In the End
Years passed and many things changed, Gohan and Kento graduated with their girlfriends and became scholars much too Chichi joy and married their high school sweet hearts.
Goten and Trunks are now teenagers both in high school.
Tarble and his wife returned to their planet but stop by every now and then for a visit.
Gohan and Videl had their daughter Pan a few years ago and Kento and Serena had just recently had their new son Zato.
Bulma and Vegeta had a daughter a while back and Master Roshi got new shades!
Trunks was flying over to the Son's place in a C.C. plane canner. "Huh that's weird, she seems to be running a little sluggish, nah I rather fly the old fashioned way" Trunks said jumping out of the plane and made it turn back into its capsule form and caught it.
"Much better!" Trunks said taking off towards the Son house. "Whoa it's been so long since I've been here" Trunks said flying down to the three houses down below.
Trunks knocked on the door and waited for a while and knocked again when no one answered. "Hello? Anyone home?" Trunks yelled knocking again.
"We don't want any!" Chichi yelled.
"Huh?" Trunks said looking up to see Chichi hanging laundry. "Oh it's you Trunks welcome to Mount. Pow" Chichi said.
"It's great to be out here, say is Goten around?" Trunks asked.
"Well when he wants to be right now he's with his father and uncle, they left this morning but hey go ask Gohan I'm sure he knows where they are" Chichi said.
"Oh that's cool I actually wanted to see Gohan anyway, it's nice to see you again Chichi" Trunks said heading towards Gohan house.
"Hey knock, knock" Trunks said knocking on it was it opened and popped his head in. "Hello? Gohan?" Trunks said looking around at the large den and walked in to see hot tea on the table and saw the TV on and walked over to see a picture of Gohan and Videl at their wedding and a baby picture of Pan.
"I don't believe it, Trunks what are you doing down there?" Gohan asked from the ladder he was on next to the large bookcase and a stack of books in his hands.
"Hey long time no see" Trunks said.
"Yeah what a great surprise" Gohan said fixing his glasses. "Would you mind taking some of these for me?"
"Uh sure" Trunks said taking the stack of books from Gohan. "Oh wow these books you've been doing a bit of reading huh?"
"Are you kidding we have to study all these damn books just to prepare" Kento said coming down the stairs with his own stack of books.
"Were getting ready for a big conference, oh hey put those on the table sorry about that" Gohan said.
"My Trunks you've grown and what do we owe this little visit?" Kento asked putting down his stack of books as Trunks looked at the paper work on the table.
"Whoa dad was right you two are bit of nerds aren't you?" Trunks said.
"Well maybe yeah" Gohan said as they heard crying and saw Serena holding Zato on top of the stairs with Videl next to her.
"Oh Videl Serena come on down and say hi to an old friend" Gohan said.
"Trunks wow what a surprise how have you been?" Videl asked.
"Oh pretty good it's nice to see you?" Trunks said.
"It's been way to long look at you you're a young man now" Videl said.
"Kento Zato wants his daddy again" Serena said.
"Ok let me see him" Kento said walking over to Serena. "Hey son come here" he said taking the baby as his tail wrapper around his wrist.
"He's so adorable guys" Trunks said.
"Thanks he doesn't look like Goku so that means we won't have another clone running around" Serena said getting a laugh out of everyone.
"What! Who said I'm too old! Why my Megaton Punches is as strong as ever! What this!" a balding Hercule said on the TV doing punches then kicks before he stopped to laugh.
"Ugh that's my dad alright he has no shame what so ever" Videl said.
"Well he is the world champion besides my dad said he really helped him Reyoto and Goku beat Buu" Trunks said.
"I just wish he'd stop taking credit for things he really didn't do, it's like he's a professional wrestler, the whole world is like his ring" Videl said.
"Oh Trunks what brings you all the way from West City?" Gohan asked.
"Yeah we don't get many visits from the Briefs" Kato said with a cooing baby.
"I almost forgot I came up here looking for Goten" Trunks said.
"Oh he's out training with my dad and Uncle on the South Face, your folks are on their ways right now" Gohan said.
"Huh? They didn't say anything to me" Trunks said.
"Well you better hurry poor Goten been lacking in his training, I never let Gohan slip so were in top form unlike you two slackers" Kento said.
"Hey!" Trunks said.
"Anyway you were seeing Trunks" Serena said.
"Yeah see yea guys" Trunks said heading out the door.
At the South Face Goku and Goten with longer hair were sparing. "Ow!" Goten yelled.
