As years pass things change...
"Hikaru are you almost done?" asked Kaoru as he looked at bolts of fabric.
"I can't seem to finish this project," Hikaru said clearly distracted.
Kaoru turned towards his brother. "Five years today right?" he asked.
"Yep... hard to think Haruhi has been gone for so long..."
Just then a women entered the room. "Are the designs for the new line done, sirs?" she asked.
"Witch on?" they questioned in unison.
"The Fujioka one," she answered.
"No," said Kaoru said looking back at the fabric. Then the door closed and Kaoru could hear sobs as he walked next to his brother. "It's ok..."
"I wish she never took that stupid lemo... her life was cut short... stupid boss."
"It's not his fault," Kaoru pointed out.
"I know... but he's still stupid."
Both brothers laughted. "Yeah," said Kaoru, "He always will be."
"Takashi is there any more cake?" Hunny asked as he and Mori were gathered around a table. The cousins had just finished praticing their judo and Hunny begged for a brake. Of course Takashi had let him win.
"No," he said sternly, "You've had three."
"But Takashi... it's a specail day," Hunny wined but Mori just shook his head.
"Were do you think Tama-chan is?"
Mori shrugged and finished his only slice of cake.
Kyoya staired out his mantion's window towards the sunset. Behind him his wife wrapped his arms around him.
"I hate that idiot," he said softly.
"No you don't ," she smiled, "Dinner's ready also... you come when you can."
"I just wish he would support his family," Kyoya wispered, "He's an idiot..."
"Of course he is," she said closing the door.
Ranka looked at the photo of his wife he kept by his bed... then at the one of his daughter. At times he felt alone in the world. Today was the worst day of the year. He sat there infornt of the tv gulping down his forth cub of microwave raman watching home videos.
"Daddy watch me!" the young Haruhi sang as Ranka turned the camra towards her. She was in a community pool with her mother who was teaching her to swim.
"You did it sweetie!" he said happily.
"You did a lot," Ranka said reaching for a tissue.
Mai walked around her apartment searching for the little boy with brown hair and blue eyes like her own. Suddently her son looked up at her from the shadows.
"You get over here," she said as he ran up to her.
"Mai did you want to go to your mother's grave today?" her husband asked.
"I did with Kuzu earlyer today," she said looking at the little boy in her arms.
He smiled and his wife and son joined him for supper.
The twins sat in music room 3 with the lights off and lit by candles. They hanged out here often before returning to the seconed Shou mantion.
"Hay Yori," Kuro said board but not waiting for an answer, "What do you remeber about mom?"
Yori thought hard. "I don't know... I forget a lot... I just remeber she was pretty and kind..."
"Yeah me to," Kuro said looking a bit disapointed. "Maybe if we think... togeather we can rember her."
And someday... they my remeber all that I was...
Hiro stood there infront of my grave with Katashi standing by his side with tears down her face. Hugging his leg stood a little four year old gir with black hair and blue eyes.
"Is that grandma?" she asked.
Hiro nodded tears falling down his face.
"She would have loved to meet you," he said softly.
The little girl approched the grave. "Hello you must be my grandma... I'm Shou Haruhi, nice to meet you..." Turning around she fled to her parant's arms.
Tears fell down his cheeks as he staired at the photograph. He no longer was rich... just another citizen of the United States living in Boston. He had lived there for a long time sulking about my death... how it was unfair that the drunk lived unharmed... and I was taken forever.
"I miss you my princess," he sobbed.
"I know," I said in an echoing voice.
Tamaki looked up, "Haruhi?"
I smiled with light reflecting off of me. "I miss you to... I'm glad your always there... but be there for our family..."
That was all I had to say to him. He stood up and hugged my waist leaning in for a kiss.
"I will..." he promised.
"Haruhi," a women echoed in my ear... my mother... "Time to go."
"Ok," I said. And as soon as I was there I was gone.
That's what happened... this was the life of me Haruhi Fujioka Shou... I lived, I loved, I died. that' how it happened. The people I knew continued to grow... they continue to live.
I still watch over them... their my family after all. But just think... this all happened cause of music room 3... And now I had the best life I could of ever lived... That's my story and don't forget it. That's all of what I never told you...
Thank you everyone who has stuck with me these two fanfics... this is the end to the Host Club Runion Fanfics... I may still write host club fanfics but I am currently writing other storys I would like to focus on... Thanks for sticking with me and reviewing.
Please check out my other fanfics under Hunger Games, Fruit Baskets, Percy Jackson, and more...
Also my newest fanfic over the amazing anime Clannad (if you havn't watched it I personaly recomend it) called After the Story: One Big Dango Family...
I can't wait to write more... Thanks
Written by Kaida Hara
I do not own the Anime or manga of Ouran Highschool Host Club... :)
... This is the Host Club... and this is me.