Ok you guys and gals, seeing as how this is my first fan fiction I would appreciate reviews and, if you like my story, for you to spread the word about it. Please and thank you!
Disclaimer: I do not own DB, DBZ, or DBGT! Akira Toryama and Funimation Entertainment own it. Not me! Although I sure wish I did, but I don't. Well here we go!
Dreams are a Reality
Floating through the empty void of space was a yellow crystal. Inside this crystal, frozen in mid-action, was a small girl with jet-black hair in battered armor with a tail, and around her neck were two necklaces: a sun and a moon. She was a saiya-jin.
Surprisingly she was alive, and in a state of unconsciousness dreams racing through her head. Dreams now made up her reality…
She dreamt of a boy with spiky hair and a tail. This boy met a blue-haired girl, and, somehow, they became friends.
"Who is this boy," the girl's dream-self whispered as she watched him and the blue-haired girl go on adventure. "Why am I dreaming of him."
Suddenly the scene shifted in a flash of white light. The same spiky-haired boy, now a little older was at a tournament. He was fighting his hardest against an opponent that the girl couldn't see because the scenery was surrounded in an impenetrable white fog. The Spiky-haired boy lost.
Again in a flash of white light the scene shifted. Many years must have passed since she last viewed the spiky-haired boy, for now he was a man. His tail was gone, and he was dressed in an orange gi with a blue undershirt on underneath.
He was still in the same ring as before but was fighting a new opponent. This time the girl was able to see who this opponent was. She was shocked to see a green man.
The two battled fiercely, using what the girl somehow recognized as ki blasts. But in the end the man in the orange gi won. Once the battle was over the spiky-haired man walked over to his fallen opponent and gave him something that healed him quickly. The defeated man then flew away.
FLASH! It was the same spiky-haired man and green man from before, and this time they were working together to defeat another man with knee-length long hair a tail curled around his waist. The man with the long hair started to hurt the spiky-haired man the girl had started to be concerned for.
Suddenly a little boy with a tail appeared and attacked the longhaired man out of nowhere, causing him injury to everyone's surprise. The boy was quickly knocked out after this. His eyes having little swirls in them.
"No!" cried the girl's dream-self, but no one seemed to hear her. She struggled desperately to move her feet to help as the man that her dreams seemed focused on sacrificed his life to defeat the longhaired man.
Quickly the scene changed one more. There was a new man fighting the spiky-hair hero, who was somehow alive. His opponent's hair was jet black and was flame-like in appearance and there was a brown tail curled around his waist as well.
The two started to battle. It was a fierce fight, equally matched until the flame-haired man sent a glowing, silver sphere into the air and transformed into a giant ape. Giant ape-man now had the upper hand, and easily defeated the hero of the girl's dreams before he could attack with a sphere of energy that he had somehow conjured up.
A short bald man and the boy from the earlier dream, now tailless, showed up and, with the help of a chubby man with a sword, managed to change the flame-haired man back into a man by cutting off his tail. The boy fought the flame-haired man for his life while the bald man prepared a ki attack that looked strangely like the one the spiky-haired hero had prepared before. Once the attack was ready he threw it at the man who dodged it. Somehow the small boy managed to deflect it back at the flame-haired man, who in his surprise was hit by the blast.
Then the small boy somehow had a tail again, and, upon looking at the sphere of light, transformed into a giant ape and attacked the flame-haired man. The boy jumped at the flame-haired man, but before he could do anything, his target cut off his tail. The boy landed on the flame-haired man who brought out a remote and this remote called his small, round space pod to him.
Seeing that his enemy was about to get away the bald man struggled to his feet, grabbed the chubby man's forgotten sword, and stumbled to the flame-haired man. He positioned the sword so he could bring it down and stab his opponent through his heart but was put off by words from the hero. The words were not heard by the girl's dream-self, but she saw the sword lower and watched the flame-haired man flea in his space pod before the scene shifted once more.
Now the spiky-haired hero was on another planet, and was fighting a white and purple monster. The fight was the fiercest fight that the girl had ever seen. The hero started to gather a ball of ki way above his head, and the green man from before started to attack the white monster.
"The green man's buying time. So that attack must be their last hope!" the girl's dream-self exclaimed as she observed the fight. "And the white and purple guy doesn't even know that the spiky-haired man is charging up an attack!"
As soon as those words left her mouth the white and purple monster noticed the attack. Just after that the hero threw the attack at the monster. The results was so shocking that the girl just gapped at the changed landscape, not comprehending that by all rights she should have been sent flying by the shock-wave.
