"Are you sure you don't want us to-" Santana started, but Kurt cut her off immediately.

"I just have to go to the toilet, Santana. Go seek Blaine. I'm sure he's having more trouble getting started on McKinley than me getting to a restroom." He said in his slightly snappy way.

Santana irritably flicked her hair back over her shoulder and adjusted her 'Bullywhippers' hat. "Fine." she said. "So where's that pretty boyfriend of yours currently hiding?"

Kurt slammed his locker shut. "He doesn't hide!" he snapped. "He had Maths. He always does before Glee club." He hoisted the handle of his bag over his shoulder and strode off to the toilets without saying anything else.

Right at the moment he closed the door of the toilets behind him, he was grabbed by the collar of his Marc Jacobs shirt and dragged into one of the stalls.

Panicked, Kurt clutched the big, black hand - 'Azimio', Kurt thought - to try and pry the fingers off him. In the process, he felt his bag slide off his shoulder and drop onto the ground. Kurt couldn't help but make a face when he thought of the fact that his expensive bag just landed onto one of the most filthy floors of the school ground.

"Let go of me!" Kurt brought out, still trying to free himself out of the football player's grip. "Someone will come in and find you any moment now! Let go! At least let me pick up my bag!"

Azimio laughed and pushed Kurt into the stall, forcing him on his knees by squeezing him hard in the back of his neck and barking: "Down on your fucking knees!"

Kurt protested loudly while getting down on his knees and turned half-around. "Now what?" he spat. "Are you going to lock me up here? Come on, even someone with as tiny as a brain as you have can come up with something better."

Maybe he shouldn't have said that.

The problem was that whenever Kurt figured that he shouldn't have said something, he always already had said that exact thing. And it usually got him into either a fight with Rachel or in trouble.

Azimio snarled wordlessly and punched Kurt in the face, causing the smaller boy to tumble against the toilet, covering his left eye with his hand.

As if it wasn't enough already, Kurt felt Azimio's large hand grab his hair from behind and forcing him to face the toilet.

It was right then when it hit Kurt.

He was going to drown him.

Azimio was going to drown him in a school toilet.

Panic hit Kurt full force, and he started to struggle again. "No! Don't!" Why hadn't anyone came in yet?

"Say goodbye to your fucking faggy life, you filthy queer! I'm done with you! I can't stand you anymore!" Azimio spat. It was the first thing he'd said to Kurt since they'd started the struggle, and Kurt nearly broke out in tears when he realized that if no-one showed up right now, they would probably be the last ones he'd ever hear.

"Help!" he cried out. "Help me!"

He felt the pressure on his head as he was being pushed face-first towards the water in the toilet.

Kurt started to sob, still trying to trash his way out. "Please... You don't need to do this, I can transfer!" he pleaded. When Azimio didn't answer, but kept pushing, he started to scream.

"Help me! Help! In here! In here! Help-" Kurt's voice broke.

His face was only inches away from the water, and he closed his eyes tightly, causing a couple of tears to fall and bring a soft ripple on the surface beneath him. "Blaine... I'm so sorry..." he whispered, before his head was pushed underwater and Azimio flushed the toilet.

Once... Twice... Thrice...

Everytime he tried to get up he was pushed back down. Everytime he tried to draw in a breath his lungs protested against the cold water flooding them.

Stars danced in front of Kurt's eyes. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't call for help, he couldn't feel anything anymore. He could only shiver while his body didn't obey his will anymore, simply because there wasn't enough oxygen left.

Kurt became dizzy. He felt like throwing up. Maybe he did, he had no idea. All he could hear was the blood rushing in his ears. The sudden absence of his heartbeat. He panicked before his body went limp and he felt himself slip away, towards some sort of light, which looked like the reflection of the moon in a lake. Shimmery... White...

"Hey, Santana, ready for Glee club?" Blaine greeted the Spanish girl, flashing her a smile. He then saw her expression. "Why the cross look?"

Santana arched an unamused eyebrow at him. "Kurt said we should stick around you instead of him."

Blaine glanced at her while they walked away from the classroom and towards the lockers. "Did he give you a reason?" he asked.

