" His pulse is erratic ! Blood pressure's too high !"

Schuldich tried to ignore the flurry of panicked activity and tried to calm himself despite the desperate exclamations of the medics . He took a deep breath and closed his eyes , fingering the cold metal of his gun in his fingers , the image of dying Ken in his mind .

The Weiß are outside ...

He was going to kill the bastards and he was going to make it hurt .

Especially Abyssinian ...

The thought of the other in pain and shouting Ken's name made him smile .

He was going to have the satisfaction of killing Abyssinian , and he was going to let him know before he dies that Ken is his - and his alone .

- - -

Aya gathered his wits about him and took deep breaths to allow him to quell his emotions. He had no idea how this was going to go , but he fervently hoped to God that he would be able to bring Ken home , back to him .

- - -

" Yohji-kun , aren't you worried at all ?" Omi bit his lip in his frustration as they drove the spot indicated on the locator .

Nah , when you've seen as much as I have kid , nothing , and I repeat , nothing will frazzle you ." Yohji gave him an easy grin .

" But , Aya-kun's not normally like this . I wonder why he reacted like that . Do you think he really knows where Ken-kun is ?"

" I sure hope so kiddo . You know I miss seeing that idiot klutz as much as you do , even though I don't really show it ." Yohji blew out smoke from his ever-present cigarette , which made the younger blond cough and wave his hand in annoyance .

" That's what you think . Everybody knows you miss Ken-kun too , I can hear you at night in your room talking to yourself ."

Yohji raised an eyebrow . " Really , and what do I say to myself then ?"

" Well , you say that Ken-kun is a total asshole for leaving Weiß and you say that he should get his ass kicked for letting go of Aya-kun and ..."

" Yeah , yeah , whatever . What do I care about those two's affairs ? I have my own business to take care of you know , like my ladies , and sex , and booze ."

Omi rolled his eyes and pointed on the digital map . " We're almost there , just turn right at the intersection , there should be a big building called Tokyo Tower 3 there , that's where Aya-kun is ."

" Well , kid . Let's pray we're not going to get killed in this impromptu mission . Are you ready ?" Yohji gave the younger boy a pat on the head and one last look and as Omi nodded his affirmation , drove to the building where Ken was supposed to be .

- - -

Aya saw in his rearview mirror that Yohji and Omi were trying to park the car behind his .

Soon , the two blondes were striding purposefully towards him , their gear ready .

Aya knew the terrible risk of exposure , of Weiß's exposure if they continued , but he was grateful for their support and he knew that Ken mattered to them too . He nodded slightly to Omi and Yohji and they walked towards the entrance , where three of the Schwarz were already waiting .

- - -

It exploded like a flash . Suddenly it was a war , the streets had become a battlefield against the warring camps of Weiß and Schwarz .

Everyone was willing to fight - willing to kill ... and everyone believed that they were going to survive .

Around them , cars veered dangerously and inevitably crashed , bursting into flame and littering the streets like burning torches .

Omi grit his teeth and tried to evade his opponent's attacks , distracted by the screams and shouts of people . He desperately wanted to help , but if he did , just in the act of doing so would come his death ; because one should never turn his back on Schwarz .

He aimed his weapons closely , but missed . His attacks were anticipated and were void . He needed a strategy .

He turned fearful eyes at his teammates , lest that they be dead by the time the battle is over and was relieved to find that they were still alive .

Yohji was struggling with Farfarello , trying to get his wire to chokehold the Irishman but failing , likewise , his opponent attempting to do the same .

Omi couldn't see Aya because they were behind him , but momentary flashes of two auburn-headed man told him that both Aya and Schuldich was alive .

He turned his full attention to his battle , saying a silent prayer .

- - -

" So Abyssinian , how's life ?" Schuldich gave a cocky grin as they circled around each other , sizing up , analyzing , and watching .

Aya did not deign to give the other a reply but instead lunged forward . His sword drawn dangerously in a fighting - killing stance . The blow was parried easily .

