Lily Potter was up in the early hours of the morning. She was sitting on the couch, staring out the window. She couldn't sleep. Nightmares about her and James's death plagued her every time she closed her eyes. She couldn't help it. That's what happens when you die and come back.
A noise came in the direction of the bedrooms and Lily jumped. Turning, she saw Harry standing there. His eyes were bright with tears and he looked scared.
"Mommy? I had a bad dream," he said tearfully. Lily nodded.
"So did I, Harry. So did I," she said and opened her arms. He ran into them and cried. Lily took him to her and James's room. The sun still hadn't come up but it was only a matter of time. James stirred when they lay down but he smiled and allowed Harry to curl up next to him. Lily was still awake as Harry fell into a deep slumber.
She rolled over and smiled as she watched her husband and child. They were so sweet and peaceful. Everything was peaceful here. They had a house, Severus was being nice to her and her son, James was attempting to put away all the childishness, and she was living with her family. She smiled once more before falling asleep.
Light flooded through the windows. A little boy awoke with his parents still asleep next to him. Harry yawned and looked around with bright eyes. At first, he was confused as to why he wasn't in his room but then he remembered the events from earlier this morning.
He looked up when someone walked into the room. Andrea stood in the doorway, looking at the small family of three with a smile on her face. She waved at Harry when she realized he was watching her.
"Hello Harry. Did you sleep well with your mummy and daddy?" This only brought tears into his eyes as he thought of his dream. "Oh, I'm sorry! Did you have a nightmare? You know, if you tell me, it might be easier."
Harry crawled out of bed and walked over to her. They went into the living room. Andrea sat down and patted her lap for Harry to sit. He sat down and looked at her with his wide, bright green eyes.
"I dreamt Mommy and Daddy were being killed by an evil person. He tried to m-mu-mu –"
"Murder," Andrea offered helpfully. He nodded.
"Yeah, that. He tried to on my mummy and daddy!" Harry cried. Andrea pulled him into hug and rubbed his back.
"I'm sorry, Harry. I really am. I should've been there to protect you and your parents. I should've been there to take you in, instead of those dreadful Dursleys. I really am sorry."
"It's not your fault. I should've held him off long enough for Lily to get Harry away. So don't blame yourself; it's me that should be blamed," James said, walking in.
"No, James. I should've fled when you told me to. I was just so scared. It's neither of your faults; it's mine," Lily said, walking in after him.
"It's neither of your faults. It's –"
"Don't you dare say it's your fault! It's none of your faults. If it's anyone's fault, it's Voldemort's. So quit blaming yourself; it's not your fault!" Remus yelped. They looked down at their feet, ashamed. Harry squirmed in his seat on Andrea's lap.
"Moony is right. It's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault. Why do you think it's your fault? What happened?" Harry asked. His voice was sweet and innocent.
"Nothing, sweetie. Come on, let's get some breakfast," Lily said, scooping him up in her arms and taking him into the kitchen. The others followed.
"Hey, Harry, I was wondering if you can give me my wand back. Pretty please, Harry?" Sirius pleaded.
"Okay," Harry said and pulled it out of his sleeve. He tossed it to Sirius, who caught it and waved it. Sparks flew out and he grinned.
"Thank you, Harry. By the way, we'll make a Marauder of you soon!" Sirius cried.
"NOOO!" Lily screamed.
Sorry for the late update. I've been really busy. And sick. I hate colds. Anyways, I really am sorry. Try not to send too many flames. Hope you like this chapter! I went for an angst-y, family scene. Think I did well? Review if I did!