Then two spectators that the girl hadn't noticed flew unsteadily to a small island of rock. It was the bald man and the boy, who the girl now had started to think he was the hero's son. Noticing that the green man and the hero were there on the island, the girl tried to move and make her way there but froze almost immediately. Out of the giant hole in the planet came, to everyone's horror, the white and purple monster.
Suddenly the bald man was flung off the island and, with a little movement on the monster's part, was killed immediately. The monster turned its sights on the boy now. It shot a ki attack at him but the green man intercepted the attack.
The hero stood there, rage plain on his face. As the girl watched something started to happen. The sky darkened, lightning flashed, and a golden light flared brightly. It was blazing from the hero whose hair had stood up and changed from black to gold and his eyes had also changed from black but to a sea green, not gold.
The boy flew away with his injured friend draped over him, right before the fight resumed. As the fight seemed to be equal the monster decided to attack the planet, its desperation clear on its face. There wasn't an explosion but the girl new there would be one soon, given enough time.
Then something strange happened, the flame-haired man appeared dirt clinging to him. Yet that wasn't the strangest part, it was when the sky grew dark and the flame-haired man disappeared.
"Wait, where did he go?" Exclaimed the girl looking around wildly in search of the flame-haired man, but her attention was quickly drawn back to the fight.
The planet had started to crumble and was in a horrible condition when the monster unleashed an attack that followed the hero. With a few maneuvers the hero managed to get to a spot where he was relatively safe, but the monster wasn't. The hero opened his mouth in an unheard warning, but it was to late. The monster got cut in half.
As the clock ticked down the hero gave the monster some energy, but was paid back by a ki blast. He responded with a ki blast himself before flying away. He reached a giant ship but it was too late, and the planet exploded in a flash of light.
Back on the same planet as the dream started out on the girl watched as a pinked haired teen went blonde and defeated the white monster who was now more of a robot than a living being. As well as a large being that looked a bit like the white monster.
Then a pod crashed into the earth and out stepped, to the girl's surprise, the spiky-haired hero. The pink haired teen then spent some time talking to the hero. During this talk the hero was given a small bottle of something…
FLASH! Again the scene shifted and the hero was fighting a man with a white face. He was blonde and the girl thought it strange when he wasn't winning. She was even more surprised when he stopped fighting and grabbed his chest over his heart.
The son of the hero had a shocked expression on his face from where he was with four others, the bald man, the green man, a man with short black in an orange gi like the hero and the bald am, as well as a man with three eyes. He had come to a realization, but the girl didn't know what it was. The hero went to black hair again and the girl was worried. She worried even more so when the white-faced man grabbed him around his neck and he started to weaken as if all his energy was disappearing.
"No! Mister!" The girl cried, managing to take one step forward. Then, FLASH! The scene shifted once more.
The hero was lying in a bed. A black hair woman was watching him carefully as the hero struggled in the bed. She called to the shorthaired man in the orange gi that had been watching the hero fight the white-faced man as he ran into he room. He had the bottle that had been given to the hero by the pink-haired teen and handed it to the lady. Taking one of the contents of the bottle out the lady put it in the hero's mouth and he swallowed. The hero stopped, but he was still breathing heavily. FLASH!
"Huh? He's back up, but what happened, and what is everyone looking like that for?" The girl pondered as her dreams showed all the people from before with the addition of the pink-haired teen and a blue-haired woman that the girl guessed must be the same girl from before all grown up.
The hero then put his hand on his son's shoulder, the pink-haired teen hovering at his shoulder. Then raising his free hand up to his face, he placed his index finger and middle finger to his forehead. Almost immediately the scene shifted, and the girl had a strange sensation that the hero had just moved instantly from one place to another, taking the girl with him as well as his son and the pink-haired teen. Striding over to the flame-haired man that was standing nearby the hero talked to him. Then, the two men strode over to the boys and disappeared.
FLASH! The hero and his son were in a strange room. It was white and seemed to never end. They were both dressed in the same blue armor, and were sparing. The girl was shocked to see that they both had gone blonde and realized that the boy was easily keeping up with his father.
FLASH! The hero, still blonde, but now in his orange gi, was fighting a green monster that, even though it was a dream, the girl could feel evil radiating off of it.
For some reason the hero stopped fighting the green monster and sent his son in. Before the battle began though, the hero threw something to the green monster, and all of the little scratches it had disappeared when it ate whatever it the item was.
The boy fought well, but at some point a man flew to his aid and was destroyed by a ki blast. The monster started to hurt the boy, not fatally, but enough that the girl was herself getting angry about it. She wasn't the only one. The green man, that had fought the hero so many scene changes ago, almost flew off too help the boy, but then the green monster spawned little blue minis of itself that attacked the people up on the cliff where the girl was.