" Ah ... still grieved by the loss of Hidaka ne ? Well don't worry , you won't be for long . I'll be sure to take him to you grave . You wouldn't imagine how much he hates you now . After all , you did try to kill him dozens of times before ."

So it's true ! They brainwashed him !

" We did , didn't we ?" That smile again . " But it doesn't make any difference now coz' you see , Ken loves me ... and that's for real ."

Anger was boiling beneath the surface , but Aya tried to hide it . " Ken will never truly love a selfish bastard like you . He's too good of a man to do that ." He retorted with all the vehemence driven by his anger .

" But like you said , Ken to great a kid to get someone like you ." Schuldich brushed his long flam-coloured hair aside and nodded his head . "No one's perfect you know . A person can get only so close to perfection and you see , there are too few good people left in this world ... fate just draws lots on who gets them ; and I'm glad that I'm the lucky guy ."

" Ken isn't a prize ." The iciness in his tone dripped with danger .

" He isn't too , I know , but the thing is , you lost him when you didn't fight for him . Oh I knew what you were thinking when you were going to blow up the fucking building a few weeks back . You didn't care if he lived or died in the explosion ; in fact , you even wanted him to die for leaving you like that because we all knew you couldn't sleep nights without him at your side to scare all the nightmares away . You were just too selfish to realize that he had his own nightmares too ... and yet he hid that side of himself away from everyone with smiles and happiness and sacrificed everything just to make the whole world a better place to exist in for Ran fucking Fujimiya ." Schuldich's smile was sickly .

Aya couldn't think of anything to say to that , for as much as he wanted to deny it ; he knew part of it was true and it shamed him to hell how much he had been egotistic . He wanted to rail at Schuldich for forcing him to face the bitter truth , but he knew it was futile to resist . Every ounce of it was the truth , and if Ken ever heard about it ... he could never face him ever again .

- - -

Darkness .

Everything around him was engulfed in darkness ...

His senses were heightened . Every nerve tingling almost painfully as he heard every little sound , felt every small movement and whisper , smell the faintest traces of grass and cherry blossoms ...

He heard the *chink chink* of chains hitting against each other and the sound of tiptoed footsteps from every direction .

He almost smiled to himself , rather maliciously . How could they think that they could fall on him without him knowing it ?

He might be bound and gagged and could not fight back , but he knew their every movement , smell their scent , feel their shallow , nervous breathing .

The moon was getting brighter , more luminous . Silver rays dancing here and there to eternity .

The silhouettes became visible , slowly creeping towards him like phantoms and ghosts on Hollow's Eve .

He strained against his bonds to no avail , only causing it to bite more painfully into his perforated skin . The world spun like a mad dance and they were upon him .

Their intent was almost tangible . He knew exactly what they wanted to do to him ...

They wanted to send him to hell ...

- - -

Schuldich could almost feel the other's pain and as difficult as it was to believe , he felt the same thing ; and the knowledge that Ken was up there - suffering ... he just couldn't bear it how the brunette had suffered so much on the account of others and here he was in so much agony .

The only satisfaction he had was in knowing that Ken did love him ... for real . And Abyssinian was his past .

- - -

They were upon him like the devil .

They clawed and they struck and they caused such agony , striking every part where it would really hurt .

He couldn't breathe ... someone was strangling him .

He gasped . Even his breathing sounded foreign to his ears

" His heart has stopped pumping !"

" Clear !"

* thud ! *

" Clear !"

* thud !*

The skies cleared , the moon was so bright outside the warehouse , it was almost like daylight .

A man stood before him and smiled .

He recognized him ...

His name was ...

Kouchirou Kase ...

" Welcome to hell Ken ..."

Everything exploded into a large ball of flame obliterating everyone in its path including Kase and ate quickly thoughout the warehouse , circling Ken until he was the only one left not burning like some kind of human torch .

He shouted a name , but it was lost in the silver of the moonlight and red of the flames.

