Hey, people; BrokenSoldier here. Sorry that I haven't posted anything in a while, I just haven't gotten a good idea for a story yet. Now, here's a story that's sort of a filler/continuation of my first story, taking place while Ryan and Sarah are on their honeymoon. Well, hope you like it! All of the main dialog will be spoken from Tigress' POV. I'm keeping Tigress in her personality from the past story simply to avoid confusion and frustration for the readers and myself

BTW, I do not own Kung Fu Panda, but man I sure wish I did.

Chapter 1: When History Repeats Itself

It had been two days since Ryan and Sarah left for Japan. They deserved some time off, considering everything they had been through. I was wandering down the hallways of the barracks, making my way to the Training Hall, going to get some practice in for today. It was a little too quiet for my taste in the Jade Place, and no one seemed to be around. When I got to the Training Hall, no one was there, much to my surprise.

"Crane? Viper? Monkey?"

I was alone in the Training Hall with only myself to talk to. I tried calling out again.

"Spencer? Leah?"

Again, nothing but silence. I began to walk towards the Seven Clubs, when something much to my surprise happened.

"Surprise! Shēngrì kuàilè Tigress!" shouted everyone at the door to the Training Hall.

I simply stood there with a shocked look on my face.

"What?" asked Viper. "Don't tell you forget it was your birthday, today!"

"It's not that, it's just… I never thought that you guys would do this for me…"

"Tigress, you're our friend! We'd give up our arms and legs for you!" replied Spencer.

"Thanks, guys."

"You're welcome, Tigress. Now come on, you've got presents!"

I followed Viper and everyone down to the dining hall, where Po had prepared a fabulous feast for everyone. There were dumplings, bean buns, almond cookies (Monkey's mouth was already watering), and bowls upon bowls of noodles.

"Shēngrì kuàilè Tigress!" shouted Po.

"Po, this must have taken you hours to prepare. You didn't have to do all of this for me!"

"Oh, it's alright. Besides, think of this as a repayment for taking that cannon blast back in Gongmeng."

Everyone took their seats and gladly dug into the feast placed before them, sharing stories, jokes an many other things among the conversations. Finally, Po came out with nine colorfully wrapped packages.

"Are those… for me?"

"Yep! It is your birthday after all."

I picked up a small rectangular box wrapped in a light blue paper. When I opened it up, I found a necklace with a silver band, with a bright red lotus as a pendant. There was also a note.

'Shēngrì kuàilè Tigress! Sorry we couldn't make it, but here's a gift for you. –From, Ryan and Sarah.'

'Thanks, you two.'

I began to unwrap the other boxes, each containing a bright red Qipoa, a brand new set of training weights, some wind chimes for when I needed to meditate, and a set of new incenses, among other things. Finally, Tai Lung stepped in with a box wrapped in bright red paper.

"Shēngrì kuàilè Tigress. This isn't much, but I wanted to give you something for your birthday." said Tai Lung, handing me the package.

I began to unwrap it, but before I opened the box, there a small note at the top.

'To me, you're more than just another person. I know I don't deserve the love that you've given me, but I thank you for that. Consider this a token of my appreciation.'

When I opened the box, I was amazed at what was inside. Inside the package was a bright red, steel band with the kanji for family, loyalty, strength and repentance. I immediately snapped it on, walking over to Tai Lung to give him what I should have given him when he came back to the Palace. I gave him the greatest hug I could've, with everyone's face going into total shock.

"Thank you… brother. This is more than enough for just a token."

When I walked away, I could've sworn I saw a little smile across Tai Lung's face, with a tear rolling down his cheek. Unfortunately, I began to feel faint. I felt my body go limp as I fell to the floor while Po caught me.

"Tigress! Wake up! Crane, go get a medic, quickly!"

I was cradled in Po's arms while I saw horrifying vision within my subconscious. I saw a lone white tiger ripping through an unknown village, tearing the bodies of citizens and… eating their remains, brutally. I still couldn't tell who he was or where he was, but when his piercing black eyes hit mine, I knew exactly who he was.

"Fa… Father? Is that you?" I said within my mind, my face filled with worry and horror.

Suddenly, the tiger lunged for me, but I woke up back in my room in the next second. My eyes began to scan the room. Everyone was staring at me, thinking I was some deranged lunatic. Po, of course, was the first to say something.

"Tigress; are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. How long have I been out?"

"About an hour; what happened?"

"I… I don't know. Po, I need to speak with you and Shifu; alone."

Everyone else immediately left the room, until only me, Po and Shifu were left.

"Tigress, what's wrong? Even before today you've been acting strange."

