Author's Note: Okay…this story is for all you Scouge fans, as many of my other stories are, however, this one will be much more gruesome, so to speak…perhaps the word is gory. Anyway, it's a pretty intense incident that brings Rogue and Scott together…eventually.

Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership to any of the characters mentioned in the following story.

"NO!" empty cries rang through the vacant football field, "You don't know what you're doing! STOP! Don't touch me!" She screamed. Rogue hollered, and roared, but all she got in reply was snickering. The football team had singled her out. There were to many to count, to hold off. Why were they attacking her? They were wearing gloves, smart on their part, but how could they have known not to come in contact with her skin. It didn't matter; they were undressing her now, and she had learned to control he mutation…finally. The gloves were to protect her from fingerprints. Evidence.

"Stop it!" Rogue was weeping now, screaming, and kicking, but five boys pinned her down. Two at her arms, two at her legs, and one to hold her head and shoulders straight. A figure loomed above her, his blond hair shading his eyes, and his menacing mouth spread in a delectable smirk. Duncan.

"Why!? Why're ya' doin' this ta' me?!" Duncan just scanned down, walking about her in an antagonizing circle, tossing his words out like he was playing a game.

"We all know that the best way to get to Summer's, is to get to his friends. His weakness. He doesn't deserve Jean, and on account of the fact I want her back, it'd be kind of a mistake to do this to her, don't you think? You're the next best thing. The closest one to his heart. We all know that too." So that's what this was about. Jean dumped Duncan for Scott, or so, every one thought. Scott and Jean were still just friends however, and Rogue had to admit, she was upset, jealous that Scott chose Jean, even though it was never official, but she never really made it known how she felt. She loved the boy, and had let it go. Duncan was trying to hurt Scott through her.

Rogue's cries had subsided, and she spoke now, in a near whisper, "So, what're y'all gonna' do ta' me?"

Duncan stopped, standing just above her head, and bent down slightly to look into her bulging, frightened eyes.

"Something Summer's will never forget. Something he'll always wonder about, and always ask why about. And he'll always wonder who, because, we have no intention of letting you live to let anyone know about this, but, believe me, this is something right up your alley. It's the kind of thing that no one would suspect a high school football team of." With that terrifying comment, Rogue was turned flat on her stomach, the wet grass causing goose bumps to spread over her body. She heard the rustling of a plastic bag, and she could see it just out of the corner of her eye, filled to the brim, and double layered so it would hold everything without ripping. One of the boys pulled out a whip. Rogue began to panic.

"NO! No stop! You don't know what yer' doing!" A hand went quickly over her mouth, holding on so tight she couldn't open it enough to bite the retched limb away. There was a crack in the air, and then leather met flesh in a crisp and maniacal blow. Rogue screamed, she was hysterical, and the blows kept coming, each scream more blood curdling and raw then the previous. She could hear some one counting.

"5…12…17…21…30…39. Stop. Jesus was only given 39 lashes." Rogue feared now, as the thought hit her, her eyes stinging with tears, and her back sticky with sweat and blood. They were going to crucify her. That's what the cross erected on the 50-yard line was for. To hang her from. Rogue had no more screams, and the lonely tears just came.

The boys dragged her towards the splintering wooden monument, one straying behind, holding the bag filled with her torture. Two of the players propped her up and Rogue whimpered, as she was smashed against the back pole.

"Hey, were the hands, or the feet first?" a faceless boy asked.

"Idiot, the wrists!" another answered.

Slowly, her arm was raised, and with blurry eyes, she watched as a third boy, holding her arm, positioned a thick nail over the center of her wrist. Another came with a hammer.

"Please…" She pleaded, there was no answer. The spike was driven in with one mighty thrust. Rogue let out another scream, sounding like a dead animal. The other wrist was soon pinned. She was still being held up, and gently, her feet were over lapped, blood dripping to the ground from her fractured arteries. Another spike was driven into her body, two hits this time. Her feet were pinned, her body was dropped and now, Rogue couldn't breath. Pushing up to breath tore her feet, but to relieve the pain in her feet she had to crumple her body so she couldn't get any air.

"We don't have a spear, but this will work." Rogue heard the spring of a switchblade jump.

Duncan approached the crumpled girl's body. He drove the 6-inch blade into her side, and ripped it out, the only sound from Rogue, a muffled, "Mmph." Blood was dripping from her mouth, and Duncan wandered around to her other side, repeating the same action, he left the blade there.

"One last touch." Duncan spoke, pulling a white tablecloth and carefully weaved crown of thorns from the now empty bag. He walked to Rogue, towering below her as she was erected high above him. He tossed up the cloth, a corner catching over her shoulder, and clinging to her wet, bloody body, covering her right breast and hip. He pulled it, so it would wrap mostly around her, and it covered her private area, lastly, he tucked the dirtied cloth between her and the wood. For his final act of cruelty, Duncan stood as tall as he could, and tossed the crown onto Rogue's head, patting it down violently and piercing her fair skin. The blood rained down her face in thick drools of crimson color. Rogue could no longer feel the sound in her throat, and gurgled slightly as the boys picked up their stuff and took off, the only evidence of there existence the blade still lodged in Rogue's side.

Author's Note: All right, that was the prologue. If you liked it, you have to drop me a line, if not, well, then flame me. Either-0r, lemme' know. Now, I am in the process of working on the next chapter and it will be here soon If you people review!

Next Chapter: Rogue's found, and still alive. How does Scott react to the whole ordeal, and, why won't Rogue speak about her assailant(s).