A/N: Yes I'm back, just briefly to celebrate the KLAROLINE scene from 3x11 - Our Town! Right, who's with me? KLAROLINE is SO on! So I dedicate this little freeverse to them, because I'm in the mood. If you don't know what freeverse is about - basically it is like poetry but you can make it look and be whatever you like - it can rhyme but it doesn't have to; it can be long or short; and it challenges you in many ways! This will be my third attempt and I hope I'm getting better at it!
Birthday Wishes
! It was her birthday. !
Elena, Bonnie & Matt all
wanted to CELEBRATE, but
(?What was the Point?)
And now, she was
Bitten by her
ex, hybrid, werewolf, boyfriend.
Tyler Lockwood.
Yes, a mistake. But death wasn't
MEANT to be this HARD, was it?
She'd had enough
DRAMA human!
{She was miserable}
The intoxicating bite ! FLARED !
a c r o s s
her shoulder. Soon she'd
be no-more!
[A hybrid bite killed vampires]
Voices; Matt arguing
with a man; Goosebumps
swarmed over her sweat-ridden skin.
Liz wasn't taking any of his BS,
until he said, he could
save her.
It only took one action.
Giving his B L O O D,
but he'd {respect} her choice -
to live or not to live?
She was alone in her bedroom
with Nicklaus: So forlorn, upset, guilty.
When it was his fault Tyler attacked her!
{But why, did she say yes?}
Was it T R U TH, he spoke?
He persuaded her that life after death,
was the BEST thing in the WORLD!
Music, theatre, art.
And a hundred, thousand years, past and future.
{She could start anew}
Klaus was kind, caring && gentle.
He touched her bracelet with a smile.
"I love birthdays."
{What was it they shared that night?}
An understanding? Or more?
[She wasn't his sweetheart]
But still she listened. Taking his
wrist into her frightened jaw && feeding
on his *magical* blood,
until her EYES filled with desires
&& his Hybrid blood healed
her FLESH. Then
his fingers b r u s h e d against her cheek,
willing her to sleep - with maybe a hint of
regret && childhoodmemories.
{Klaus wasn't all monster}.
She woke.
Thinking it were a
But there, reminding her
of what they shared. was a gift [wrapped
in a velvet box] which she opened, naturally
curious && inside lay a bracelet;
Klaus thought worthy of her attention -
leaving her heart to RACE!
{What did it all mean?}
P.S - Now that people have seen what Klaroline might be like I am getting SO much traffic coming to Believe the unexpected, unfortunately, everyone seems to be favouriting but not leaving reviews! What is up with that? I worked very hard on it and sometimes it baffles me when people story-alert a completed fic and don't review!
So in your review: I want to know what you thought of the scene and what you thought of my little idea. So sit back and when you're done reading, get those fingers typing!
Thanks lovelies xx
- I wrote another freeverse dedicated to Klaus and Young Minerva McGonagall (HP/TVD crossover, please let me know what you think! It is called Wolves & Witches!).