but Brittany picked up the narrative.

"is a unicorn, like Kurt, or…" Santana shifted her hand, and Brittany stopped. Mr. & Mrs. Pierce looked at each other. They remembered Brittany's unicorn talk, earlier in the year.

"Why would he say that?" Mr. Pierce asked, and that helped Santana to find her words again.

"Because she selected a lesbian for head cheerleader."

Now the Pierce's looked at their daughters, blood and adopted. Now they saw the hands clasped on the table. "Brittany? Are you a unicorn too?"

"Actually, I'm a bicorn. But Santana's my girlfriend, so everything's good now."

Mrs. Pierce stood up, and walked around the table, to fold Santana in a warm embrace. "Oh, honey. You know we love you. You've been a second daughter to us, almost as long as we can remember."

A/N: I'll try to get back into weekly posting, at least through the end of the summer.