"Gotcha!" Goku said.
"Hey that's not fair!" Goten yelled.
"You're in for it now dad!" Goten yelled as Reyoto looked over at Bulma and Vegeta approaching.
"Now tell me, what's so important about this?" Bulma asked.
"To keep in tip top shape!" Reyoto said as Goku kicked Goten onto his back.
"One of these days the shoe is going to be on the other foot!" Goten said.
"Yes but until then train brat" Reyoto said as Goku noticed their guests.
"Hey! Wow what a surprise how you doing?" Goku said.
"Now you wouldn't know that would you Goku?" Bulma said. "How could? You never call and if we didn't come to visit you we'd probably never see you again!" Bulma said.
"I told you we should have sent them a postcard last Christmas" Reyoto said.
"Hey come on you know that's not true, didn't we just see each other not too long ago?" Goku said flying over to be in front of them.
"Five years Goku! Every time we get together with everyone you say you have to train!" Bulma said.
"Well it's true! I ah huh?" Goku said laughing a little. "Whoa it really has been long."
"What do you mean? What say it?" Bulma said.
"Well it's just you look middle aged" Goku said.
""Shut your rude mouth! I'll have you know that most people say I look good for my age! Excuse me for not being an alien monster that never changes!" Bulma yelled.
"We Saiyan evolved as a warrior race, we retain our youthfulness to fight longer" Vegeta said.
"Hmpf I guess your race didn't evolve with enough brains to have good manners" Bulma said.
"By the way Kakarot, is it true that you and Reyoto will be entering the world martial arts tournament?" Vegeta asked.
"Yep we sure are and you should as well you can't beat those stadium hot dogs" Goku said.
"Hot dogs! Enough already tell me the real reason your fighting" Vegeta said.
"Okay but I really rather talk about hot dogs but if you insist there's this guy who signed up to fight yesterday I think he might be really good" Goku said.
"Really? Hmmm, you'd think I would sense a spirit like that" Vegeta said.
"That's true if he wasn't suppressing his energy, no I think this guy is very soured we may have ourselves and challenge" Goku said.
"Hmmm I don't believe it a real fighter on this planet, is he an alien or what?" Vegeta said.
"Uh, uh this guys an earthling" Goku said.
"An earthling? Wait are you talking about some kind of android Kakarot?" Vegeta said.
"Nope this guy home grown, one hundred percent human being" Goku said.
"I didn't believe it either" Reyoto said.
"How is that possible, you Vegeta and Reyoto are the best there is no way an earthling can be in par with you, give me a break" Bulma said as Trunks flew in.
"Trunks? I don't believe it" Goten said.
"Hey" Trunks said.
"Now Trunks hay is for horse son" Bulma said.
"Grass too mom" Trunks said as she noticed the grass in her hands and tossed it. "So just grazing huh I thought you'd be training, are you going to be fighting in the tournament or are you chickening out" Trunks said.
"Yeah my dad is going to make me fight I actually had a date for tomorrow night until he made me cancel that is" Goten said.
"Ah come on Goten there's plenty of time after the tournament" Goku said.
"So your son has the same slack attitude as mine" Vegeta said.
"Seems so, Kento been making Gohan train every now and then so my boy doesn't fall into that category" Reyoto said.
"Well it's easy to get a little soft in times of peace" Goku said.
"Look here comes our latest student" Reyoto said.
"Ah excellent" Goku said as Pan came into sight in the sky. "There's a real go getter."
Pan then landed in front of Goku and Reyoto in her orange gi. "Well look who it is" Bulma said.
"Grandpa I just flew around the world again, good huh?" Pan said.
"Yeah I think it was your fastest time yet Pan" Goku said.
"You think I'll be ready for tomorrow then?" she asked.
"Wait no way, Pan you're not really going to fight in the tournament tomorrow are you?" Trunks asked.
"Yeah of course I am" Pan said.
"What! But there's not going to be a Junior Division at the tournament this year guys, don't tell me she fighting with adults?" Bulma said.
"Ah don't you guys worry about Pan she can hold her own in just about any division, she might not win the championships but she'll do just fine" Goku said.
"Yep Pan here may even beat you two brats" Reyoto said to Goten and Trunks.
"Pan has the right attitude I'm going to enter as well and guess what else Trunks is entering aren't you son?" Vegeta said.
"Huh!" Trunks said.
"If you don't I'll cut your allowance in half" Vegeta said.
