Chapter 9 (Nina's PV)

I dropped the letter in complete shock. How could this have happened? After all this time, my parents died in the hands of R? Gran said they had died in a fire, and I had survived it. Well, I was at her house when it happened.

Amber looked over at me, with curious eyes. She saw the letter on the floor, and went to pick it up. I quickly snatched it up, and put it on my bed. I had no problem with her reading it, but I just rather keep this to myself for now. I had bigger issues to deal with.

"I didn't mean to intrude…"

"Amber, it's fine." I smile at her, and decided to get dress. I walk over towards my dresser, and pull out a sundress, something I almost never wore. I was in the mood for change. I took it into the bathroom, and quickly changed. I also decided put in one of Amber's headbands. It matched my sundress perfectly.

I walk out of the bathroom, and Amber stared at me strangely. Nina Martin, wearing a sundress and a headband.

"Nina, are you wearing one of my headbands, and a sundress?" Amber said, giggling.

"Strangely, yes." I said, grabbing my slip-ons. I open the door, and Amber waves at me. She was still in her pajamas, reading a new magazine. I smile at her, and walk out. I close the door behind me, and head downstairs. I am pretty sure everybody is downstairs, since they said they all called their parents.

I walk downstairs, and I am quickly greeted by Jerome. He has a big smile on his face, like he has pranked somebody. He greets me, and then steps out of my way. I walk past him, and go into the kitchen. Fabian is cooking, and it looks like he is doing a bad job at it.

"Are you trying to kill us?" I said, laughing as I walked into the kitchen. He must have been surprised to see me, because he dropped the thing he was holding. He picked it up, and smiled at me.

"Yes, but I am also trying to make my best friend, who will one day hopefully be my girlfriend, a nice breakfast after a stressful night." He said, continuing to cook. I sit up on the counter, watching as he stirs things together, and pours them into things. It looks like he was making a full buffet of food.

There are muffins in the oven, pancakes on the griddle, French toast in the frying pan, and Orange Julius in the blender. Jerome and Alfie were standing right near the kitchen, waiting to eat.

"Fabian, you might be able to cook, but you are surely slow at it. Hurry it up!" Jerome said impatiently. I laughed at him, and Jerome rolled his eyes. "Tell your girlfriend to shut her trap." I stop laughing at smiled at him.

Never mind saying Fabian was doing a bad job. Fabian is really good at cooking. He might even be better than me. But sadly, he was super slow at it.

Amber came into the kitchen, and jumped up on the counter to sit next to me. She looked over at Fabian, who was now trying to cook faster, and then back at me. "You must be in love, Nina." Amber whispered to me, and I blushed. "I'm correct!" She whispered back.

I might be in love with Fabian, but I'm not sure…

No, I'm in love with Fabian.

And that's okay. There is nothing wrong with loving him. Fabian is smart, geeky, caring, and my best friend. Without him, everything would be so different right now. I might be dead. Or I might have decided against staying here. At the beginning when Patricia was hard on me, if Fabian wasn't there, I might have left.

And that reminds me of the letter that's crumpled up on my bed. I wanted to believe that letter wasn't real, and it was my imagination playing tricks on I couldn't do that. It was true, all written formally. I couldn't ignore it.

But for now, I can. Fabian is trying to be nice, and I need to be respectful. There is a time to talk about good things, and a time to talk about bad things. Right now, was not the time for bad things. It was time for relaxing. Yesterday was very stressful for all of us. Other than Victor and Trudy, who is nowhere to be found.

"And with that, I'm done!" Fabian said, smiling at his work. He was standing in the dining area, looking quite pleased. I come out of my daze, and walk over to the table. I almost crack up laughing.

Using everything he has cooked, he put all the food in an order so it made up a sentence. It said "Would you be my girlfriend?" He walked over to me, and held my hand. I giggled, and looked down. Somehow, I knew he would eventually ask. We belong together.

"Nina, at the dance, I kissed you. And I know it meant something. So now, here I am, asking you, Nina Martin, to be my girlfriend, in the "geekest" way I could think of." Fabian said, laughing. I blush, and I nod my head.

We both lean in, and kiss right in front of everyone. Everybody was clapping, and Alfie was whistling. We end the kiss, and I stay blushed.

"Now, we can eat?" Jerome asked.

"Bon appetite!" Fabian said, and we all dug in. I took a muffin, and bit into it. It was delicious! I never knew Fabian could cook. I finished it up, and grabbed another one. Everybody was stuffing themselves with food.

"You're running out of time! Soon, a terrible creature will be after you! You need to get into hiding!"

She had to start talking in the middle of Fabian's breakfast. Why couldn't this creature just wait? I walked back over near Fabian, who was sipping on some Orange Julius. He looked at me with faithful eyes, and it made me feel a bit better.

"Fabian, can I talk to you in private?" I asked, trying to sound calm. You could tell in my voice that there was fear. I could tell myself. He quickly set down his drink and took my hand. He walked me into the living room, and we sat on the couch.

"You're going to end up dead."

"Is something wrong, Nina?"

"I hear it again, R. She said I'm running out of time. I got to get out of here…" I said panicking.

"Is that exactly what she said, Nins?"

"Yes, I have to go, do you think I should go back to America?" It was the only idea I could think of. The creature might expect me to go back to America. But what other option do I have? It's the only thing I could do.

"Sadly, it's the best option. But if you go to your Grans, it would be putting her in danger. And if you went to a hotel it puts everybody there in danger. You would have to rent a house, which they do have." Fabian said.

"But I don't have time for that!" I said.

"Trust him, Nina."

"But it's all I can do. And I am sure I will have to face this creature eventually." I said. Fabian nodded in agreement, and walked over towards our public computer. I don't remember when Victor set it up, but it was there for us. He logged on to the English Airlines, and purchased 2 tickets.

He noticed the weird expression on my face, and told me he refused to let me go by myself. If I didn't feel right going with him, he said I could take Amber. I shook my head, and insisted that he came. I felt the safest with Fabian.

"So, should we pack some stuff or...?" Fabian asked, but R interrupted me with her annoying voice.

"You have no time. Just go!"

"No, we need to go. Like, now. When are those tickets for?" I asked, as Fabian printed them out. He picked one of them up, and read it out aloud.

"Today, in about four hours." He replied.

Fabian grabbed both tickets, and we opened up the door. We rushed out, and nobody questioned us. Not even Amber came over to ask. I noticed her staring at us though. She noticed we left, and that's all I needed. She probably thinks Fabian is taking me out. I wish he was.

Fabian took out his phone, and called us a taxi. He offered the person on the phone double the money if he could get here in five minutes. Fabian hung up, and told me the person agreed. Soon, a taxi pulled up. We both got in, holding our tickets close to us.

Sorry for the short chapter! First off, HOA is on in about half an hour, so I don't have much time to write more. And second, I have other things to do… :/