The observers were quickly felled, and even at this distance the girl could see the rage on the boy's face. His control snapped when the monster crushed the head of the man, which the girl had realized, was a robot. The boy's already spiky hair stood on end to a point where only one band of hair was in his face.
Again the battle between the monster and the boy continued. When it seemed that the boy had won with a ki blast it was revealed that the monster was still alive. To the girl's surprise the boy let the monster regenerate its destroyed limbs. Then, loosing control the monster puffed up its body with muscles, slowing it down dramatically. Taking this advantage the boy swooped in and struck the monster's stomach, and in turn the monster regurgitated a woman, and he changed. It became even uglier. Suddenly the monster started to inflate like a balloon. With a gloating look on it's face it laughed.
Looking at the hero the girl noticed a strange look on his face. She wasn't the only one. When he turned around he said something to the people there; all of the ones that had watched the hero fight the white-faced man along with the pink-haired teen and the flame-haired man. Then he placed his fingers to his forehead and teleported to his son, the girl teleporting with him somehow. He said a few words to his son before placing his hand on the inflated monster, and teleported to a tiny planet, much to the occupants' displeasure. Then, the monster exploded taking out everyone, besides the girl, on the planet as the planet exploded.
"Oh no!" The girl whimpered before the scene shifted.
The spiky-haired hero now was at a tournament, a halo floating above his head as well as his opponents. The girl watched as the match ended in a draw. Then she noticed that just about everyone watching had a halo.
FLASH! Again back on the planet that everything seemed to happen to the girl watched in fascination as the spiky-haired hero, still with his halo, appeared in the midst of his friends. The short man that had appeared in the other scenes now had a full head of hair that stood up.
A teen that looked a lot like the hero in the shape of his face greeted the hero, and the girl realized that he was the hero's son. Turning his attention to the black-haired woman that the girl recognized as the one that had looked after him when he was sick, the hero noticed a little boy hiding behind her legs. This boy looked just like the hero, he was even in the same clothes, and was no doubt the hero's son as well.
FLASH! The scene shifted and the hero pulled out a ball with a number on it. He showed it to the guy that was recording slots for something and wrote the hero's named down.
"Goku." The girl whispered, reading aloud. "His name is Goku."
The girl then watched the other contestants get his/her slots, and was able to put together that Goku's eldest son was Gohan thanks to all the unheard conversations that they were having, mainly getting information from gestures. She only noticed the flame-haired man was there when he went to get his slot and when his name was put down she read it. It said "Vegeta."
FLASH! The girl watched in shock as Goku and Vegeta fought in a different place, not knowing why they were fighting. She noticed something strange about Vegeta though. There was a fancy "M" on his forehead. The battle ended with Vegeta knocking Goku unconscious.
FLASH! Goku was somewhere in a building, finishing up showing something to his youngest son and a pink-haired boy that looked strangely like the pink-haired teen from before. Then at the boys' apparent request Goku started to power up.
Goku went blonde; his eyes flashing the sea green color that they changed to when he went blonde. Then, his hair went spikier and one band of hair dangled in his face before his hair started to lengthen until it about touched the ground. His eyebrows had disappeared, and his eyes, instead of being one solid sea green color, had gained black pupils.
He maintained this for all of maybe two seconds before a strange old lady on a crystal ball appeared. Powering down Goku looked at the lady with a knowing look while everyone else in the room looked at her in shock.
FLASH! Now Goku was with two other people. One really old, and one with long hair, both with purple tinted skin. All three of them were gazing into a crystal ball on the ground.
Goku looked distraught about something. After a bit of talking with the two others something happened. Goku was given two earrings, and put one on his right ear, then the old man collapsed and Goku's halo disappeared. He looked grave before the old man sat up and yelled something at Goku, a halo above his head. Putting two fingers to his head Goku hastily disappeared and made his escape.
FLASH! Goku was on the unlucky planet that had been attacked once again. He was talking to Vegeta who now had a halo hovering above his head. Goku's face was urgent. Out of nowhere a pink bubble-gum creature attacked. Now convinced about something Vegeta yelled to Goku, and Goku threw the other earring to him. Vegeta snapped it onto his left ear.
Suddenly Goku and Vegeta were drawn to each other, like iron to a magnet. Their chests were facing each other as they flew through the air. When they collided there was a flash of light, and floating where the two had met was a man.
This man had spiky hair, almost like Vegeta's, and had two bangs in his face. He had on a blue gi with an orange undershirt on that was the same color as Goku's gi. On his hands were white gloves, and he had white boots on. Strangely he looked like a mixture of both Goku and Vegeta.
"What happened to Goku and Vegeta?" The girl exclaimed confused, having no idea what was going on. Then she took a closer look at the new man, saw the earrings dangling from his earlobes, and gasped. "No way," she whispered, "he is them."