"Ah!" Trunks said as Goten laughed.
Upon the arrival of the tournament the next day they walked through the entrance and looked around. "They never change do they?" Chichi said.
"I don't know the jury still out on the professors" Videl said.
"Yeah Gohan and Kento will not enter but I will" Serena said.
"What but I thought Kento would" Bulma said.
"He would if he won our bet" Serena said.
"What bet?" Gohan asked as Kento growled.
"The bet was that we both had to go a day without something I had to go a week without reading a romance novel while Kento had to go a week without saying the word brat, I would have lost if Goten didn't drop a bowling ball on Kento foot" Serena said.
"The winner got to fight in the tournament while the loser has to change and watch Zato for a week" Kento said holding Zato who was fast asleep.
""Ah that sucks" Gohan said.
"It's all that stupid brat fault!" Kento said as Goten flinched away.
"Hey grandpa?" Pan said pulling on Goku pant leg.
"What's up Pan?" Goku asked.
"Lets go have some fun grandpa" Pan said.
"Hey Gohan how we doing on time?" Goku asked.
"Were early we still have a little bit" Gohan said checking his watch.
"Okay lets go" Goku said as Pan ran off. "Hey wait up!"
"Hey where you going?" Gohan asked.
"Grandpa hurry come on!" Pan said.
"We'll be right back!" Goku said following Pan as they ran off to all the amusement.
"I swear he acts like a child when he around her" Reyoto said.
"Oh shut up Reyoto I know you get soft around Zato" Kento said.
"I do not" Reyoto said as Kento held Zato to Reyoto face as Zato laugh and grabbed at Reyoto nose as Reyoto gave in. "Ah hey there Zato, who my tuff little warrior?" he said as the baby laughed.
"See your soft around babies old man" Kento said pulling Zato back.
"Oh whatever!" Reyoto said walking away.
After finding Goku and Pan they made their way past the crowds as the rest of the Z-Fighters arrived. "Hey there they are" Krillin said as Goku waved to them
"Hey what's up guys? You look great, how are you?" Goku asked.
"Well to tell you the truth were a little pissed off how come you never call or come by were your friends training is fine but can't you keep in touch?" Krillin said as Goku laughed.
"I'm sorry guys, geez I got balled out by Bulma for doing the same thing, you do have phone don't you?" Goku said.
"Actually no I can't figure mine out" Piccolo said.
"I hear you" Goku said.
"How in the world you human use these damn touch screen thingamajigs is beyond me I crushed mine the day it pissed me off" Reyoto said.
"Hey are you going to enter Piccolo?" Goku asked.
"Hmpf and step into the ring with the likes of you? No thanks I'm going to kick back and watch the show I'm too old for this" Piccolo said.
"Your sandbagging Piccolo you don't look a day older then you did ten years ago" Gohan said.
"Grandpa were going to be late" Pan said pulling on Goku pants.
"Pan right bye you guys we'll see you in a little while" Goku said as him and the rest of the fighters of the tournament moved passed them.
"Oh man I don't know what it is about that guy but it's impossible to stay mad at him for very long" Krillin said.
Much to everyone approval Hercule arranged for the Z-Fighters and their families to sit near the entrance with people in the stands watching them.
"What a slap in the face" 18 said.
"Oh man talk about your nose bleed section" Krillin said.
"They look like ants" Gohan said.
"Unbelievable!" Bulma said.
"Videl I'm officially going to kill your father!" Kento growled.
"I should have entered at least then I would have a decent view" Gohan said.
"How can you say such a thing?" Videl said.
"What I could have done it" Gohan said.
"Well I'm not going to take this sitting down, this is absurd!" Bulma yelled getting up.
"Wait Bulma please let me talk to my father" Videl said running off to talk to speak with her father as they got seats right above the fighters entrance.
"Look mama I can see everything" Bra said.
"Wonderful" Bulma said.
"Well sometimes it pays to know the right people huh?" Videl said.
"Ah what a relief" Gohan said.
"Yeah Bulma was about to go ape on us" Krillin said.
"Watch it shorty some of the people in this room are apes!" Kento growled.
"Sorry!" Krillin said.
"Someone coming mama" Bra said as the tournament announcer ran out to the ring.
"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the world martial arts championships, it's time to introduce you to our finalist let's hear it for these great athletes who have passed the pulmonary rounds!" the announcer yelled as all the fighters of all shapes sizes and genders began to arrive.
