
The smoke nearly chocked Kevin as he jumped from the safety of the belly-netting and onto the burning building he was joined by five other cadets who quickly ran into position two of them were helping people who managed to get out and onto the roof, the rest of the midwingmen had joined them and were shouting towards the dragons above. Two Yellow Reapers were circling from above at the burning building waiting to land and drop off their crews.

Kevin wiped sweat off his head and looked over the edge of the roof and looked bellow at the gathering crowd of people bellow. Police officers were keeping everyone back from the burning building as fire fighters rushed into the torching building. Kevin shook his head and returned back to his team who was suiting up.

He sighed it had been normal day he and the others were at the Wiring Spring Covert in New York City. He was under the command of Captain Aimee who rode a Yellow Reaper named Brinsop who was quite a young experienced dragon in rescue missions and in patrolling as well. He and two other Yellow Reapers were napping peacefully in the courtyard; the covert was built outside of the city a good few hours away so not to scar people or the dragons who hated the noise and the smells of the city.

He couldn't really blame them himself born in the Georgia countryside he was a country boy who loved the fresh air and not the hustle and bustle of city life. They had arrived late in the night on a long flight from Massachusetts to help out the Covert her which was in need of dragon hands to help in more patrolling of the skies. Dragons now a days were used not just in war but also in rescues from fires or natural disasters and anything else that they might be useful for.

Kevin sneezed as he caught the chill of the morning, "Catching a cold are we?'' Aimee kidded handing him a tissue to wipe his nose which was starting to drip. He nodded his head "Thank you, I'm still getting use to this cold business.'' He joked and she smiled at him and pushed her brown hair back it was tied in a ponytail and a few strands had gotten lose. She was a good captain and she had served the American Corps for two years on Brinsop, she was only 25 but talked like a women ahead of her years.

" You'll get used to it will be off soon enough we've been given orders to patrol here for three weeks before we will be allowed to go back home for a good rest up before we are shipped off again.'' And she patted his back and walked off to check on Brinsop who was sleeping soundly after eating two cows. Kevin watched as the Reaper lifted his head to nuzzle Aimee and he couldn't help but feel envy at the pair. It was quite difficult to get a dragon of your own, you had to have served for a certain amount of years and even then you had to prove your worth which could only be down in action or in battle.

Kevin had joined the Corps soon after he had graduated high school he had been assigned to Captain Aimee and had served under her for half a year. It would be a long time before he could ever be considered for a dragon of his own and even if he did he would probably be assigned to a courier dragon because of his small body size. Courier dragons were important still even with the invention of the airplane, telephone and computer making communication faster, but wasn't as dependable as a dragon.

Kevin sneezed again and head back inside to escape the cold, he went straight for the cafeteria he wasn't hungry but still the smell of food was enticing even to someone with a full stomach. He picked up a tray and went down the line picking up a bowl of oatmeal and an apple with a large cup of coffee heavy with cream and sugar.

Taking a seat he started on his meal, the cafeteria was full of officers and captains, he spotted a few of the other cadets eating together. He didn't wish to join them he was a loner who was quit alright on his own but it did get kinda of boring after a time. "Oh, well no use it mopping about what is.'' He said to himself and took a long sip of his coffee that's when the alarm was sounded.

He jumped nearly spilling his coffee on himself the alarm sounded again the noise irritating to the ear, the red light of alarm flashed and everyone rushed out into the courtyards. The dragons were up and were getting rigged for flight, Kevin and the other cadets pulled out the chainmail and rigged it to Brinsop who was waiting patiently for them to be finished. Kevin clicking the last link to the harness jumped down and gave him the all clear.

The Reaper shook himself checking to make sure everything was firmly secure "All lies well.'' He announced and everyone climbed aboard Kevin and the other cadets crawled into the belly-netting and secured themselves.

Aimee had appeared and took her position at the base Brinsop's neck and they quickly took off getting into flight position with the other Yellow Reapers flanking him. Kevin and the others looked about each other one of them cadet Nickolas a blond haired boy asked him "Do you know what's going on what's the emergency?'' he asked and Kevin shook his head " Don't know?'' he said just as the speaker attached to the harness so Aimee could speak to them bellow beeped, " Sorry for the scare everyone but there has been an attack on one of the twin towers in the Trade Center and we are needed to help get anyone trapped inside out.'' She announced and the speaker turned off, everyone went wide eyed and opened mouth.

An attack on one of the towers impossible, Kevin had seen the towers while on a trip with his family and they were monstrous they looked indestructible from his point of view.

As they flew over the city it was indeed true, they were welcomed by the sounds of fire trucks and cop cars from bellow the city echoed with their alarm. The dragons were startled by the noise and some mostly the Yellow Reapers were set to a panic but Brinsop snapped at them "Stay in formation you fools we must be at are best.'' And they all settled back into position under his steady gaze. They flew straight towards the scene and it was chaotic people could be heard screaming and shouting from bellow and above coming from the tower, which was smoking from its side the dragons quickly dropped down and into the street bellow a road had been cleared for the dragons to land in and immediately the men dropped and rushed in to help the firemen who were going in. Only Kevin and the cadets and a few of the midwingmen stayed under Aimee's orders.

Kevin was shaking nervously this would be his first time at some real action and he prayed he live to see through it. Soon Brinsop was in the air and the speaker came on. " Cadets prepare to launch onto the roof you are to help evacuate people on the top floors of the building the firemen are having a tough time reaching it and people are trapped up there.'' She ordered and the speaker went silent.

No one moved they were all frozen, Kevin to felt the fear but this is what he trained for and those people needed help. "Alright everyone prepare for launch and he unclipped his harness from the chainmail and climbed his way to the edge of the belly-netting the others followed him still scarred stiff.

