YAY! I finally got round to writing this! I've been telling this story over and over to my brothers... So I guess that I should stop trying to bore them to death and write this all down. In this story, Sarah is me, but my name's not Sarah. My brother's name was actually a dare, my parents aren't mad! This story is more for me than anyone else... It's based on one of my many daydreams. Please enjoy!

Family Trees

Sarah was sitting at the lunch table with her friend, Miriam.

"Do you really think that I'm a good friend?" asked Sarah for the thousandth time. She knew what the answer would be, but she was asking anyway.

"Of course I do! What makes you think that?" Miriam was always cheerful, but then, she read cheerful stories, not the vampire books that Sarah was so interested in. Sarah was twelve years old, but she preferred the company of younger or older people, because kids her age never quite seemed to understand her. She had long blonde hair and grey eyes, which were sometimes green and sometimes blue but the problem wasn't her looks, she wasn't especially ugly, and not many of the girls in her class could be jealous, it could have been the fact that she was one of the top three kids in her class the first on being Marty, a Bulgarian kid and the third being her twin brother, Stickletroffoboglogdogy. Sarah was actually quite normal, if you judged her by her looks, but there was more to her than met the eye.

"Well… Marty gives me weird looks when I mention vampires! I was just talking about putting a vampire picture in my locker, and he just walked up to me and gave me this you-are-so-weird look!"

"Maybe you should talk about something else, you have to admit, you do spend most of your time talking about that Larten Crepsley!"

"Hmm… But I do talk about other things! I had an average conversation about music an hour ago! I'm interested in cats, the environment, some sports… I could say more, but that would take too long."

"Maybe you should find something that you both have in common!" laughed Miriam, "He can't be that bad, I have some friends that have a different taste in books than I do!" Sarah nodded, silently, she was pretty sure that she had a different taste in books than she did. Miriam was a really nice friend, she was fourteen and she wasn't fake, she never wore makeup, she didn't try to look especially good. Miriam had rather short blonde hair, which always looked as if it needed a shower. She was one of the only British children in the school apart from Sarah.

"I just wish something something special would happen just for once in my life!"

"You know the saying, 'be careful what you wish for'," said Miriam enigmatically.

"By the way, I-"

"By 'by the way' I guess you mean, 'totally out of the topic'?" hinted Miriam.

"Yeah," Sarah grinned, "I found out that I have German blood!"


"According to my research, Larten is German too! Now, if I could only find a link to him…"

"You do realise that he's a fictional character, and that no amount of research will change that, right?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, sure… I'm going to spend my whole evening on my computer tonight."

"Doing what?"

"Tracing my family tree!"

"You don't really believe that you're going to find Larten in your family tree?"

"Mmm... Yeah... I don't..." Sarah stared at the wall, slipping into a daydream.

Later that afternoon, Sarah opened up her laptop. She opened up her laptop and ran her finger through the family names. She found her French grandmother's maiden name, the one that had turned out to be German. For some reason, Sarah's heart couldn't stop beating. It was so exciting! She was half arguing with herself, her logic side was telling her that she couldn't be related to Larten, and her imaginative side (the one that had only managed work out on her eleventh birthday that dreaming about a genie doesn't make it real!) was just exploding with anticipation. For once, Sarah wasn't in the mood to argue with herself. She just wanted Larten.

"What're you doin?" whispered her nine year old little brother, trying to be cool.

"NOTHING! Could you just leave me?" Sarah didn't want her own brother to think she was mad. She opened up her hotmail, "Oh! Look, a PM from Vampanezegirl97! And a story review from KBerry!"

"Ooh! Can I see?" asked her brother pushing her away so he could read the reviews, he spent most his time listening to his sister's stories. Most of them were okay, and his sister had this funny thing where she could suddenly start acting in the middle of the story she was telling. "What about Slumberparty Fun? Does Larten love you yet? Is everyone voting for you?"

"I don't know," Sarah smiled, it was nice to know that her brother actually payed attention to her. She opened up Fan-fiction and wrote back to both of them, she loved having friends over the internet, because there were so many more people on the internet. She could make friends with people that liked her for reading about vampires. When her brother went back to playing Pokemon, she opened up word and started writing her Last Will and Testament. She'd started doing that a few days ago, she didn't know why. She just hoped that someone would think of checking her computer if she ever died. She added another paragraph about giving her money to cats and saved it. She wasn't in the mood for it anymore. Sarah went back to her family tree, she stared at the meaningless names her dead relatives for a few minutes. "Wait! What was that?" cried Sarah, scrolling back, "No. Way. It's... It can't be. No. CHARNA'S F**CKING GUTS!" She pressed on the name for more information:

Larten Crepsley


Short bio:

Worked at a silk factory since 1813.
Murdered a man called Traz in 1817.
Was found missing shortly afterwards.
Was never buried- missing body.

"Would you believe it?" Sarah was barely whispering, she could hardly breathe! It was... Literally breathtaking! A feeling so amazing that she would never be able to describe it, not even in a million years, it was Larten. It really was Larten! "Shouldn't get too excited. Who knows? Maybe Darren Shan did some research before he wrote his story..." she thought to herself. Three minutes later, everyone that had ever reviewed her on fan fiction or that had ever been to see her profile knew that she was related to Larten. Sarah's eyes watered, she just wanted to shout something, anything, just to show how happy she was! She wanted to hug every one she'd ever met! It felt as if the world should stop, pause, so she could feel amazing forever. Unfortunately, there was a pile of homework due for Monday, so she worked on that.

Some of the stuff here is real. I do have friend called Miriam (Ha! You all thought that I was a loner with no friends whatsoever! Right?) and I do happen to have German blood, which is quite a coincidence because I thought of the story before I learnt that I had German family O.o. But I'm not related to Larten and I haven't tried tracing back my family tree yet.