A/N: I'm back with a new story, well a sequel to a story that I did a while ago. As some of you will know, I did create a fanfic about Nick and Zoe called 'If things had been different' but I deleted that. Don't ask me why I did! Anyway, as I said, this is the sequel that I promised. Just thought I'd give you a quick summary of 'If things had been different'
Summary of 'If things had been different': It was set in the days after the end of Series 24 when Nick found out about Zoe's pregnancy lie. Nick breaks up with Zoe but when Zoe faints in resus, she and Nick find out that she's pregnant, to their amazement. Nick and Zoe get back together and are determined to be good parents. Zoe later gives birth to a baby girl who she and Nick name Alexa Scarlett Jordan. All is going well until a blast from Nick's past returns. Her name's Charlotte and when she and Nick were younger they were kind of an item. Charlotte and Nick had a little fling (and I mean a small fling) and Kirsty and Charlie found out about it but they never told Zoe. Later on, Nick becomes ill and Zoe and Charlotte are worried sick, thinking that it could be the tumour. Nick begins to get better but Charlotte blurts out the truth about her and Nick in resus and Zoe goes mad and starts a fight with her. Zoe gets really upset and goes into shut down mode at her flat, drinking a lot. Adam and Kirsty step in and look after Alexa because they know Zoe can't cope. But then later on, a girl of about 15 (Can't actually remember her name. I think it was Gabby) is brought into the ED and Kirsty and Adam treat her. They get to know her and she tells them about her life, including her mother who turns out to be Charlotte. Adam and Kirsty can't really believe it but then she then reveals that her last is Jordan which surprise's them even more, leading them to believe that Gabby is Nick's daughter. Everyone finds out Nick's love child and he begins to stay at Charlotte's because he isn't able to face Zoe. At the same time, Zoe is still finding things hard, not able to forgive Nick. And to cut a long summary short, she and Nick sort out their differences and Nick says that he doesn't feel like he can be a dad to Gabby so Nick decides that Zoe and Alexa are his family while Gabby stays with her mum Charlotte. That's how it ended!
So, there's the summary for anyone who didn't read the fanfic!
"Alexa, what's Daddy got?" said Nick, picking up a cuddly teddy off the floor and placing it in his daughters gaze. Alexa immediately looked up and put her arms out towards her toy.
"Bebby" Alexa cried and tried to grab the Teddy much to Nick's delight. Alexa took the toy out of Nick's grasp and held it to her chest, cuddling it close.
"Good girl darling" smiled Nick, reaching out stroke Alexa's face. Zoe wandered up behind them both, armed with two cups of hot chocolate and rested them upon the glass coffee table. Zoe wrapped her arms round Nick neck and laid her head in his shoulders.
"She's a real daddy's girl" grinned Zoe, running her hands lightly through Nick's hair.
"So she should be!" laughed Nick, picking up his hot chocolate. Nick put the drink to his lips and felt the warm liquid sweep down his throat.
"You look like you needed that" said Zoe as Nick closed his eyes for a few seconds. Nick nodded, still clenching his mug.
"Certainly did" sighed Nick. Zoe looked at him worriedly, sensing that he wasn't feeling that great.
"You don't look that brilliant" said Zoe, mincing her words carefully so that Nick wouldn't get irritated with her. Nick didn't reply but shook his head, giving Zoe the answer she thought she'd get.
"Do you want a paracetamol?" asked Zoe, gently massaging Nick's shoulders.
"No, I'll feel better soon. I promise" said Nick, trying to make Zoe feel less worried. He knew his illness has taken a toll on their relationship which had resulted in Nick taking time off work and Zoe having to work extra hours. His tumour had gradually got worse over the last year and Nick was well aware that this time, there was nothing that the doctors could do to allow him to recover.
"If you're sure love, anyway, we'd better be putting this little girl to bed" said Zoe, beaming down at Alexa. Nick drank down the last of his drink and stood up next to Zoe.
"I'll give you a hand" said Nick as Zoe frowned. Nick saw the look she gave him and groaned.
"Zoe, I'm perfectly capable of helping to put our daughter to bed!" said Nick, exasperated. Zoe's head fell and she turned away from Nick, not wanting to make eye contact.
"I just thought you'd like to go to bed that's all" said Zoe coldly, leaning down and lifting Alexa into arms. Alexa tried to clutch on Zoe's hair which made Zoe smile half heartedly.
"Come on beautiful girl. Let's get you to bed" Zoe said, holding Alexa close to her.
"Night darling" said Nick quietly, watching as Zoe took their daughter into the other room. Nick sat down and lay back against the sofa. He put his hand down the side of the sofa and felt an envelope. Nick pulled it out and read the writing in the corner
'St James' Hospital, Private and Confidential'
Nick carefully opened the letter and laid it out on his lap. Nick had begun to recognize these sorts of letters by now, normally regarding appointments at the St James' hospital. He and Zoe had agreed that Nick's treatment would be done there instead of Holby as they both knew that Nick found it difficult going there and seeing everyone he worked with. Nick hated people to see him in this fragile state but he understood that there was nothing he could do about it.
"What's the letter about?" asked a voice behind Nick. He turned his head and saw Zoe standing there, resting herself against the door frame.
"Oh nothing, just a heating bill" lied Nick, folding the paper back up and shoving it back in the envelope. Zoe wandered over and perched on the arm of the sofa. She looked at Nick and shook her head sadly.
"Why are you lying to me?" asked Zoe, not understanding why Nick was keeping things from her.
"Zoe, I'm not lying to you" replied Nick, taking Zoe's hand but she pulled away.
"I saw the letter earlier. I saw you put it down the sofa this morning when I was feeding Alexa" said Zoe, feeling a tear trickle down her cheek, leaving a watery tracing her face.
"It's just something from St James', informing me of an appointment next week" said Nick eventually.
"Why keep that from me Nick? You always tell me about appointments at the hospital" answered Zoe. She snatched the letter quickly away from Nick, not allowing him enough time to protest. Zoe read down the paper and then fixed her gaze onto a certain point which made Nick sigh.
"Nick, it says you've missed two appointments!" cried Zoe. Nick jerked the letter away and Zoe watched in disbelief as Nick screwed up the letter and threw it down hard on the floor.
"Nick, whats wrong with you?" asked Zoe, but Nick didn't answer, instead just placing his head in his hands.
"Can you just leave it Zoe, please" said Nick, his voice slightly muffled from his hands.
"Nick, I thought we were in this together...?" Zoe retaliated but she tailed off when Nick raised his head and looked angrily at her.
"In this together, Zoe, I'm the one with the bloody brain tumour. I'm the one who's ill!" shouted Nick. Even though he knew Zoe was only trying to be supportive, Nick just felt like Zoe had to know everything about what he was doing. He hated the sense of his lack of freedom.
"Nick, can you please calm down. Alexa's only in the other room!" Zoe sad, her voice shaking with upset. At this comment, Nick's face turned from anger to sadness and he stood up. Nick headed towards Alexa's room, leaving a despairing Zoe sitting alone in the lounge.
Nick shut the door and rested himself up against it. He peered over towards Alexa's cot, where she lay fast asleep; cuddling the teddy she had been playing with earlier. Nick wandered quietly over towards Alexa and knelt down next to her, stroking her hands lightly through the bars.
"Daddy will always love you sweetheart, even when I'm not here" whispered Nick. Alexa was everything in the world to him and he couldn't stand the thought of her being alone, even though it was inevitable.
So, how was that? I've been writing this for a few months and just adding stuff as I go. I will start writing the next chapter soon! If you're reading this, please give a little review as it would mean the world to me! :D
X Natasha X