"Here they are the greatest fighters in the world! Each fighting for the right to be called world championship, which one will it be folks your guess is as good as mine, and now time for the fighters to draw lots to decided how they will match up in the final rounds!"
"Look Zato there's your mom" Kento said holding Zato close to the wind as the baby laughed and Serena blew a kiss to them.
"Serena actually going to fight?" Krillin asked.
"Yeah and why not?" Kento asked.
"Well wasn't Zato born a month ago she lacked in training" Krillin said.
"She may be lacking in training but she been training long and hard like I have for this day and if you guys seen my wife fight you'll be in shock" Kento said rocking Zato.
"Alright it's time to get the ball rolling the fighters will now draw lots to see whom will be matched up with whom in the first round of the finals, this is a signal match elimination tournament which means that the losers will go home and the winners will move to the next round, the winner of the final round will proceed to the championship match there he or she will have the honor will have the honor of competing for the world title against the ruining champion of the world Mr. Satan!"
"Hey do you think the amazing guy your dad was going on about is really one of these? They all seem kind of normal" Trunks said seeing one man give him a wink as Trunks shivered.
"Yeah well there's one of them not so normal" Goten said.
"I'll say" Trunks said.
"Come on Kakarot which one is he?" Vegeta asked.
"Nope not telling" Goku said.
"Come on Goku at least give him a hint it's not fair that only you and I know" Reyoto said.
"Ok fighters as I call your names please come up and draw a number the first fighter is Goten!" the announcer said.
"That's me" Goten said.
"Well come on up" the announcer said.
"Hey Buu" Goku said walking to Majin Buu.
"Hmmm?" Buu said.
"I'd like you to do me a little favor but you're going to have to use your magic, listen I want you to change the lot numbers so I can fight this certain guy, will you do it?" Goku asked.
"Oh ok Buu do" Buu said.
"It's not like you to break the rule Kakarot" Vegeta said.
"I know but I want to fight this guy the first round that way we'll both be at one hundred percent and it will be a totally fair match" Goku said.
"Here goes nothing" Goten said drawing an eight.
"Eight, Goten has drawn the number eight! And the next fighter to draw is Wild Tiger!" the announcer said.
"Yeah let me at those number!" the large man said.
"Whoa I wouldn't want to be matched up with that guy" Bulma said.
"Ah he's nothing just a paper tiger even Krillin could beat a guy like that" 18 said.
"Oh well thanks a lot! That a hell of a thing to say!" Krillin yelled.
"Well you should have entered, you might have won some prize money even I would have been a world champion if I didn't let Mr. Satan win" 18 said.
"Yeah well what about Goku, Reyoto and Vegeta withdrawing that year to fight Majin Buu?" Krill said.
"Pan and Serena entered your just a wimp" 18 said.
"Look Pan going to pick a number mom!" Marron said.
"Here she comes the youngest fighter of the tournament" the announcer said.
"Let's see" Pan said.
"Is it time for Buu to use his sneaky magic?" Buu asked.
"Not yet Buu" Goku said.
Pan then held out a one to the announcer. "Yes number one, young Pan has picked number one!" The announcer said.
"And the next fighter to draw is Goku!" the announcer shouted.
"Lets do it!" Goku said. "Buu make mine number three" Goku whispered.
"Okay" Buu said.
"Hi!" Goku said to the announcer.
"Long time no see the competition haven't been the same without you Goku" the announcer said.
"It's good to be back" Goku said as Buu turned his six to three as he held it up.
"Three, Goku has picked number three!" the announcer shouted. "And the next fight to draw is Nara!"
"Alright Buu let's see make this guy number six" Goku said.
"Six yes" Buu said.
"Hey is this guy the one?" Vegeta asked.
"It's six Nareg has picked number six!" the announcer shouted. "Now Serena Hoshi!"
"Give her any number but four" Goku whispered.
"Okay" Buu said as Serena drew a thirteen.
"thirteen, Serena picked thirteen!" the announcer said. "Next up Reyoto Hoshi!"
"Goku I better get someone worth fighting or I'll kick your ass" Reyoto growled as he went to pick his number.
Soon after Reyoto got a number Uub was picked. "Now Uub your next!" the announcer said.
"Yes right!" Uub said.
"Alright Buu make this one number four I don't care about the rest of them" Goku whispered.
"Okay" Buu said.
"What! No way! That can't be him he's a kid!" Vegeta said.
"He's been waiting a long time for this don't be deceived by his appearance he's the one alright" Goku said.