"When I was out, I think I saw my father. He was on a rampage in a village, ripping everything and everyone to shreds. Before I woke up, he suddenly lunged at me."

"Hm… Tigress, there's something I need to tell you. Po, you'll need to hear this too."

"Um… okay."

"Have each of you heard of the Master of the Burning Wave Empire?'

"Oh! Master Feng-Shu! He was one of the greatest warriors of our time, taking out armies one-hundred thousand men strong within days on his own!"

"Very good, Po. Now, do you know what became of the master?"

"I think; didn't he marry a Siberian Tiger and have a daughter?"

"Yes. Do you know what became of that daughter?"

"From what I know, she was abandoned on the edge of an old village because of some idiotic reason."

"Exactly; when Feng-Shu married that woman, they both began to become corrupt with power, and began to take over city after city, killing anyone too weak to become part of their army. Soon, they became obsessed with power, and when the daughter was born, they left her for dead, thinking she would never be strong enough to hold her own."

"Wait, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that the daughter of the twisted Feng-Shu and his wife is alive, and she is the only one with the power to defeat them both. Tigress, I want you and Po to go to the northern city of Shen-Fong, and interrogate anyone on the whereabouts of Feng-Shu or his daughter."

"Understood." Po and I replied.

I packed a small knapsack with a few outfits and some food, while Po just packed food.

'Heh; guess some things never change.' I thought to myself.

"So Tigress, where do you think we should start heading off to?" asked Po as we were just outside the Place gates.

"I don't know. Let's check the map."

I opened the map that I had gotten from the Archives, checking the paths and roads around our city.

"Hey, why don't we stop there?" said Po, pointing to a small village labeled 'Senlin'.

The village was right before the Devil's Pass, so it made sense to stop at least near there in case we needed supplies.

"That sounds like a good idea, Po. Let's get going."

Po and I headed down the Place steps, heading out of the Valley of Peace within minutes. The path, we knew many times over, but as we kept going forward, something seemed… unsettling. We had only gotten about twenty miles outside of the Jade Palace, and about six hours away, when a very unfitting mist had rolled in. I began to proceed slowly, wondering what could be waiting for us within the fog-covered forest. Po had stopped next to a giant Bonsai tree, looking around the scenery for any intruders.

"Po, get down!"

I tackled Po as a spear was dug into the tree he was standing next to.

"What was that?"

"I don't know, Po, but we need to start running; now!"

I dashed off into the forest, with Po following close behind. Suddenly, knives began flying at us from all directions, embedding themselves in trees or being lost in the fog.

"Tigress, get behind me!"

I did as Po told me to do, but when I did, Po did something I never expected him to do. As knives came flying at him, he began to deflect them all, sending them back to where they came from within the fog.

"Po, we have to keep running. Ah!"

A knife had just cut my arm , but I knew I had to keep running. I instantly sped up, with Po still following close behind. I heard the sound of running water close by, but what I found was more then I expected. It was an entire waterfall, and I did the only thing my instincts told me to do..

"Po, jump!"

He and I jumped off the top of the waterfall, each of us landing in the misty waters below. I rose up above the water to make sure that our assailant wasn't following us anymore.

"It's all clear, Po. You can come out of the water now."

"*Gasp* Thanks; I don't know how much longer I could've held my breath."

We both swam over to the land that was around the water fall, making sure all our assets were still in working condition. When I pulled out the map, most of the ink was faded from the paper.

"Ah, damn it! This is just great."

"Hey, wait a second. I might be able to fix that."

"And how would you do that, Po?"

"With some calligraphy brushes." said Po, reaching into his knapsack.

"Where did you get those?"

"Well, Crane thought I needed to be a bit more 'cultured', so he got me a set of calligraphy brushes. I may be able to repair the damaged areas with these."

Po began to take the brushes and repair the paths and roads that were damaged by the waterfall, so at least we would know where we were going.

"Thanks, Po."

"No problem. I'm actually surprised I was able to remember all the paths on the map, AND redraw them perfectly."

"Well, we need to keep moving. We may have dodged that assailant for now, but who knows what else could be waiting for us."

"What? We can't eat first? It's been hours!"

"Po, in all seriousness, we need to keep moving. If we're lucky, we'll be a fourth of the way to Senlin by tonight. "

"Oh, all right."

Po and I started on our journey once again, with the fog finally beginning to roll out of the forest. We kept walking for about five hours, until nightfall was upon us. We stopped in the middle of a grassy field, which had a cliff over to the right, setting up camp and cooking some dinner.

"Ah! Delicious as always, Po."