Santana smirked. "He said, and I quote: 'I'm sure he's having more trouble getting started on McKinley than me getting to a restroom.'." she said smugly, causing Blaine to roll his eyes exasperatedly and answer: "You do realize that I'm gay, right? You breaking me and Kurt up won't have any benefits for you in it."

Santana grinned. "Not even comfort sex?" she asked with a slight purr.

Blaine was about to come up with a smooth answer about her own sexual preference, when Santana's walkie-talkie suddenly came to life.

"I think we've got a situation." Karofsky's voice came trough the receiving end.

Santana frowned and brought the walkie-talkie up to her mouth. "Where and how?" she demanded.

The small machine creaked slightly before Karofsky's voice came trough again. "Ground floor, the boy's toilet by the lockers. I saw Azimio storm out of them. I'm going to take a look."

Blaine noticed the sudden tenseness in Santana's shoulders. "What's wrong?" he asked, the hairs in his neck standing upright. He had a bad feeling that it had something to do with Kurt.

Santana started to walk quicker, towards the stairs, heading for the lockers.

In his hurry to follow her and keep up with her, Blaine nearly stumbled over his own feet. Cursing, he raced after her.

Santana's walkie-talkie creaked again, and she answered it. "What's up?" she asked.

They were running now, having reached the first lockers. It would take them two more hallways for them to reach the boy's toilets.

"He got Kurt." Karofsky said trough the walkie-talkie. "Call a teacher or something - this is bad shit."

"Take care of Kurt, I'll go get a teacher." Santana nodded. "Blaine, we- Blaine? Blaine!"

At the moment Kurt's name had dropped, Blaine had started running as fast as he could, pushing others out of his way carelessly. He had to get to Kurt. He had to get to his boyfriend.

He skidded to a stop in front of the toilets and stormed in.

When he saw Karofsky sitting on his knees next to Kurt, slapping the boy's cheeks, his heart skipped a beat. He quickly moved over and got to his knees as well. "What happened?" he brought out, eyes travelling over Kurt's drenched torso. He grimaced when he saw the black eye.

"Azimio probably stuck his head in the toilet or something..." Karofsky replied. His face was red and the veins in his neck were standing out. "Damn, he won't wake up!" he snapped.

Blaine pushed Karofsky's hands aside and lay his fingers on Kurt's neck. "Shit..." he breathed. "Move over! He doesn't have a pulse! Dammit, he's not even breathing! Count for me!"

Frantically, Blaine pushed Karofsky out of the way and started to push on his boyfriend's chest with both hands. "Come on, Kurt..." he growled trough clenched teeth, while he felt his eyes tear up. He shook his head. "You can't do this, Kurt, you can't just leave..." he snapped.

"How long are you supposed to do that before giving mouth to mouth?" Karofsky asked.

"Thirty." Blaine answered, still pushing his hands on Kurt's chest. "Shit, Kurt, wake up..." he whispered.

"Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!" Karofsky exclaimed. Blaine immediately reacted by moving over to Kurt's head and tipping it slightly. He squeezed Kurt's nose and placed his lips over his boyfriend's cold ones. He blew air into the boy's lungs once, twice, then went back to try and get his heart to work again.

"What happened - oh no... Emma, get the kids to their classes, tell them there's nothing of their business here."

Blaine didn't need to look up to know that Santana had returned bringing Mr. Shuester and Miss Pillsbury with her.

Tears were running over his face by the time Karofsky cried out "Thirty!" again. When he moved over to do the mouth to mouth again, he saw that Mr. Shuester kneeled next to Kurt's chest. "You keep doing that, I'll focus on getting his heart working again." he said to Blaine.

As Blaine waited for Mr. Shuester to reach thirty pushes, he stroked Kurt's wet hair out of his pale face.


Two breaths.

Shuester started working Kurt's chest again, and Blaine became scared. Hadn't it been too long already? What if they just came too late? What if-


Don't think, just give him oxygen...

By this time, Miss Pillsbury had entered the toilet and watched the scene in front of her with her big deer-like eyes and Shuester had already pushed on Kurt's chest five times again.

Suddenly, a choking sound fought it's way out of Kurt's throat along with a small gulp of water. Shuester looked up and Blaine immediately lay his fingers on Kurt's neck. "I can feel his pulse." he said, relief exploding in his chest.