"How can you possibly know that? I don't understand" Vegeta said.
"Well it's strange but right before I defeated the evil final form of Buu I made a request I asked him to come back as a good person so we can fight together, apparently King Yemma heard my request and decided to make it happen" Goku said.
"Wait hold on your saying this boy is Majin Buu?" Vegeta said.
"I'm almost certain and there's a pretty significant clue just look at his name it's Uub that's Buu spelled backwards, bazaar huh?" Goku said.
"Uub is the final form of Buu reincarnated" Reyoto said.
"In the first bout Pan will be facing Wild Tiger! In the second bout Goku will take on Uub! In the third bout Nareg will fight Reyoto! Next Buu will fight Goten in the fourth bout! The fifth bout will feature Trunks and Otokosukiand in the sixth Vegeta will go head to head with Nok and in the final Bout Serena will fight Captain Chicken!"
"Fighters the judges are going to need a few minutes to get ready then we'll call the names for the first bout, until then your free to rest warm up or do as you please to prepare, good luck to you" the announcer said.
"Great! How come I the one fighting Buu in the first round!" Goten said.
"That's the luck of the draw" Trunks said.
"Well you'll be on that date sooner then you thought tuff guy" Goku said.
"What are you bozoos belly aching about I have to fight a little ity bity kid!" Wild Tiger said.
"So?" Serena said.
"The mighty Wild Tiger doing battle with a toddler, come on" he said as Pan stuck her tongue at him.
"Ah this is stupid they shouldn't even let you in this isn't a tournament for breast feeding babies!" Mighty Tiger said.
"Well I'm happy with my match up" Otokosuki said making Trunks feel uncomfortable. "Don't worry I'll be gentle with you."
"Yep the luck of the draw Trunks" Goten said.
"Hey old man looks like we'll be fighting each other" Nok said to Vegeta who didn't respond. "Got a little attitude there is that it? Or are you just so old and ugly you cant hear any more?" he said.
"Oh he going to get it" Serena said.
"Hey!" he yelled in Vegeta ear and laughed before lifted his fist and hit Nok sending him flying into the sign in front of the fighters entrance as everyone but the Z-Fighters watched in horror.
"Tell the officials that my opponent decided to forfeit" Vegeta said.
"Ugh couldn't he wait?" Bulma said.
"Whoa papa strong!" Bra said.
"Maybe too much for his own good" Kento said.
"And now the moment you all been waiting for its time to begin the final rounds of the world martial arts championship! Fourteen fighters are still remaining but only one of them will earn the right to become world championship and the prize money that goes with it, serving as the sponsor of our prize money this year is known other than Mr. Satan the reigning world champion himself!" the anouncer said.
"I'm heading down to see Serena, Videl Gohan lets go" Kento said as they made their way to the fighter room.
"Alright it's almost time sweetie, let's get this good and tight" Videl said fixing Pan belt. "There you go now be strong but also be careful ok?"
"Kay!" Pan said.
"Stay lose Pan, remember your training ok?" Gohan said.
"Right!" Pan said.
"Will Pan and Wild Tiger please report to the ring!" the announcer" said.
"You on Pan" Gohan said.
"Go get him sweetie!" Videl said.
"Yeah!" Pan said hooping off the bench. "Wish me luck!"
"Luck Pan!" Reyoto said.
"Bye everybody I'm number one!" Pan cheered.
"Wild Tiger is facing Pan a talented young girl at the tender age of four but don't be surprised and her grandfather is known other than the one the only Mr. Satan!" the announcer said.
"Now let's begin the first round with the enormous Wild Tiger and Pan!" the announcer said as Pan and Wild Tiger made their way out of the fighters box.
"Pan take it easy on him ok!" Gohan yelled.
"Go Pan you're the best!" Bra yelled.
Pan and Wild Tiger then made it to the center of the ring. "Fighters let the match begin!" the announcer yelled.
"Yeah alright so be it then!" Wild Tiger said as Pan went into a battle stance as Pan flew up and slapped Wilder Tiger across the face and sent him bouncing on the ring and as he got up to grip his face before Pan came up to kick him out of the ring.
"Wow what an attack at least he's still breathing the winner of the first bout by a knock out is the mighty Pan! And Pan advances to the second round!" the announcer said.
Pan skipped her way back into the fighter's room with Hercule crashing into the sign in front of them. "Pan you okay?" Hercule asked.
"Uh huh of course I am gramps" Pan said.