"I'm glad you like it, Tigress. You know, you've been a lot cheerier ever since Sarah, Leah, Ryan and Spencer arrived in the Valley of Peace. What's with the sudden change of attitude?"

"Well, I thought maybe I should try being a little nicer for a change. Sometimes the hard-core façade isn't easy to pull off, but I try to be nicer. So far, it's worked out great; I actually feel a bit calmer because of my change in personality."

"Well, that's great. You going to hit the sack?"

"Yeah; what about you?"

"I'll clean up. I have a few other things on my mind I just want to take care of."

"Oh. Good night, Po."

Po cleaned the dishes and put them back into knapsack, and wandered over to the cliff, looking up at the stars, with a face of curiosity and slight despair.

"Dad… where are you?"

Po simply looked up at the sky, still wondering if an answer to his question would ever reach him.

"I know that you weren't able to be there for me, and I know that you probably don't know where I am, or who I've become, but if you're out there, please… give me a sign."

Po sat there for a few more moments before heading back to his tent and falling asleep, but little did he know that I was going through something much more traumatic.

*Tigress' Dreamscape*

'Great, I'm back here again. Just a big, dark, black void.'

I began to wander through the void, finding nothing within the dark emptiness I had entered. I saw a bright blue light out in the distance, and I began to walk toward it, until another light, one of pure crimson began to shine on the other side. I stopped in my tracks, when a tall, dark figure appeared before me.

"So, which road shall you take?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you will eventually be forced to make a choice; you either take the road to light, or the road to power. I must warn you though, each road has its gifts, and each road has its consequences. I will, heh heh, leave you with that."

I was suddenly thrust into the middle of a raging battle in the Valley of Peace, watching citizens be slaughtered in the streets. My eyes finally hit a figure of feminine stature, holding a dead sheep in her clutches. I charged for her immediately, breaking her grip of the deceased citizen and going to continue my attack. She suddenly then turned around and impaled me with a large spear, pinning me to the wall of a building.

"Well, well, well, looks like I'll have another trophy to add to my gallery." Said the woman with the spear.

Suddenly, the wall of the building in front of me collapsed, as I saw the feathers of Crane, the skin of Viper, and the pelt of Monkey. Po was at the top of the building, held captive with a spear knife in his chest.

"Ah, my finest edition. But before he succumbs to his wounds, I'm going to take you head!"

The assailant yanked the spear from my gut, raising it above her head, and swinging with powerful fury.

*Real World*


I had woken up in a sweat, hyperventilating and in absolute shock.

'What… what was that?"

I began to walk outside for a while, spotting Po at the cliff, laying down asleep.

"Po? Po, wake up."

"Aw, come on dad. It's a Saturday… *snore*"

'Well, I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this.'

I went back to the tent and got out a small water sack, taking over to a small puddle and filling it. I immediately went back over to Po and dumped the freezing all over his face.

"Ah! I'm up! Dishes clean, may I take your… what happened?"

"Oh, I had to dump some water on your head. We better get moving; sun's already up."

"Well, at least let me cook some breakfast. If we're moving again, then we'll need something in our stomachs."

"Oh, alright."

Po set up a small fire, cooking a bowl of dumplings for he and I to enjoy at the cliff.

"Hey, Tigress?"

"Yeah, Po?"

"Do you remember that time when we were heading to Gongmeng, and you were about to tell me something before everyone else cut us off?"


"What was it you were going to tell me?"

"Well, you may, or may not, know this already but… I was adopted."

"Wow. Really?"

"Uh huh. Shifu took me in after some… 'undesirable' events at the Bao Gu Orphanage. He was the first thing I ever considered to be a father, and it… it felt like I actually had a place in the world; like I wouldn't have to be called 'Tigress the Monster'."

"Tigress… I had no idea."

"It's fine, Po. I'm just surprised you took this better than most people."

"I'm just sorry you never knew your parents, nor do you know if they're still alive."

"It's tough, but at least I have people who care around me."

"Heh. Hey, were you always such a hard-core kung-fu warrior?"

"Well, actually, these past few weeks have been the first time I've actually let my emotions flow for a long time, but no. I was never always so hard-core. When Shifu brought me in, I was just another scared little girl. The training was tough, the injuries were severe, and I always had to suppress my emotions for the sake of everyone not worrying. I felt like I had to in order to make sure that they didn't interfere."

"Wow… I never would've guessed."

I stood up after a little bit, heading over to my tent and packing it up.

"We better get moving, Po. We still have about three-hundred miles before we reach Senlin."

Well, that's it for this chapter. Yeah, I know that this is a filler, but sometimes fillers actually make really good stories, if you write 'em correctly. Well, R&R, and check the next chapter when it comes out.