"Turn him over, or he'll choke again." Pillsbury quickly said.

As Karofsky moved out of the way, Blaine and Shuester turned Kurt on his side, so he was facing their way. Shuester quickly stepped over him, sitting behind him to steady him. Blaine didn't bother to move. He needed to be sure that Kurt was alive.

Kurt made the choking sound again and this time, more water gulped out, seemingly mixed with bile, pooling around Blaine's knees and soaking his trousers. Kurt's body started to shiver and convulse as he coughed and retched.

"Shhh..." Blaine whispered with a trembling voice, stroking Kurt's hair back again. "Shhh, it's okay... You're okay..."

"You're okay..."

The voice seemed to come from a distance, but Kurt easily recognized it easily as Blaine's. He tried to tell him to keep his hands the hell away from his hair when he realized that he was soaked.

What the hell...?

He tried to speak again, but all he could do was retch as water gulped out of his mouth. His eyes flew open and he dazedly stared at his boyfriend's knees on the tiled floor of... the boy's toilet? Why was he lying on the floor there? And why was he wet?

And why was Blaine still touching his hair?

A large hand suddenly patted his back forcefully, causing Kurt to cough more and harder. He wondered if the flow of water coming out of him would ever stop.

"He needs to cough it all out."

Was that... Mr. Shuester? Something really had to be going on then.

"Will he be fine?"

Oh, Blaine sounded so adorable when he was scared.

Kurt suddenly figured that he needed to breathe in and his eyes widened when he found it difficult to do so, as pain seared trough his chest whenever he tried to inhale air. His hand shot out and clutched Blaine's pullover, a panicky noise escaping from his lips.

"What's wrong?" Blaine carefully leaned over to look into his eyes. "Hey..."

Kurt noticed that Blaine was white as a sheet, and his eyes were still wide with shock. Nonetheless he smiled with relief.

"Air-" Kurt brought out, some more water escaping from his lungs. "Breathe in hurts..."

Blaine quickly looked up at Mr. Shue, but it was Miss Pillsbury who came to the rescue.

"Kurt, you really should take a deep breath now." she said, crouching in front of him. "It may hurt, because some people break or crack their sternum when heart massage is preformed on them, but you really have to take a deep breath now."

Kurt's lips trembled as he twisted Blaine's pullover in his grasp and took a deep breath.

Pain exploded in his chest, causing him to let out a harsh gasp. He could feel Blaine's hands on his face, cupping his cheeks and softly stroking his thumbs over his skin.

Kurt, still gasping, looked up at his boyfriend with wide eyes and a frightened expression on his face. "Blaine-" he croaked. "I'm so sorry..."

"Shhh..." Blaine whispered again. "It's okay. An ambulance is on the way."

"So sorry..." Kurt continued to gasp, until Blaine frowned and pressed a finger against his lips.

"I told you." The dark-eyed boy said. "It's alright. Everything's gonna be fine." Kurt tried to nod, but his head was just so heavy. He noticed that he was trembling. "So tired..." he muttered, closing his eyes slowly. He felt Blaine's hand softly tap on his cheek. "Hey, don't fall asleep now. We have to wait for the ambulance, okay? They'll need to talk to you." Blaine said.

Kurt groaned in half-hearted exasperation. Nonetheless he opened his eyes again. "I want you to come with me..." he murmured.

"I'm not sure if the paramedics allow a minor to come with you, Kurt." Mr. Shuester spoke up. "Is it okay with you if either Miss Pillsbury or I ride along?"

Kurt looked displeased, but nodded slowly. "Okay." he said in a tiny voice, causing Blaine to smile slightly. Kurt turned his head slightly so he was pressing his face into the palm of his boyfriend's hand.

Trying to feel safe.

Fifteen minutes later, Blaine found himself sitting in between Mercedes and Finn, staring into space while Miss Pillsbury informed the group about Kurt's situation. The Glee members were all dead-silent, besides from Brittany's: "Maybe he lost his wallet in the toilet and he made Kurt look for it. But I don't understand why."

Very slowly, Miss Pillsbury's voice started to get trough the pieces of cotton that seemed to have replace Blaine's brain. "...Blaine and Mr. Shuester were able to resuscitate Kurt. He was brought to the ER by ambulance."