"After all she is your granddaughter" Trunks said sarcastically.
"Pan you little rascal what a great performance wow" Goku said ruffling her hair.
"Thanks" Pan said.
"Goku he's watching" Reyoto whispered as Goku looked over to see Uub.
"Hi there I guess were up next, my name is Goku lets do our best" Goku said holding out his hand to Uub.
"Yeah sure I'm looking forward to it Goku" Uub said shaking his hand.
"And now it's time for the next bout featuring Goku and the youngster Uub!" the announcer said as Goku and Uub walked out of the fighters room.
"Goku has appeared in numerous tournaments over the years and is a formal world champion himself, he is a truly remarkable fighter, in my opinion he is second to none in the competition here and if I make a prediction I think it will be Goku and Buu fighting it out to see who goes into the championships!"
"Goku opponent comes from a small village on a faraway island he's the oldest of five children his name is Uub and he entered the tournament in hopes of winning the prize money to use it to buy food for his village ah."
"It's a shame that nice boy traveled so far only to get matched up with Goku in the finals" Bulma said.
"I don't know Bulma that boy may surprise everyone" Kento said rocking Zato.
"Do you know something Kento?" Gohan asked.
"I know a little but I think I'll let you all watch this fight unfold" Kento said.
"Fighters let the match begin!" the announcer shouted with the ring of the gong.
"Hey don't be so tense you can't fight to your full potential like that" Goku said.
"Yeah right" Uub said still shaking.
"He's so nervous" Goku said taking one step as the boy flinched.
'Goku you're not going to get anywhere if this kid doesn't get over this nervousness' Reyoto said threw mind link.
'I know this calls for distractive measures' Goku replied.
'Don't be to mean' Reyoto said.
"Hey kid your dipper dirty I can smell it from here" Goku said.
"Huh?" Uub said.
"Oh drop the goodie, goodie act stinking village rat and I'm going to finish that hair cut for you, you pint beauty school reject" Goku said.
'Come on Goku try harder' Reyoto thought.
"Oh yeah your plain ugly too, yeah that's it and that's not surprising when you consider what the rest of your family look likes is it Mohawk boy!" Goku said.
'He's getting mad Goku but no made enough try those you mama jokes' Reyoto said.
"Your mother so fat that cows moo at her!" Goku said getting Uub madder.
"How dare you insult my mother!" Uub yelled.
"Well come on kid right here right on my Uub!" Goku said slapping his ass.
'Not enough Goku try hitting him' Reyoto said as Goku charged at him.
"Your dad a bed wetter!" Goku said kicking Uub almost making the kid fall out of the ring as Uub growled.
"My mom isn't fat!" he yelled as his muscles began to grow. "My family isn't ugly!" his veins began to show. "And my father is not a bed wetter!" he yelled running at Goku and jumped and kicked at him as Goku blocked his kick.
Uub jumped back as Goku arm throbbed with the impact as Uub came back and punched Goku in the face sending him flying back onto the ring.
"Oh my goodness it looks like Goku is out cold!" the announcer said as Goku got to get up. "Wait he's getting up."
"Wow this is really exciting" Goku said.
"Goku look out!" Reyoto yelled as Goku looked up to see Uub above him and came down with a kick as Goku teleported out of the way and jumped back away from the hole.
"There's no doubt about it this kid Majin Buu alright" Goku said as Uub looked around and turned to see Goku and came running at him and began punching and kicking at Goku as Goku dodged and blocked his attack.
At one point Goku caught Buu arm and flew into the air and threw Uub into the ring.
Uub emerged from the ring tiles as he coughed. "Hey the fight up here!" Goku yelled as Uub looked up to see Goku above him.
Uub then growled as he jumped out of the hole he was in and spun over Goku and to the other side of the ring.
"Very good but you can do much better" Goku said as he charged at Uub and kicked his head as Goku hit his face and slammed his fists onto his back as they began punching and kicking at each other.
"Wow! Feel the power of those blows it can stop a train in its tracks! Are you watching this!" the announcer said.
"I don't believe it the kid is actually learning how to fight while he's fighting" Vegeta said.
"By the end of this fight the kid may learn to fight too" Reyoto said.
"Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing? Oh man unreal" Krillin said.
"Yes I see, he's great" Gohan said.
"But that's your dad!" Videl said.
"Yeah how can a boy fight with Goku like that?" Chichi asked.
