
It's me again! Graylu 26!...

This is my second fanfic so hope you like it!

Again, I am not Hiro Mashima….

Lovey Dovey

Lucy's POV

"Uhm... Hey dad! Would y ou tell Loke to quiet down a bit?.. He's so freakin loud!" I shouted from my room.

"Yes my angel!" dad replied as he was counting his money. Then I heard dad shouting at loke. I just smiled at hearing it. I just love hearing loke being shouted at!...

Normal POV

"And Lucy, Loke , come down for a second! I have something to tell you!

"Yes dad?" Lucy asked as she was going down their marble staircase, she loved the feeling of the smooth marble on her skin so she just took a slower pace on the stairs. Loke came down also. Now, they were seated on the on the 3 sonic chairs with an attached imac their father began to talk. "Lucy, Loke, I want you to go to a boarding school. The boarding school will choose the next king and queen of fiore, also it will choose the future dukes and dutches. Only the 8 most powerful and richest families in fiore can join and we are one of those families. There will be 13 kids in that boarding school. Kids from the Full buster family, Dragneel family, Scarlet family , Fernandes family, Strauss family, Justine family and the Loxar family. And i want you to win a spot in the future rulers of fiore."

"Me?... a boarding school?.. dad! I am already enrolled in one of the most prestigous school in magnolia!.. Why should i go to a boarding school?" Lucy shouted back at her father. "Lucy!.. as a member of one of the most powerful families in fiore you should enter that school! That school is the most expensive, comfortable, and prestigous school in all of fiore! You may consider it as the most expensive in all of earthland!" Mr. heartfilia shouted.

'' Sounds good to me dad!" Loke said. "Thank you son." replied his father. " Ok dad but please make sure that the school is great and comfortable or else i'll drop out!"said Lucy. "Yes my darling." Said the CEO of Heartfilia railways with an evil smile.

SO?...did you like the first chapter of the story?... sorry for the wrong grammar if there is. and please tell me the things i'll have to improve on next time! .