AN: You know why I deleted the Amnesiac? I just wanted it to get out of my hair! :P
This story is just like The Amnesiac . Just wanted ya to know!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Hunger Games.

The sound of the rain against the roof awakens me. I sit up, and look at Katniss lying down on the bed, still unconscious. I sigh and look at the clock. 5:00 PM. It's been half a day and Katniss still hasn't awakened. I go and sit down on the white single chair near the bed. I look at Katniss' face, worn but still breathtaking. Her bleeding wound on her head seemed to slow down. I tuck a stray strand of brown hair behind her ear. I close my eyes, take a deep breath and try to remember what happened this morning.

The sky shows promise of a downpour .Even though it was only about four in the morning, rain clouds—as impossible as it may seem—can be seen in the sky. As I make my way to the bakery, I see Katniss in her usual hunting outfit. I smile at her and she does the same. "Out to" I ask, being cautious of my words. She keeps on a straight face and nods. "You going to the bakery?" she asks. I shrug. She knows I am."You think it's gonna rain?" I look at the dark sky for an effect. "It's still a night sky. I don't really know." She shrugs, her eyes gleam in the moonlight. I smile a bit, knowing that she may be right and I may be paranoid for thinking the possibility of rain in such an early time. "I have to go, Peeta. Time's golden." She says flatly, though giving me a hint of a smile. "Okay then, be careful." I wink. "I will. And if you think I'm in trouble, go and follow me in there." She then gives me a smile that I couldn't help but laugh, for it was too unlike her. "I will." I give her a smile that I think, reaches up to a mile. She gives me a kiss on the cheek before we part ways.

I walked into the bakery just a few buildings from the old one. I could just feel my heart skip a beat when I think about my family. I just wish my dad was here. I unlocked the back door of the bakery and stepped inside the kitchen. The newly built building was too new for my taste, even though I've worked here for six month already. I need to feel home. I need to feel back when everything was still okay. The hours passed slowly. Even though I immersed myself in my work, I felt bored. I never felt like this before when I worked. A girl survivor from District 13 walks in through the door. She looks about a few years younger than me and very frail. People from other districts have emigrated from their districts to foreign ones. I think this is one of Paylor's new laws. She gives me a weak smile and I greet her with a warm one.

"Hi. You're Peeta Mellark aren't you?"

"Yes. Someone recognizes me. I'm famous!" I joke. The girl does not seem to know that it's a joke.

"Don't you know you are famous? I mean you and the Mockingjay… Sorry, I talk too much. "

"It's okay. And I'm infamous, not famous."

"Trust me you are." The girl beams at me. I realize that she looks quite like Prim. I shake it from my thoughts. I don't know whether the notion is good or not at all.

"So what do you need?" I ask.

"Bread." She squeaks and I laugh. Of course, bread. She looks confused at why I was laughing, so I just shut up and tried to look serious.

"Of course. What kind?"

"Plain." She says meekly. Oh right. District Thirteen. I grab a paper bag and put a small loaf of bread in it.

"Here," I say, smiling. "It's on the house." Her face lights up and she grins.

"Thank you Peeta Mellark. And please say hello to Katniss Everdeen for me!" she slowly went out of the bakery and disappeared into the street. Speaking of Ms. Everdeen…

It was about 10 in the morning, and it just started to pour. I think about Katniss. She should have gone back now and should have gone to the bakery. Being the paranoid person that I am, I decided to go look for her. I cover myself in a raincoat and continue for the Village. Six hours is enough for her to trade. She must be home. I open the door to her house—I know barging in is rude, but we have given each other permission to go in the other's abode—and find the house person-empty. I call out her name but the only response I hear is Buttercup's soft mewing. I smile at the cat and it rubs its body against my fake limb. I only laugh. I searched upstairs but found nothing. I also found no Katniss in my home nor Haymitch's. I only though of one thing; if Katniss isn't in the District, she's in the woods.

I have been to Katniss' "workplace" only thrice. I have yet to memorize the pathways, but some I can only remember faintly. It takes me about ten minutes to find Katniss. She was lying on her side in a fetal position, her head bleeding. The rain makes it worse, the water makes the blood spread. It won't be a long time before some predators who do not care about getting wet come and find us. I convince myself that Katniss probably fell from the tree nearest to her. The tree was not that tall and was young so I figured that she didn't break anything, It was about 10 feet tall and the highest she could climb was from the height of 8 feet. I guess I could just carry her back. I fetch her weapons, and carry her pick-a-back. The weapons I hide in their proper place for I know those meant so much to Katniss. I almost run to the fence, keeping a low profile and listened to the sound of a hum. I hear nothing and push Katniss before me. It's difficult to get in without the notice of people. When I successfully got in without anyone noticing in the rain, I slowly lifted her, got the rain coat on her and proceeded to the Victor's Village.

