A/N: Well, I've recently fallen in love with Doctor Who. And frankly, I am an 11/Amy sort of girl. And that, apparently, involves drabbles. Onward! This occurs... Probably before Vampires in Venice. Duuunno.

Resonating Light

"I haven't given my heart away," she says suddenly, sitting in his library, as she peers over the top of a book. Her gaze is hesitant but piercing. His Amy. "I know that it looks like I have, but..." He has to stop her.

"I've given away mine," he replies with finality, and the truth burns in his throat and his hearts pump faster. Proof that they're still there, that between a Time Lord and a mere human, they will always beat beat beat. Rose was his, too.

She chokes at that and the book falls from her hands. He waits for the surprise, the resignation. But it is Amelia Pond, and the Doctor should have known better. Instead, there is a fight burning in her eyes. Her voice comes out oddly soft. "You have two, don't you?"