[A/N]: This is the sequel to my story "Mark". I would suggest reading it before reading this. I've had most of it written up for a while, but haven't typed it up until now. School has been keeping me busy. I hope you enjoy and I'll try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can.

Chapter 1

Darkness. She was floating in darkness. She could feel nothing, hear nothing. Her eyes may have been opened, or closed, she couldn't tell. She couldn't move. Her body was cut off from her brain.

She tried to remember. Who she was. What she was. Where she was. What had happened.

Nothing. It was blank. All that came to mind was darkness. The infinite darkness.

It was suffocating. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't move. She couldn't fight.

A pinpoint of light appeared. She tried to reach for it. It grew. She tried to run.

The girl groaned. Her eyes slowly slid open. It didn't make a difference though. Open or closed, she was still surrounded by black.

Her mind strained to comprehend her situation, to understand what had happened. She tried to remember anything, everything. She didn't know why she was here. She didn't know where "here" was. She didn't know how she had arrived at this location.

An image came to mind and she focused on it. A red-haired boy was pale skin. The kanji for "love" was tattooed on his forehead. For some reason, she felt like she should no who this boy was. She focused on his image, trying to draw up some feeling, any feeling, for him. She tried to name him. She couldn't. Nothing came to her, only the picture of the cold, pale green eyes of the boy. She knew she had a strong connection to him, but she couldn't identify her feelings. She did not know if they were love or hate. If they were the feelings of a friend or an enemy.

The girl's attention was drawn away from her memory by a hissing sound. The room seemed to grown heavier, but she couldn't smell anything.

Gas? She thought. Whats going on?

Her eyes began to droop, her head fell. Her eyes blurred. As she closed them, a door slammed open, letting in a layer of light. The girl had time to see a shadowed figure in the doorway before she succumbed to the gas.

The last thing she heard before she hit the last stage of her unconsciousness was a familiar male voice yelling, "I found her!"

The light was shrinking now. And this time, she tried to run for it. Her body still would not respond. It was stuck in its floating position, refusing to respond to her.

She was once again surrounded by darkness. There was nothing she could do about it.

The boy appeared before her. The one with the read hair. His eyes were still cold. He was reaching for her.

When the girl woke again, it was to a steady beeping. She was lying on a soft surface and she was warm. She felt something in her arm. It was uncomfortable and itchy, but not painful. In fact, she felt no pain, just a tingly numbness.

Painkillers, she thought distantly. Why would I need them?

She once again wondered where she was and how she had arrived at this place. Once again, her mind came up blank.

She tried to open her eyes, she could see a faint light from beneath her lids. They did not respond. She tried to move her fingers, nothing.

The beeping increased as she panicked. She was immobile and helpless in an unknown place and the monitor that recorded her heart rate reflected it.

Someone rushed into the room. There was a feeling of coldness in her arm and she started to fade.

"It's okay, Sakura-chan," someone said. "You're safe."

The boy was floating before her again. He still stared at her, directly into her eyes. It was like he was digging into her soul, trying to find something. Her memories? She didn't know.

The white was still far off in the distance, unreachable by her, but it still intrigued her, like the boy did. When she wasn't staring at him, she watched the light. She wondered when she would go to it, or when it would return to her. She wondered if she would ever be able to get close to it again. A part of her said no, another said yes.

Her attention was on the boy now. She tried to reach towards him as he had once done with her, but she still could not move.

She felt odd.

The boy's mouth moved. She could hear nothing, but she could almost read what he said. She looked back at his eyes, they looked troubled. He began to repeat what he had said, but it was too late.

When she awoke this time, she was still in the bed, the beeping was still present, and something was still in her arm.

She tried to move her fingers and found that they responded. She then attempted to move her hand, then her arm. She turned her head to the side and could see light from behind her eye lids. She was nervous. Everything else had worked, would this?

Slowly, she opened her eyes. The light was faint, coming from behind a set of blinds, but it was there. She looked around at her surroundings. The walls were white, the bedding was white. She pushed herself up with difficulty and leaned against the wall behind her.

She held her hand in front of her face and stared at the pale skin in wonder. This was her.

The door opened. A man came in, he was a few years older than she was. He had dark-brown hair and matching eyes. When he saw her, those eyes widened in shock.

"Y-you're awake?" he stuttered in surprise. "I, I have to get the doctor. I'll be back!" And the man ran off.