She watched as the Vegeta-Goku fought the pink bubble-gum creature, easily overwhelming the pink thing. It seemed to her that the Vegeta-Goku man was edging on his opponent.
Suddenly a pink blob attached itself onto the Vegeta-Goku and engulfed him. The pink mass shrunk and flew over to the bubble-gum creature and was absorbed by it.
FLASH! The girl was now with the Vegeta-Goku man in a dark place. He was glowing, and seemed to know exactly where he was. Slowly the glow dropped, from his head to his toes. Once gone completely there was a flash and Goku was flung one way, an earring on his right ear, and Vegeta the other way, an earring on his left ear. Both men had shocked looks on their faces.
FLASH! Goku and Vegeta were fighting the same bubble-gum creature, but now it was the size of a child. The battle was taking place on the planet that the old purple man and the young purple man were on for they were there for an instant before disappearing.
Vegeta now had the bubble-gum creature's attention, and he was battling against it desperately while Goku charged up an attack. The girl recognized the attack almost immediately; it was the same move that had failed to defeat the white and purple monster. She watched as the ball of ki grew bigger and bigger. When Goku threw attack the girl didn't see how the attack couldn't win. She was wrong and watched in horror as Goku went blonde with long hair, but fell out of it immediately, unable to keep it up due to a lack of ki.
"No! Goku isn't strong enough to keep the attack going at his target without it being deflected," the girl cried out and moved slowly, ever so slowly, step by step, towards the blob, intending to help Goku. As she went her dream-self started to conjure a ki attack in her right hand. Step by aching step she gained ground. She stopped, maybe fifty yards away from the pink bubble-gum creature. She brought her hand forward aimed and-
The ki faded from her hand as something remarkable happened.
Goku's ki flared back to life as he went blonde and his hair immediately went long again. He pushed the attack towards the creature.
The attack pushed the creature back as it struggled to stop it, but it had no hope of stopping it or deflecting it. The ki blast consumed the creature and it was over. The battle was over.
Goku floated slowly down. Vegeta stood up from the spot he had been lying. Catching Vegeta's eye Goku smiled and flashed a victory sign.
FLASH! Looking around the girl noticed that she was in the same arena that Goku had fought the green man in. In the ring right now was a little girl no more than four and her opponent was a really large man. The small girl quickly defeated the man.
Next into the ring was… Goku! Goku's opponent was a dark skinned boy. The boy looked nervous. When the battle started it seemed apparent that Goku would win without much of a challenge. Realizing this Goku set an almost grim look on his face and yelled at the boy. By the way the boy reacted it must have been insults.
The boy ran at Goku and attacked with a great force that surprised the girl. After they had battled for a bit Goku stopped fighting and talked to the boy. Then putting the boy on his back Goku flew off to everyone's surprise, and for most shock.
"What was all that about," mumbled the girl suddenly weary. As she said this, the scenery started to get a smudged appearance, before fading into a black void.
Floating in this void the girl looked around and heard a voice, the first voice she had heard this entire dream, "You have a year from when you wake to prepare. So prepare and get ready, for when the year is up…"
This voice was so cold and heartless that the girl's dream-self shivered before she sunk into a deep blackness.
As the crystal caught the light of the solar system's star, the little girl looked like she was blazing in a yellow aura, but was oblivious to her surroundings. The crystal was being drawn to a blue and green planet by its' gravitational pull, and the girl was unable to do anything about where she was going.
The girl didn't know that she was heading towards the man that had haunted her dreams, and that her dreams had been real and that in between each scene change there had been a break of blackness. She did not know that she had been in the crystal for many, many years, but when she woke she would soon find out. When she woke up she would not remember any of her dreams, or her past…
Author's Notes: Me: "Ok. Now, I would really appreciate any reviews. Oh, and (* Pulls out Chi Chi's deadly frying pan a grin on her face. *) review or I'll-"
Me: "Uh, gotta go! Review!" (* Runs for her life, and drops the weapon. *)
Chi Chi: "GIVE ME BACK MY FRYING PAN!" (* Runs into view, Goku following close behind. Then picks the pan up before resuming her chase. *)
Goku: "Chi Chi, stop don't hurt Elizabeth!" (* Chases after his wife. *)
Me: "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! (* Runs back into view arms above her head. *) CHI CHI DON'T KILL ME!"
Goku: "Yeah, Chi Chi don't kill her please or the won't be a story!"
Chi Chi: "Fine. I won't hurt her this time, but if she touches my frying pan without permission again…"
Me: "I won't! I promise! (* Turns to the readers. *) Hope you enjoyed the story. Bye!"
Goku: "Bye! Oh, and I'm in the next chapter!"