~Alrighty then, I really want this story to be looong! I will try my hardest to make that happen.~

Disclaimer: I own no one.

Kendall, James and Carlos, the three best friends of Minnesota. They've been friends since sixth grade. And now, in high school they were insperable. They all played hockey for their school. There was just two more week of summer vaction left, and they had spent Monday playing video games. They had been at it for exactly five hours when they all decided to go out and grab some food.

Chill N' Cool Cafe was the hot spot in town, where all of the teenagers went. The three boys raced to the cafe, literally. When they arrived they sat down at their usual table. "I so beat you Carlos!" James said, breathing hard.

"Nuh uh! You ate my dust, dude! So. . ."

James kissed Carlos' lips to keep him quiet. The pretty boy and latino had been dating for almost a year now.

Just then a young boy about their age walked up to them, he was dressed all in a black button up shirt, black pants and black and white converse with a white apron tied around his waist. Kendall couldn't take his eyes off of him. He was gorgeous.

He smiled at them, "Hey, what can I get yall?"

"Oh man! You have accent! Say something else!" Carlos said excitedly.

The boy chuckled, "I've gettin' that all day."

"You're new, right? I haven't seen you before." James commented.

"Yeah my dad and I just moved here from Texas."

"That's cool, so how do you like Minnesota?"

"It's been great so far. Well what can I get yall to eat?"

"I want a cheeseburger and chocolate milshake." Carlos said, as the boy scribbled it down on a small notepad.

"That sounds good, I'll have the same." The boy nodded, and then looked at Kendall, "What about you eyebrows?"

Kendall just stared at the brunette, mouth wide open, the boy squatted down, folding his arms and resting them on the table, laying his chin on his arms, "Hey you okay?"

Kendall shook his head, trying to get a hold of himself, "Um what did you say?"

The boy smiled again, " I said what can I get you, darlin'?"

"Uhhh. . . umm. . .The same as them?"

The boy chuckled, "What kind of milkshake would you like?"

"V - vanilla." Kendall stumbled over his words. 'What's wrong with me?' He thought.

"Mmm, that's my favorite. Okay, I'll be back as soon as I can with yalls orders, alright?"

He walked away, stopping at the counter and tearing off a piece of paper from his notebook and handing it to the girl. The boys knew her from school, she was weird, wanted to be an actress. Her name was Camille.

He said something to her and she laughed, and looked at Kendall. Kendall turned back to his friends and blushed.

"Kendall, what the hell was that?" James asked.

"What was what?"

"You were practically drooling on the new guy." Carlos said.

"I - I was not."

"Yeah," James said rolling his eyes, "You were. You were making these googly eyes at him just like I used to do with. . .," Realization hit him like a ton of bricks, "Carlos. Oh my God! You like him! You have a thing for the new guy!"

"SHHHHH! Can you be any louder!" Kendall said, "He's just. . .so. . .cute."

"Awww!" James and Carlos said together.

"Will guys just shut up!"

"Why don't you ask him out?" James asked, curiously.

"No way, he likes that freaky Camille chick."

"And how do you know that?"

"I - I don't. . ."

"See! Just ask him out on a date."


Just then Logan came out carrying two plates, he sat one onfront of James and one in front of Carlos. He turned to Kendall, "You're will be out in a minute, okay? I'll get your shakes." He smiled at Kendall and Kendall felt his chest tighten. The boy left.

"He totally likes you," James said, "Just ask him out, pleeeasse!"

Kendall was about to say something when the boy came back out with carrying Kendall's food and three shakes out on a tray, he gave Kendall his food, "Here ya go. If yall need anythin' else, just lemme know."

Kendall smiled at him, "Uh, um, yeah. Uh thanks."

Carlos and James burst into laughter and Kendall kicked them under the table. They both yelped in pain, the boy gave them confused looks. "You guys are funny."

He walked away to let them eat in peace.

About an hour later Carlos and james had eaten everything on their plates, Kendall just picked at his, he spent most of the time looking at the boy. He walked around the cafe taking orders, bringing food out of the kitchen, once and a while he stopped to talk to Camille. Kendall would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous.

After they paid, they were just standing up from their table.

"Soooooo?" Carlos said, loooking at Kendall.

"NO! I am not asking him out."

"At least get to know the guy. I mean, my God, he's knew to town and doesn't have any friends, except for Camille. Oh and you should find out what his name is too." James said, fixing his hair with his lucky comb.

Kendall's eyes widened, "Oh man! I can't believe I forgot to ask what his name was!" He frantically looked around the cafe, he spotted the boy on his way to the kitchen, "Hey!" He shouted, the few other people that were in the cafe looked at him, as well Camille. The boy turned around to saee who yelled, his eyes landed on Kendall.


"What's your name?"

"Logan, and you?"


"Well, Kendall, it's been a pleasure meetin' you, darlin'."