"Is he okay now?" Mercedes asked quietly, not even bothering to put up her hand.

When Miss Pillsbury didn't answer immediately, Blaine looked up. He saw her shuffling her feet nervously, locking her hands together in front of her green jumper. At last she spoke up. "Because Kurt inhaled so much water, some of it came in his bloodstream..." she said softly, causing Blaine to shiver slightly. "It cooled his heart down. When they came into the ER he had another cardiac arrest."

Blaine couldn't stand it anymore. He jumped up while a strangled sound fought it's way out of his throat. He looked around, realizing that he looked stupid, just standing there. He met Pillsbury's eyes. "It's not fair." he said weakly.

"Blaine, I understand that this is hard on you, but there's nothing you can do right now. Sit down." Miss Pillsbury softly said.

Blaine's legs trembled, and he slowly sat down again. Finn placed his broad hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly.

"Miss Pillsbury, can we sing a song dedicated to Kurt?" Rachel asked, after a glance at Blaine. "I'd... feel useless otherwise."

Miss Pillsbury nodded. "Of course, Rachel, go ahead." she answered, at which Rachel quickly moved over to Tina and whispered something in her ear, and then to Finn and Puck to whisper the same to them.

The three teenagers nodded and stood. Tina walked over to sit behind the piano while Finn sat behind the drums and Puck grabbed a guitar. Rachel went to stand over by the microphone and looked at Tina, nodding. The Asian girl smiled kindly at Blaine before starting to play.

Rachel closed her eyes and started to sing. "Didn't they always say... we were the lucky ones? I guess that we were once... oh baby we were once..."

Blaine closed his eyes, trying to fight the tears. He could feel the looks of his friends burn holes in his body, but he didn't want to see them right now. All he wanted to see was Kurt.

But luck will leave you 'cause it is a faithless friend... And in the end, when life has got you down... You've got someone here that you can wrap your arms around...

Opening his eyes, Blaine stood and walked upon the microphone next to Rachel's. He grabbed it, glanced at Rachel and sang along with her.

Hold on... to me tight... Hold on, to me tonight... We are stronger here together, than we could ever be alone... So hold on to me... Don't you ever let me go...

Blaine closed his eyes briefly, remembering him and Kurt last week, laying on Kurt's bed, simply enjoying each other's company, playing with each other's hand, stealing a kiss every now and then.

There's a thousand ways, for things to fall apart... But it's no one's fault... No, it's not my fault...

Blaine felt his throat squeezing shut when he remembered the next upcoming lines, but Rachel quickly took over, like they'd done it a hundred times before already.

And maybe all the plans we made may not work out... But I have no doubt, even though it's hard to see... I've got faith in us, yes I believe in you and me...

Blaine felt hot tears drip over his cheeks as he looked at the ceiling, singing again. How many times had Kurt stood here, belting out the climax of a Broadway song and causing some people to tear up simply by showing the passion he sang with?

So hold on, to me tight... Hold on, I promise it'll be alright... 'Cause it's you and me together, and baby all we've got is time... So hold on to me, hold on to me, tonight...

Right in the middle of the song's bridge, which Rachel did most of - Blaine couldn't bring it up - Miss Pillsbury's cellphone rang. She looked at the number and answered it, quickly walking to the hallway.

There's so many dreams that we have given up... Take a look, at all we've got...And with this kind of love, with what we've got here, it's enough...

Miss Pillsbury came back after less than ten seconds, on her face an unreadable look. For a moment, the music stopped, and everyone seemed to be holding their breath.

A smile broke trough on her face. "Kurt will be fine." she said. "He'll make it."

There was a deafening silence, before the classroom seemed to explode. While Mercedes and Artie hugged, Sam and Quinn jumped up and cheered loudly, Blaine's heart felt like it was swelling five times it's size.

Kurt was fine.

He would make it.

Finn, Puck, Tina and the rest of their small orchestra started to play perfectly in time, while Blaine forcefully grabbed the microphone's standard and belted out the rest of the song.

So hold on, to me tight... Hold on, oooh I promise it'll be alright... 'Cause we are stronger here together, than we could ever be alone... Just hold on to me, don't you ever let me go... Yes hold on to me, it's gonna be alright... Hold on to me... Tonight...