Pistol Grip Pump – A Claire/Alice fanfiction (Resident Evil)

AUTHOR'S NOTES: A massive holler (oh blast I'm going American) to Alexa (Mercs2Girl) for editing this first chapter majorly and being an absolute star. Have all my love, Alexa, have all of it. Also, this is my very first Alice/Claire fanfiction and I'm hoping that it doesn't go to shit. Well, here goes nothing.

Chapter 1:

Alice lay beneath the stars, her duster messily folded into a makeshift pillow, attempting to achieve a small amount of comfort from practically nothing. But then again, Alice felt like she didn't deserve comfort. She deserved nothing after she practically watched the world go to complete shit. She sat and watched the human race succumb to the T-Virus like a fifteen year old teenage blogger succumbs to the special snowflake syndrome. Alice failed to save the Umbrella squadron that attempted to secure the biohazard outbreak in the Hive; she failed to save Matt from the clutches of Umbrella's science team – essentially causing him to transform into a mutant; she failed to stop the outbreak in Raccoon City and she certainly failed to stop the T-Virus killing the Earth and all it's inhabitants.

Alice was a failure.

And she was responsible for the death of the human race.

She ran a calloused hand through dusty brunette hair, and let out a sigh only heard by her and her alone.

Staring upon the stars once again, weary Alice spotted Canis Major in the celestial sphere.

It's rather funny, once the human race started the die out, Mother Nature started to live again. The skies lightened, stars brightened and light pollution ceased to exist. To gain beauty in one area, you must kill another. It was quite frightening.

That was the only part of Mother Nature that managed to thrive in these barren wastelands. Once the T-Virus dominated most of the world, all the land began to wither and die. Residential areas crumbled, forests wilted and the desert's unrelenting grasp took a hold of every inch of the landscape.

Everything turned to dust and sand.

As far as Alice's experimented eyes could see at this late hour, everything was the ever-unsurprising sand. There was no outstanding landmark, just the occasional tumbleweed.

Alice returned to her thoughts once again.

What if she had turned up at the Hive just that little bit earlier to stop Spence from throwing that vial of T-Virus?

What if she hadn't slept with Spence?

What if she had saved Matt?

What would have happened if Umbrella did actually contain the massive biohazard in the Hive?

Who would Alice be if she wasn't injected with the T-Virus? Would she be just as emotionless? Or would she be the person who attempts to save the last of the human race, instead of wandering the desert like a lost and lone wolf?

She didn't actually know why she was continuing to wander the desert. No one out there cared about her existence, and she certainly didn't want the weight of the dead world upon her shoulders anymore. She was pretty sure that the person who caused the extinction of the human race didn't deserve to survive this long.

She turned to the weapons lying by her right side, barely lit by the ever-fading fire.

Alice managed to scavenge reliable dual pistols, a sawn-off shotgun and some well looked after kukri knives over the years she spent travelling alone.

Reaching for one of the pistols, she turned it over in her experienced hands.

One pump of the trigger, one bullet through the skull, and all of this could be over. No more monstrosity named Alice wandering Earth anymore and no more weighted feeling on her shoulders.

One trigger.

One bullet.

One death.

It was just that simple.

Tilting the worn pistol to face the barrel to the underneath of her chin, she gently placed a forefinger onto the trigger and tensed.

A sharp intake of breath was the only sound to fill the woman's ears.

Alice was about to pull the trigger, but suddenly drew the pistol away and locked it into its holster.

That can wait for another night. She thought and turned in for the night, the chill of the dark skies finally reaching her infected skin.