Hi! Umm… please read and review?

PLEASE REVIEW ON PARADISE IF YOU WOULD LIKE ANOTHER UPDATE! I would love to update, I really would if you guys could at least put three more reviews in it? Thank you! I love you all!

Disclaimer: I do not own HOA


There were thousands of raindrops on that taxi window, but two captured my heart.

One was at one end of the glass, while the other stood opposite. Both separate, both strangers to each other. No relation besides Mother Nature. So innocent, so sweet.

Slowly however, the first raindrop started to move. Only centimeters at a time, then inches. It stopped in the middle, seeming to loose track of where to go. No others were around it. The raindrop seemed to be lost, hopeless. There were no friends there. It seemed dead and lifeless.

Against gravity, the second water droplet move towards the desperate stranger. They got about one inch from each other, before both moving at the same speed to join. When they did, it was as if a small child was fooling around, and glued to fingers together. Inseparable.

Until someone came along. Another raindrop spotted them, and went full speed to break them up. The two water pellets speeded along the window, but they were not fast enough. They broke apart.

The first one stopped. It was right back at the beginning. Only this time it had something devastating on it's heart. It watched it's true partner in life speed away with some other. It slid downwards, and so did my heart. I didn't want it to give up. It couldn't. It was too heavy. But it did. And I never thought that I could hear it, but somehow, I did.


In only a few short minutes, that window was a scenario of my life. But in mine, it wasn't as simple. So many complicated twist and turns, it was too much for me to bear, and as soon as the semester ended, I packed up my stuff and headed out the door.

Emotions are running high today. I have so many voicemails and missed calls that I was afraid my phone could break. They soon stopped though. People got tired of me not answering. I was only a few minutes away however. My friends saw me driving away, but they could not keep up with the speed of a car.

One emotion that I was surprised to feel was guilt. Guilt for what was my question. For leaving probably. But if I stayed, I didn't know what would become of me. I might be alone. Again.

Just like that raindrop… could I really give up so fast?

"Stop the car."

Please remember to review, I need to feel the love!

Oak: Haha… that's what she said….

Me: You're so perverted…