"He must be the guy the one Goku was talking about, is that possible, could a boy be that strong?" Bulma asked as Uub and Goku collided fist making a small crater around them and shaking the stadium as electricity formed around them.
"At this rate the ring will be destroyed before any of the other fighters can fight" Kento said as Uub began beating on Goku.
"Whoa he's giving Goku a run for his money" Dende said.
"Indeed he is Dende and Goku must be loving it, he waited ten years for this" Piccolo said.
"Has it really been that long? Wow where have the years gone" Kento said seeing Uub spin Goku around and thrown into the air as Uub flew up.
"Your words are venom!" Uub yelled slamming his fists down on Goku and sending his crashing into the large crater causing a wave of dust.
"Grandpa!" Pan yelled running towards the ring.
"No Pan!" Hercule yelled stopping her.
"No grandpa don't ne hurt!" Pan said.
"Goku!" Chichi yelled.
"No he's gone!" Videl said.
"Relax people that kid may have gave Goku a beating but it will take more than that to keep him down, watch" Kento said.
Uub stood on the end of the crater panting as he looked in and the ring shook and rocks began flying out of the crater with a wave of energy as Uub fell back and Goku emerged and landed in front of Uub.
"Incredible Goku hardly has a scratch on him!" the announcer said as Goku cracked his neck.
"Pretty good try, lets go!" Goku said.
"Looks like mine and Serena opponents ran out" Reyoto said.
"What! The coward!" Serena yelled looking for her fighter.
"Oh well saves us the trouble" Reyoto said as they watch Goku and Uub go at it again causing more holes and craters in the ring.
Uub emerged out of a crater as he growled. "I won't lose!" Uub yelled charging his energy as tiles and rocks began flying at Goku as Uub came at Goku and Goku vanished as Uub got hit by one of the rock as fell out of the ring but grabbed onto the ring with his foot.
When Uub climbed back in he looked up to see Goku floating in the air above the ring. "You can fly!" Uub said as Goku flew back to charge for a kai blast.
"Dad don't do it!" Gohan yelled as Goku stopped when he saw the ring shatter as he flew down and grabbed Uub before he fell out of the ring and flew up.
"Huh?" Uub said looking up at Goku.
"Hello, I take it that you don't know how to fly yet Uub well that's too bad it's only natural you know you need to find a master to teach you these things" Goku said.
"Hmm" Uub said as the landed back in the ring.
"I apologize for insulting you earlier please forgive me" Goku said.
"Huh?" Uub said as Goku got hit behind the head by a rock as Reyoto walked out into the ring.
"You baka! Look what you did to the ring! When I agreed to let you fight him I said little causalities not destroy the ring! Idiot I can't rust you with anything!" Reyoto yelled.
"Sorry Reyoto, anyway Uub I just wanted to see your true power it was all bottled up inside until I made you mad, look at you I think you learned something about yourself, your strong real strong, however you don't know how to control your powers yet I bet you never fought a fight like this before have you?" Goku said.
"No not really" Uub said.
"Yeah I see hmm" Goku said.
'I know where this is going so let's teach the boy since I can't leave you alone without destroying a place' Reyoto said threw mind link.
"Ok why not" Goku said out loud. "We've decided that for now on were going to live in your village and teach you the art of fighting" Goku said.
"How does that sound Uub?" Reyoto asked.
"You'll get a lot stronger well what do you say" Goku said.
"Why yes of course oh but" Uub said.
"But what Uub?" Goku asked.
"See I come from a poor family I spend my days working with my father sports are for fun Goku but there's no time for that" Uub said.
"Oh I see well we'll just have to find a sponsor for you" Goku said.
"Yes and I know just the balding man who owes us a few favors" Reyoto said looking over at Hercule.
"Yeah he has more money than he has body hair" Goku said.
"He does?" Uub said.
"Don't worry your covered" Goku said.
"Huh?" Uub said.
"But if anything happens to me or Reyoto it will be up to you to maintain peace in the world" Goku said.
"Huh!" Uub said.
"Be right back" Goku said flying to his family.
"Okay?" Uub said.
"Allow me to explain, Uub the world has fallen into danger many times Goku and the other Z-Fighters has maintained peace for a long time, but we can't live forever Uub we need successors to maintain the peace" Reyoto explained while Goku spoke with the family.
"What's going on?" Gohan asked.
"Hey guys I hate to do this but I just wanted to let you all know that Reyoto and I are going to live in Uub village to train him" Goku said.
"Goku!" Chichi said.
"That's lame!" Bulma said.