Kendall blushed, "I guess I'll see you around?"

Logan nodded, "Good-bye Kendall. See ya later." He turned back around and walked into the the kitchen.

Jame and Carlos were laughing, Kendall groaned, and hit his head on the table, "Hey? Why did I yell that across the fucking room? Crap! He probably thinks I'm an idiot."

"No comment." James said.

Groaning again, Kendall ruffled James hair. He screamed, "Not cool dude!"

"Let's just go back to my house and play video games, it'll get you mind off of things, like persay, your new love interest."

They dragged Kendall out of the cafe.

As they walked down the street Carlos said, "He kept calling you darling!"

"Actaully, my little Carlitos, I think the term was, 'Darlin'."

Carlos laughed, "Oh yeah. He's so into you."

Kendall wasled, slouched, with his hands in his pockets, "He would never go for somebody like me."

Carlos and James stopped. Carlos grabbed his arm, "Don't say that!"

"Yeah, dude! You're hot, you're captain of our hockey team, and well, you're just plain nice! Who wouldn't go out with you?" James added.

Kendall sighed, "I have never in my life been so nervous," He looked up at Carlos' and James' smiling faces, "I'll think about it."

James and Carlos high-fived one another. "Oh, man! It's about time!"

At the cafe:

After they left Logan came back out of the kitchen and leaned on the counter. "Sooo, you and Kendall Knight, huh?" Camille asked.

"What? No no no no no. Someone that fine, ain't gonna go out with someone like me."

"What? And why not? You're totally hot!"

Logan chuckled at her comment. He had only been here a week, and him and Camille were already best friends. She was actually the best friend he had ever had.

"Um," He said smiling, "Thank you, but. . ." He looked at the table where his beautiful boy once sat and saw his wallet laying on the table. His eyes widened, "He forgot his wallet."

Camille squealed, "Go after your man! Run! Logan run!"

Logan rolled his eyes, as he walked over and picked it up, "You're so weird."

"So, I've been told. And did you here what I just said? RUN!"

Logan smiled and walked out of the cafe, and saw the three boys, talking way up the street, he noticed that Kendall looked so sad, and Logan just wanted to hug him and ask what was wrong. He started to jog up the street. Once they were in hearing diustance he said, "Hey," the three boys looked up at him, and he saw James elbow Kendall in the side and smirk.

He jogged up to them, and stopped in front of Kendall, he held out his wallet, "Here ya go, you forgot this." He smiled at Kendall, for what felt like the millionth time that day. Kendall reached up and took the wallet from him, "Thank you, uh. Thanks."

"Oh it's nothin'."

Kendall was lost for words. He had no clue what to say. James stepped forward, "Sooo, Logan? There's a party tomorrow night, you should come."

"Oh Mercedes Griffan's party?"

Carlos nodded, "Yeah, that's the one!"

"My friend, Camille, she's been trying to get me to go with her."

"You should come. It will be soo much fun!" Carlos said.

James put an arm around Kendall, "Kendall's going too, right Kendall?"

"Yeah, you should come, we could. . .hang out." The blonde said, it took every ounce of courage he had to say that small sentence.

Logan smiled once again, "Well, I reckon it'll be fun. My dad says I need to get out and do more teen stuff."

"Sooooo, does that mean you'll come?" Carlos asked, eager to know the answer.


Carlos jumped up and down and hugged Logan tight. Logan chuckled.

"YAY! You won't regret this!"

"I hope not," he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Well, I have ta get back ta work. See you guys tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you, Logie." Kendall said, and regretted it as soon as the words left his mouth.

Logan turned back around, "Logie?"

"Uh, oh man. Um sorry about that. I didn't mean. . ."

"It's okay, I like it. No one's never called me that before. So, I'll see ya at the party, eyebrows." he began to walk back to the cafe. 'Oh man, why do I keep calling him those stupid little pet names? I'm such an idiot! Ugh! What's wrong with me?' Logan thought as he entered the cafe.

Camille was grinning like a fool, "Welllll?"

He explained everything that happened. She was happy, that she began jumping around, she hugged him tight.

"I'll have to come over tomorrow before the party and help you get ready!"

Logan Mitchel was screwed, he had a huge crush on Kendall Knight.

"God! What's wrong with me? I acted like a complete moron! I mean, did you guys hear me talk? I've never been afraid to talk to some one I like!"

"You realllly like him, then." The latino pointed out.

"No shit, Carlos!"

James laughed at his best friend and boyfriend as tey began to bicker. This was going to be one wild ride. . .for everyone.

~I'm so sorry for making Kendall sound a complete dork. Logan just has that affect on him. I wanted chapter one to be longer, but I just thought this was a good place to end it! I live here in texas and I talk like how I made Logan talk. Sometimes it's worse! Haha. Go easy on please.~