- - -

Aya had already inflicted several wounds on Schuldich , and the other the same to him . They had parted for breath and sized each other as they stood there , gasping heavily .

They were jolted out of their world when a large explosion above them shook the very ground they were standing on .

Suddenly , everything seemed to happen in slow motion .

Schuldich forgot all about Aya and dashed into the building as fast as his legs could carry him .

That was the same floor Ken was in .

- - -

Aya couldn't explain it , but he felt a terror unlike any other , and he knew it was all because of Ken .

Schuldich had already hurried inside of the building and he just ran after him in a blind frenzy .

He took the other elevator that was unoccupied and waited anxiously as it brought him in agonizing stages to the place where he could feel Ken . To where there was imminent death .

- - -

Schuldich felt the stinging heat the moment he stepped onto the last floor . It felt like a steam broiler in high gear and he feared that he wouldn't find Ken alive with a fire as big as it was now .

Ignoring the heat , he held his jacket before his face and prepared to dash through the halls , when he heard the * ping !* of the second elevator and the sound of the automatic doors opening to reveal an agitated Abyssinian .

As if on unspoken consensus , the two redheads ran through the halls in silence , hoping against hope that Ken was still alive .

- - -

The fire was creeping ever so slowly towards him . It was almost as if it had a life of its own , wanting to eat up his terror .

He didn't mind dying .

He didn't care .

Everything was just pain .

His world was composed of pain .

He almost *wished* to go .

The thin slithering flames changed and metamorphosed into scarlet and orange filaments . Intertwining , moving apart , slinking , gliding .

" Ken !" A pair of voices he could barely recognize but somehow knew shouted his name .

" Ken !"

Slowly , tired eyes opened and a vision was before him .

Schuldich and Aya ... Abyssinian ... no his name is Aya ... Ran ...

Voices inside his head whispered .

They're calling out my name ...

- - -

Schuldich was relieved to see Ken still alive .

He needed to get there before the flames engulfed him totally . As it was , he was surrounded by the deadly hissing red .

Not of the doctors were alive , only Ken , alone in a cocoon of fire .

" Stay where you are ! I'll be right there ." Schuldich breathed deeply and was about to enter the blazing inferno when a hand caught his sleeve , it was Aya .

" I'm coming with you ."

Wordlessly , they ran towards a helpless Ken who was staring at them with unseeing eyes .

- - -

Flashes of memory .

Recollections of a past .

It all came back to him now .

Schuldich was ... but Aya had been ...

Everything was just so confusing !

Everything was coated with red .

Red is fire .

Red is blood .

Red is death .

Death was rushing out to get him ; and he wanted to get away from it all ...

- - -

They were almost there ! Just a few more feet and they could almost get Ken !

Aya ignored the searing heat as they braved the blaze .

He could almost feel Ken in his arms .

He promised himself he was going to fight for Ken ...

He never broke promises .

The fire intensified , and he could almost feel his skin melting away , leaving only the moving tendons and bones of his body .

Aya didn't care .

Ken was near .

- - -

Far away they could hear the sound of sirens wailing .

" Ken !" Aya couldn't help himself from calling out of his name .

" A ... Aya ?"

" I'm there ! Hang on Ken ! Please hang on !"

" Schuldich ..." Schuldich caught his name even in the surrounding noise . " HELP ME ! AYA ! SCHULDICH !" His eyes pleaded and begged for salvation even if his lips could say no more . " Help me ..."

A strange light was reflected in that stormy grey and seemed to be illuminated by a divine radiance ... before he was engulfed by fire .

Aya tried to scream , but he couldn't words just wouldn't come out . His world was falling entirely apart and there was nothing he could do about it . He surged forward recklessly , not caring if he died as well , just as long as he could reclaim in a flitting moment the epitome of his happiness .

A large piece of debris crashed onto the floor , blocking their path completely , killing all their futures and all dreams of ever finding true happiness ...