He couldn't blame them they were risking their lives in this mission but it was no more a risk than the others were doing. He peered over the netting Brinsop and the other Reapers had broken away from the rest of the flight and took off towards the building's roof smoke covered the air as they climbed higher up and Kevin gasped when he saw a man jump out of the window on fire. He looked away and felt himself getting sick the others felt the same way but they stayed in position.

Then Brinsop landed and Kevin and the others jumped down and set to work some of the workers from the building were on the roof coughing and covered in soot the two of the cadets were helping them into the belly-netting. Aimee had dropped down and was giving out orders on what to do as Kevin and the others got suited up to fight the fire they wore the same type of fabric as the firemen did and wore masks as well. Putting his mask on and making sure everyone was secure he checked on Aimee who was already taking Brinsop away he had all the workers in his netting and was slowly heading bellow where they would be taken care of so he could return for a second trip.

Midwingmen Christopher was in charge and he checked to make sure everyone was ready especially the cadets. "Alright move out everyone this is a recuse look for anyone who might be trapped and help them to safety we will lead them back onto the roof. Cadets Michal and Stephen stay here and help the workers we send up.'' He said and they obeyed a little relieved but still disappointed in not seeing any of the real action.

Kevin didn't envy them and he followed Christopher inside and into the chaos, smoke blinded the whole inside of the building the sounds of people screaming and the sounds of things falling out the window or jumping could be heard. Kevin blocked it out and stayed focused he and the other cadets set to work dropping glow sticks onto the floor to light the way for people they sent up, stabbing the glows into the carpet they marked their path as they ventured on.

Kevin spotted a women and a man running up the stair coughing furiously. Kevin rushed to them and guided them away the elderly women grabbed hold of his hand and squeezed it tightly "Bless you. Oh, God bless you.'' She repeated as he led her and the man towards the glows they followed them out into the fresh air and Kevin returned to help the others.

They'd managed to find sixty more people in total that were trapped but the closer they got to the crash sight the harder it got to reach them. Kevin and the others were yelling for anyone who was trapped to let them know where they are. Kevin followed by Cadet Chris was running up and down between desks looking for people. He spotted two men one lying dead the other unconscious Kevin shouted for help since he couldn't carry the man alone and two midwingmen came to their aid they took the dead man's body as well out of respect and headed back to make the long trek back up to the roof.

Kevin wasn't quite sure exactly what floor they were on but they must have been quite far down at least. Then that's when something scarred the fear out of everyone, glimpsing just from the window they could see another plane flying in close towards the other tower in a fast speed Kevin and the others gasped as a Yellow Reaper flung herself towards the plane in an attempt to stop it but she was to late instead both she and the plane collided and crashed into the building the dragon was knocked completely out of the building from the other side glass and desks and few workers followed her as she fell below.

Two Grand Chevaliers flying sideways between the buildings so their wings wouldn't smash against the tight built buildings spotted her and supported her broken body and lowered her bellow. Other dragons Yellow Reapers and a few Greylings were grabbing people in midair as fast as they could before they hit below.

Kevin's view was blurred as the smoke covered the window again and they continued down they went further and further down until they came to twenty people all trapped behind a fallen wall the men set to work trying to clear it away. Kevin and the cadets scatter staying close together as they checked for anyone else they found five workers lost and confused and lead them away to safety. Just as the men managed to make an opening in the wall and the people rushed in with a dark cloud of smoke following them. They leaded them away as fast as they could telling them to follow the glow sticks to the roof, Christopher was looking for anyone else and presumed the floor clear and that's when they heard the loud crash and then half the ceiling fell crushing Christopher and two other wingmen as well.

Kevin and the cadets stood their shocked and fear slipped into them they had lost their leader. Kevin yelled to see if anyone was still alive but there was no answer, he knew there wouldn't be. It was too dangerous to go any further and even if they wanted to they couldn't reach the other floors. " Fall back everyone!'' he roared as the ceiling began to crack again and they all rushed out there was a loud yelp as Kevin turned he spotted Chris on the ground he'd been hit by a stray piece of the ceiling and he was out cold.

Kevin lifted him up and dragged him up the steps the others were to scarred to help and the wingmen weren't much help either too much in panic and grief with fear mixed in as well. "Keep going!'' he shouted as he dragged himself and Chris up the steps. The people they had rescued before where still running up the steps when they heard the cricking sound and Kevin felt the building start to lean. "It's coming down. Run for it fast!'' He shouted and they all rushed up the steps Kevin still dragging Chris.

The cricking sound was getting louder and louder and they still had a ways to go, he was afraid they wouldn't make it. He picked up his pace trying his best to get Chris up but his strength was failing him and he was falling behind the group. Chris then started to make a weird groaning noise and he laid him down Chris mask was covered in dirt and soot and he coughed into his mask " Kevin is that you?'' he asked weakly. " Yes it's Me.'' he said Chris groaned "My head hurts.'' And he tried to get up Kevin giving him a hand "Come on we got to go this building is coming down.''

Chris didn't need any urging and quickly they started to catch up and the cricking noise got louder and louder. "Hurry.'' Kevin urged and half pushed and half threw Chris onto the roof. Two Yellow Reapers were on the roof collecting as many people as they could, but they were soon too heavy burdened to carry anymore and soon took off again. Kevin and the others waited as another Yellow Reaper appeared and landed quickly and everyone else was piled into her belly-netting Kevin and Chris were about to board when suddenly the building tilted and the Reaper in panic leaped into the air leaving them on the smoky roof as the building sank in on itself and he and Chris clung to each other desperately.

Kevin knew this was the end until he felt himself being lifted up both he and Chris he looked up to see Brinsop holding them in his talons smoke dulling out his yellow coloring as he flew away and headed towards safety Kevin looked back and felt a tear fall down his face.