Rejoice, my friends, rejoice!
I, OtherXSideXOfXSorrow, thanks to those who have reviewed and voted, will be continuing this trilogy!

Unfortunately, I've been off this story for so long it'll take a while to remember where I was going in the first place. So, I have to declare HIATUS for now.
But it will be over soon, I promise you that, loyal readers!

So, please take the time to enjoy some of my friend's writing: Sety566!
I am currently co-writing the story Blood Curse with her. Her work is amazing, and so much better than mine!

Also, if you like the Lord of the Rings, I'm writing a story on that called Love? Friendship? That Doesn't Exist.
It starts off pretty dark, because I love torturing my favorite characters, but it'll turn exciting pretty soon! That's a promise!