All I know is that she's in bad shape. I got Greasy Sae to change Katniss into dry clothes, but not before covering her head with gauze. I know it's not enough to just put gauze on it but I was in panic. I called her mother who was in District 4. Mrs. Everdeen was calm, even though a hint of worry was in her voice.

All she told me that she would get here as fast as she can. I can only hope so. Katniss is in need of a real healer.

The sound of the slamming door brought me back to reality. I looked at the bed were Katniss once lay which I found empty. I felt a mix of excitement and worry. She might either be awake or taken. But of course, am being paranoid. I step out of the room and call after her.

"Katniss? Mockingjay?"I call out. Where is that girl? I think, with a twinge of annoyance. I step down the stairs and see her curled up on the couch. I smile at the image. She looks so charming. I go down and sit next to her. I put my arm around her and I feel her stir. She gives me a look with alarmed eyes. She is confused. "Who are you?" she asks, pulling away from me. I laugh nervously. "Katniss, don't do that." She eyes me suspiciously. "Who are you?" she asks again and now I stand up and shake my head, trying to let her see that I wasn't okay with her act. Okay Peeta, Katniss just wants to play a bit.I think, but with a little bit of doubt.

"I'm Peeta. Okay?" I say as I walk toward her.

"You're the baker's son right?" She asks, her face blank. I feel a little saddened at the mention of my late father. She didn't even look like she was teasing. I felt my heart skip a beat. I was growing nervous.

"Yes. And don't you know me ?"

"I know you from class."

"Where am I? Am I in the Victor's Village?"

"Yes. It's your home."


"Katniss, stop fooling around. It isn't funny—Look, your head is bleeding!"

"What?" she touches her forehead, and soon enough, she faints.

I carry her up to her room again and lay her down on her bed. I sigh and go down, wanting all my worries away.

"Peeta?" I hear the voice of Mrs. Everdeen. I run down and see her face, just like Prim's. I feel relief as I feel her prescence.

"Thank goodness you're here!"

"What's the matter?"

"Something is very wrong with Katniss."

"What kind of wrong?"

"It's complicated really. Can you just look at her now? Her head is bleeding."

Mrs. Everdeen rushes to the room where Katniss is. She lifts the gauze slightly and sees the wound. She cleans it and stitch the wound up. I see her quick but precise movements and I admire her for the way she works. Katniss slightly moves as the wound is being closed up. Finally, she opens her eyes, just as her mother finishes. She touched her forehead and flinches.

"Mother?" she squeaks and her mother smiles. She looks at me again, but now with a much softer gaze.

"Could you explain all that is happening here? And why are we here really, in this house?"

"Well, you are a victor of the Seventy-fourth and a survivor of the Seventy-Fifth Games. And so is Peeta over there."

"The Seventy-Fourth hasn't occurred yet. Wait, where's Prim? I need to talk to her."

A pained expression can be seen on Mrs. Everdeen's face. The strong woman seemed to be breaking down. She takes a deep breath and tells the truth about Prim gently. Katniss looks confused at first, but then realizes the truth. She screams as her mother comforts her. No knowing what to do with the situation, I open the door and leave.

What is wrong with Katniss? Why doesn't she remember? I already had thoughts in mind but I brush it off. I don't know if thinking about my suspicions can make me feel better. The screaming upstairs softens and ends. Mrs. Everdeen's sullen face appeared when she opened the door. Tears were streaming down her face. I stand up, curious about what was happening.

"What's the problem?" I ask, slowly pronouncing the words.

"Peeta…My daughter… she has amnesia."

"What? She has what?"

"Amnesia. She forgot some of her memories."

"But how comes she remembers you?"

"It's called Retrograde Amnesia. She forgot some of her most recent memories. That's why she does not know about Prim. And you."

I stand there, still having a hard time absorbing those words. My daughter has amnesia. She forgot some of her most recent memories. That's why she does not know about Prim. And you. And me. Katniss Everdeen, the person I love the most, doesn't even remember me. There's only one thing I have to do.

I have to bring her back.

AN: So whaddya think? Review this Chapter! Thanks :)