Author's Note: (Read Before Reviewing)

I'm sorry for neglecting my stories on here. I'd give you the details but I highly doubt that you really want me to.

Ok I'll admit now. This was probably not the ending that you were looking for. I tried though, I really tried. This story was based on a dream I had and in the dream the ending was God awful so I had to change it for the story. Before you say anything about how bad my ending was I want you to know this; in my dream William raped Riza and then Mustang found out and he was so pissed off that he burned William's house down with him inside but Hannah was also inside. Roy knew this but didn't really think about it because he was so angry and then Riza was horrified that he killed Hannah so she stopped speaking to him.

I do hope that as a whole you enjoyed this story. I realize I need to work on my writing skills but it's not like that stuff is taught in school so I've had to learn through trial and error. Hopefully as I get older my stories will get progressively better. I do think I have come along way, since I wrote my first creative story in 6th grade.

I will continue to write both fanfics and stories with my own characters and plotlines (which I do write, I just very rarely show those to anyone)

I am very proud to say though that throughout this entire story I did not so much as mention Hughes, which is extremely difficult for me.

Thank you all very much!

Bluehxxx, Thieving Alchemist, Skyethestarlitangel, YesMyLord666, PokemonFreak90, AnimeRomantic4Ever, Cerisabeth, Woot, LAZYFMAFAN, haeye, Riza Hawkeye Fan, Knight of Balinor, Happy, ChocoChip101, DeathKiki, , JayEyeWolf, Reader, Darkrukia4, queenJx, isa-chan131297, Akamaruwolf323, what-is-the-color-of-love, Nutella Alchemist

(Shameless Self Promotion)

My new stories that I am currently working on are called Anonymous and The Price Of Life

Someone at Headquarters has a crush on Hawkeye and at first no one thinks anything of it but when innocent letters and awkward glances turn into violence, it'll be up to Hawkeye to not only protect herself but Roy as well. Royai

The Price Of Life: He was no longer Maes Hughes; he didn't know who he was. He had been given this opportunity and he would not waste it. In an ideal world it would work out perfectly but this is not such a world. This is reality and it is cold, dark and bitter.

"Talk about our future

Like we had a clue

Never planned that one day

I'd be losing you

In another life

I would be your girl

We'd keep all our promises

Be us against the world

In another life

I would make you stay

So I don't have to say

You were the one that got away

The one that got away"

- 'The One That Got Away' by Katy Perry