Chapter One:

It all started because I was forced to go to summer school. I was literary the only who was going but my best friend Taylor McKessie chose to come last minute. Before I start my first day I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Gabriella Montez, 13, just finished 7th grade in an all girls private school in LA called Stylinson International School a.k.a. SIS. Small, Catholic school…

Anywho back to the story, my dad brought me to the bus stop where the school bus would pick me up to go to summer school at Elite School in Gardena (ESIG), this humongous school a little out of town like an hour ride? My first obstacle was this boy from Academy, an all boys school a mile away from SIS. I knew who he was but not personally. He's name was James Ward, an ass and a pervert, in wrestling team, half English, loves soccer, key player on the team but not my type. He's dad was also there and we said a casual "hi" to each other. The last time I went to ESIG's summer school was when I was in 5th grade and I had to deal with some problems back then.

So in 5th grade I went to the same summer school with a close friend of mine Patricia and this other girl from my class Erica. In one of my classes was there this immature boy, James Evans, his sister goes to my school and later on becomes a person of idol when I start playing volleyball. Anyways, so then this James one day out of the blue decided to call me his "girlfriend". I was unsure if this had any meaning, I mean I'm an only child never had a relation with other boys how was I supposed to act? So I just ignored his comments but he just kept on going. Luckily summer school was over and I thought this was the past. No it wasn't. Turns out he became my crush for the next half a year. Since this incident I never thought of developing feelings for anyone but that changed that summer…