"I don't know how many years this is going to take but I promise I'll visit you guys, thank you for understanding" Goku said.
"But we don't understand you leaving for good" Gohan said.
"Well short of" Goku said.
"Short of?" Gohan said.
"Not again!" Chichi said.
"Don't worry guys I'll bring him by for every birthday and other occasion Kento tells me about" Reyoto yelled as Goku flew in front of Goten and Trunks.
"Your leaving?" Goten said.
"Gosh Goku it's kind of sudden isn't it?" Trunks said.
"Grandpa it can't be true! Tell me it's not true grandpa!" Pan cried as she ran into his arms.
"Whats wrong?" Goku asked.
"Baka" Reyoto said as he looked up to Kento who nodded at him as he smilled.
"Grandpa are you really leaving?" Pan asked.
"Yes" Goku said as Pan cried.
"You can't go! That's not fair what am I going to do without you!" she cried.
"Hey, hey, hey Pan it's ok we'll still get to see each other now and then, grandpa going to come and visit you" Goku said.
"Promise?" Pan said.
"Yes I promise I wouldn't miss it but you can't be sad while I'm gone ok?" Goku said.
"Okay sure" Pan said.
"Yeah that's my girl" Goku said brushing her hair.
"Trunks Goten please try to stay focused and trained, look I see a bright future in Uub but you are the ones he's going to look to in leadership" Goku said.
"Right" Goten and Trunks said.
"Don't worry Goku I'll make sure the brats train!" Kento yelled.
"I'm going to train too grandpa I'll be big and strong like you and save the world too!" Pan said.
"Yeah that the spirit" Goku said setting Pan down and looked to Vegeta. "Hey Vegeta sorry to disappoint you I was really looking forward to one more bout with the prince of Saiyans."
"Don't worry about it we couldn't play, not here, when we fight we'll need a whole planet for an arena" Vegeta said.
"Your too much bye my friend" Goku said flying back to Reyoto and Uub.
"Well lets boogie hop on" Goku said floating next to Uub.
"Is this okay?" Uub as getting onto Goku back as Reyoto floated in the air.
"Yep perfect now you live south of here right?" Goku asked.
"Uh huh" Uub said.
"Great! Hold on were heading south okay?" Goku said.
"Kay!" Uub said.
"Ready and blast off!" Goku said as he and Reyoto took off into the sky.
"Good bye grandpa! Remember your promise!" Pan yelled.
"You mean your dad and uncle gone just like that?" Videl asked.
"Yeah he has this way of coming and going" Gohan said.
"How could he?" Chichi said.
"I'm sorry but Goku going to have to grow up someday and realize there more to life then fighting!" Bulma said.
"He's doing this for life, Reyoto going along to make sure Goku comes to visit and Goku won't be around to protect the world all the time guys Uub, Goten, Trunks, Pan and even little Zato are our futures and will defend the world someday my friends, he'll be back trust me Goku never breaks his promises" Kento said rocking Zato as everyone stared at him.
"He seemed happy to me more so than in a long time" Piccolo said.
"Yeah your right Piccolo" Dende said.
Over the sea Goku and Reyoto were flying while Uub enjoyed the sight. "Hey how about it?" Goku said.
"Huh what?" Uub said.
"After your training finished and you've become flawless how about we fight again so we can test our powers on each other" Goku said.
"Yeah sure" Uub said.
"It will be awesome to be honest I can't wait for that day to come" Goku said.
"Oh yes you can" Reyoto said.
"It sounds thrilling doesn't it? Going head to head in an all-out battle!" Goku said.
"Yeah!" Uub yelled.
"Alright, hold on tight Uub!" Goku said as him and Reyoto blasted off in the distances.
Back at the tournament Hercule won with Pan in second and Vegeta in third since he didn't want to hit a child and after the tournament Gohan and Kento meet up to talk.
"How come you're not upset about your uncle leaving with my dad?" Gohan asked.
"Reyoto warned me ahead of time knowing Goku would do something like this but I am fine with it I know my uncle will drag Goku back to visit but they are doing this for the protection of earth and I'm fine with it, as long as Zato grows up to be as strong as us someday" Kento said.
"Do you think they will ever stay for good?" Gohan asked.
"I don't know Gohan I can't give you an answer you will want but I can say this, our futures are in the right hands" Kento said.
"Yeah I guess your right" Gohan said as they looked out to the sunset.
End of the Dragon Ball Z Saga Retold.