The girl titled her head in confusion, her pale lips opened in shock. Was she not suppose to wake up?

The girl sat there and waited, but not for long. A few moments after the brown-haired man left, he returned with the doctor in tow.

She studied him. The "doctor" wasn't much older than she was. The brown-haired man was definitely older than the doctor. She wondered how the man felt about that.

The doctor walked over to her. He had a kind smile on his face, but she felt a strong emotion towards him, she didn't know if it was friendly or dangerous. It made her distrust him.

"Hello," he said kindly. "How are you feeling?"

She tilted her head and didn't answer.

"Do you know where you are?"

She shook her head.

The doctor frowned. "Do you know who you are?"

She once again shook her head.

The doctor turned to the brown-haired man. "Our leader will want to know about this development, please go get him. And bring the files on our patient."

The man bowed. "Yes, sir!" and he ran off.

The girl watched the doctor as he fiddled with the equipment in the room and gave her a general examination.

She waited much longer for the "leader" to appear.

The brown-haired man entered the room holding a file, behind him was a deathly-pale man with long black hair and yellow, snake-like eyes. The smile on his face sent shivers down her spine. That strong emotion appeared as she looked at his eyes. Enemy or Friend?

"Orochimaru-sama," the doctor said as he nodded his head.

Orochimaru nodded at him and sat at a chair by the girl's bed.

"Do you know me?" Orochimaru asked her. She shook her head no.

"My name is Orochimaru, I am the leader of Otogakure. Do you recognize the name?"

She once again shook her head.

"Nor do you remember yourself," he didn't wait for a response this time. "Do you remember where we found you?"

"In the dark," it was the first time she had spoken since the first time she woke. Her voice was rough from disuse, but still understandable. The brown-haired man gave her a cup of water which she slowly sipped at.

"Yes," Orochimaru said.

The doctor walked over. He ran a hand through his silver hair and smiled at her. "Orochimaru-sama told me not to tell you anything before he had arrived. My name is Yakushi Kabuto. I was the one who found you," Kabuto sat down on the bed. "We found you in one of the caves in the Land of Wind. We have been searching for you for a while."

"Your voice, I remember it," she said.

Kabuto smiled softly. "I'm glad.

"Why have you been looking for me?" she asked.

Kabuto and Orochimaru exchanged looks. Kabuto opened the file and took out a picture. It was of a red-haired boy with green eyes. He was so familiar.

"Do you recognize him?" Kabuto asked. His voice was guarded.

She shook her head. "Who is he?"

"His name is Sabaku no Gaara. He is the youngest son of the Kazekage, the leader of Sunagakure. A few years ago, you and he met. He became obsessed with you and took you. We have spent the last few years searching for you. Gaara marked you, do you see the mark on his forehead? You have an identical one on yours," Kabuto placed two fingers on the left side of her forehead. Hers itched to follow. "We got a lead a few weeks ago as to where you were. By the time we got to you, you had been drugged and left in, as you called it, "the darkness". The drug was meant to knock you out, but considering your memory loss, I believe that a jutsu was used on you to block your memories."

"The jutsu was probably suppose to make you distrust us," Orochimaru said. "It was probably aimed at confusing you. You do feel emotions towards us, yes?" she nodded her head. "And you can't tell if they are good or bad. I'm sure you also feel something towards Gaara," Orochimaru looked at Kabuto. "Show her the other."

Kabuto took another picture out of the folder. This time it was of a tanned blonde with sky-blue eyes and three whiskers on each cheek.

"This is Uzumaki Naruto, he worked with Gaara, but he was from a different village, Konohagakure. You should recognize it, at least somewhat. You were born there and they let Gaara take you without a fight because Gaara is the Kazekage's son and Naruto holds a lot of power in the village and is Gaara's friend."

Sakura's eyes narrowed. There was emotion towards the blonde, yes, but why would someone from the same village as her betray her like that?

"Who are you then?" she asked.

"I am Kabuto. I was originally from Konoha, but after you were taken, I came to find Orochimaru-sama and ask for help in rescuing you," Kabuto said.


"Because you are important to me," his hand covered hers. "And to Orochimaru-sama."

Her head tilted. "Who am I?"

Orochimaru spoke this time. "You are Haruno Sakura. You were born in Konoha. You are Kabuto's bethrothed and my heir."

Sakura's eyes widened.

She met his eyes. The yellow showed reflected her confusion.