Everything was lost .

There was no hope ... only death .

A mournful mantra was echoed by the wind .

Help me Aya ...

Help me Schuldich ...

The rain was falling heavily outside . Like some sort of provident omen that told them of a sad future .

God was starting to cry for those pitiful creatures who loved ... and lost .

Even killers weep for the ones they love .

- - -

R_M : Well , that's the end of it ! I know it's kinda anticlimactic but , well , I dunno what happened about it . Anyway , reviews are greatly appreciated so please take a few moments of your time to post a simple message .

If I get 10 or more reviews for the last chapter , maybe I'd write a sequel for this [ and I've got an idea for a pretty nice one too !] *sweatdrops at the idea of haggling for reviews*

I'd like to thank everyone who 'reviewed' my last post , Arigatou ! and to those people who have offered to send me the Gluhen or where to find it . Thanks so very much . Would you happen to know where to find the OAV's ? (O_o);;;;;;;;;;;;

Look forward to a concentration on Sword Buried Deep . Now that Confused Identity is over officially , I guess I'd have more time for that one .

Anyway , read on , I still have the epilogue here ... it's kinda lame I guess , compared to the fast action of the previous chapters , but I wrote this in school so you can imagine why it would turn out like this .

- - -

It has been a full two weeks since Ken's death . He had been visiting Ken's grave everyday . Thinking , wondering .

Thousands of 'what if's ...' flitted through his mind in every split second .

What if they had found Ken sooner ? What if they hadn't run away on that night and failed the mission and instead had taken Ken back with them ?

Would it have ended differently ?

Aya rested his tired head against the tree trunk and stared at the little plot of grass-covered soil which was destined to be Ken's resting place forever . It was empty , he knew . Nothing had been left of all the people inside the building but ashes .

Ashes to ashes , dust to dust .

How he missed Ken . It hurt so much .

Aya ran his hand against his eye , trying to keep the dampness away and leaned tiredly against the tree trunk , his eye on the grey cross stone marked on freshly dug soil .

The grass would grow as they were before and one would never suspect anything if not for the small symbol that seemed to say : " A beautiful person once existed in this earth - and now he's gone . Live to regret ."

He listened as the wind murmured gently into his ear , whispering of memories he had kept close in his heart .

He wondered if Ken was happy where he was right now ... he only hoped that ...

Aya bit his lip and looked down at the flower he was holding , turning it over and over with his fingers . The thorns were digging into his skin , but he didn't mind . At least he felt pain . Something .

For a long time he had been used to just feeling nothing ; numbness , and then he came along and everything changed .

He was a part of Aya , he was his heart , his soul . Everything was he and he was everything and now there is nothing left for Aya but to face a world of emptiness .

Aya buried his face in his hands .

* He didn't only belong to you , you know . He belonged to us too ...*

Out of the blue , the Schwarz redhead materialized from thin air carrying a bright blue flower in his hand .

Aya recognized it .

It was a Gentian .

Ken's favorite flower .

The muffled sound of boots on soft grass was all that could fill the silence .

Reverently , the German placed the blue blossom on the soil before the upright cross and said a little prayer , his head bowed . Slowly , slender fingers reached out to take the small dried predecessor of the new bloom . Dried , colourless .

Two pairs of eyes gazed at the withered flower .

* He belonged to me too ...* Jade-coloured eyes mournfully searched Aya's soul , looking into the depths of his humanity as if searching for comfort in a territory unknown but recognizing a small landmark .

The moment was broken and Schuldich turned away , the dried gentian crushed in his hand and particles flew into the wind . He disappeared as he had come , as mysterious like the wind , soundless , mourning .

Aya turned his gaze sadly at the pale blue flower amidst the brown soil and with a small anguished sigh , placed the crimson flower alongside the lonely bud as the breeze curled and murmured around him .

Pulling his coat closer , he turned and walked away . * He might have belonged to you too ... but I ... I belonged to him ...*

- - -
