Thanks so much for your encouraging, amazing reviews. It means the world.
I don't own anything but the plot.
Happiness; well-being.
Hermione wiped away a few stray tears as she watched her baby son sleep. He was so peaceful in his cot, dreaming about who knew what. She loved him so much. She loved him like she loved Rose. She loved him like she loved her other child; her angel baby.
That was such a long time ago, now. So many things had happened. So much had changed. Back then, she had been a year younger, feeling pain like she had never felt in her life and thinking it wasn't possible to be happy again.
As Hugo coughed in his sleep, a great wave of love for him stirred inside of her. She didn't deserve such a sweet boy as her son. Not after she had implied she didn't even want him.
But he was here now and she couldn't have been happier. Those feelings lay forgotten. They didn't even exist inside of her. They had disappeared the moment she had seen him; the moment she had held him in her arms.
"Goodnight, Hugo," she whispered, breathing in his name. Hugo. She loved it. Ron had given it to him, saying the name meant 'heart, mind and spirit' – in honour of his lost sibling. How he had come to discover that, she never asked. But she thought it was fitting.
"How is he?"
Hermione jumped at the sound of Ron's voice beside her. She hadn't heard him come in. "Sleeping," she answered.
Ron put his arm around her. "Then why are you still here?" he questioned. Hermione knew he was mocking her. It had been the same after Rose was born. She just couldn't leave. She loved being with her children.
"I'm just making sure he's okay," she said. "It's his first night at home. He might be scared."
"If he is, he will let us know," Ron replied, guiding her towards Hugo's bedroom door. "Get some sleep."
Hermione glanced back at her sleeping son. He hadn't even stirred.
"He'll be alright," Ron assured her gently. He shut the door half way. "Rosie is waiting for you to say goodnight to her. You know she won't sleep unless you do. Then please come straight to bed."
Hermione pulled herself away from Ron's hold. "I'll be right back," she said.
"And don't worry about putting the Silencing Charms on her room. Already done it."
Hermione smiled. "Thank you." She made her way into Rose's room. They had decided it would be best to put Silencing Charms on her room at night. Rose was very capable of sleeping through the night and they didn't want to give her any reason to wake up. Otherwise, they'd have two upset children, one of whom would make her way into their bed.
As expected, Rose was lying wide awake. Hermione couldn't believe that in a few months time she would be three years old. She probably didn't even realise. But then again, for her age, she was very aware of a lot of things. She understood things she shouldn't have.
"You should be asleep, Rose," she said quietly, coming to sit on her bed.
Rose shook her head. "Can't sleep, mummy."
Hermione kissed her forehead. "I know. Not until I say goodnight."
Rose nodded. "G'night," she said, yawning.
"Goodnight, Rosie," Hermione whispered. "I love you very, very much."
Rose put her small arms around Hermione's neck and kissed her cheek noisily. "Me too," she said. "And Hoo-go and daddy, too," she added.
"And they love you, Rose." Hermione kissed her again. "You make all of us very happy. Don't you ever think you don't."
Rose didn't seem jealous of Hugo at the moment, but he had only been home for a few hours. She knew it was only going to be a matter of time before Rose started to feel left out, or forgotten – she felt like that when she was the centre of attention. She found no harm in telling her daughter now that, no matter what, she was loved just the same.
"'Kay," Rose replied. She was asleep before Hermione reached the door. She closed it quietly and made her way back to her own room. Ron was already in bed, sleeping as well. She smiled. How foolish she had been to think he'd actually stay awake for her.
"My daughter waits up for me, but not my husband," she said teasingly as she climbed into bed.
"I'm awake," Ron mumbled sleepily, drawing her closer to him.
"Barely," Hermione laughed. She felt his lips in her hair and his arms tighten around her.
This was happiness. She remembered now. This was what it was like to feel happy; to feel loved. It had been a very long time since she had been this happy. Maybe she never had.
Ron had been right. It really had worked out. It really had gotten better. And she had him and her children to thank for it.
The End
Yep. That's the end, end. I decided to finish it here, because a) I thought this word was very fitting for an ending (coming from someone who struggles to right anything other than happy endings) and b) I planned on finishing it somewhere around here from the very beginning.
I'd just like to take a moment and thank every single person who has favourited, alerted and most importantly reviewed this fic. It would always make my day when I would come home, see that I had five or six reviews and then it would make me smile when I read that you were enjoying this fic. I am happy that you thought I portrayed the emotions right, because most of it was coming from how I imagined someone would react in this situation. Not what I had witnessed.
I hope that everyone agrees this was a good spot to end it. I feel as if I continued, it would have gotten off track again. But if you would like to read more of my work, please feel free to do so. I have another multi-chap fic going at the moment called "Look at the Stars". It is Rose/Scorpius centred, but also Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny and my absolute favourite Ron/Rose (father/daughter). It also has many more of those next-gen family relationships. I also have some one shots that I would really appreciate reviews for.
Once again, thank you all so much. Your kind words helped write this fic. I hope to see you around.