Golden Darkness

Chapter 1

Seven Years too soon!

Sailor Earth returns!

Light flooded through the window, and spilled onto Serena's face. The girl yawned and opened her eyes. She blinked and looked around.

"What a funny dream…" She muttered. A voice broke her chain of thought.

"What dream?" Gohan asked, pulling his shirt on. Serena rolled over onto her stomach and looked to him. Her super long hair fell off the sides of her bed and to the ground.

"We were fighting…but I was dressed really funny. You were a Super Saiyan...everyone was there. But I was in this funny outfit…looked like a really short mini skirt...and there were others dressed like that..." She began. Gohan laughed.

"Wonderful. Honestly Sis, all that perfume has finally sent you off the deep end." He said. Serena snorted at him and threw her pillow. Not expecting that, he got it right in the face. He pretended to faint from the blow. Serena laughed and stood up. The two began to have a pillow fight. In the mirror, strand of brown hair flickered quickly. It was gone the next instant, and airy laughter filled the room for the same brief moment.

'May you find happiness...' Serena blinked and looked to the mirror. For some reason it turned black. Both looked over now. There was no reason for it to do that. Serena looked to the older boy, shivering. Something was definitely not right, and she wanted to know what.

"Gohan, something's going to happen..." She whispered, sitting on the bed. She never felt this bad...never in her memory, even if it was limited. Something had happened to her during her childhood, when She and Gohan were preschoolers. At least, that's what everyone told them. She had been too weak during their original training and had to be taken home. Piccolo wiped everyone's memories of things involving her. So if something had worried her this bad, she wouldn't know. Before Gohan could attempt to comfort her, a voice called to them.

"Gohan! Serena! You're going to be late!" Came Chichi's voice. Both looked to each other in panicked, and scrambled to get dressed. They grabbed their things and flew out the window, yelling about someone not waking them up. Chichi groaned.

"Will they ever grow up?" She asked...

Deep within the Earth...

"Just how often do you go into a coma?" Princess Terrina asked Guardian Earth. The android grinned.

"Depends on how bad my systems like to degrade on me." She responded. Terrina nodded slightly, smiling. She and Guardian Earth were enjoying a day off in the beautiful Earth Kingdom. It had been almost four months since they saved the world. Christmas was coming up, and Terrina was considering enjoying the human celebration herself. Maybe take a little time off and go to the surface. God knew she deserved it. She stood and turned to the shrine.

"Bye Guardian Earth!" She said, returning to her studies before Helios, or one of the maidens found her. The figure nodded and vanished, waking in her world. Terrina walked through the main doors and into the shrine. Something wasn't right. It was...quiet. Quiet as death. She got a sickening feeling and ran to the prayer room, where Helios should have been. She got there to witness a horrifying sight. He crumbled into nothing. There stood a very odd Sailor Scout. Unlike any Terrina had ever met. Suddenly the girl's Sayan nature emerged once more.

"Who the hell are you?!" She demanded. The figure turned to face her. It was hard to make her face out though. She wore odd bracelets. A chuckle that stilled the air around them emitted from her lips.

"Such a bright and powerful star. The power to save or destroy this world." The childish voice said. Terrina clutched a hand to her chest.

"What do you know about my power!?" She shouted. The figured raised a hand and tried to fire a bolt of energy at her. Terrina ducked and landed a kick to the gut. The girl fell back and vanished. Terrina looked around for the shrine maidens. They were not there. Terrina shouted in frustration and turned to leave, when a voice stopped her.

"Princess Earth." The voice said. Stopping in her tracks, the warrior turned around to see the flames take shape into Queen Serenity. She bowed.

"Oh! Queen Serenity!" She said. The woman looked to her.

"Why do you have such anger in your heart?"

"That scout she...she killed Helios and the Maidens! I have to find her!" She shouted. Serenity raised a hand.

"To find her you would have to travel to Sagittarius Zero Star. You are not strong enough yet. I cannot allow it." The queen said. Terrina blinked.

"Zero Star...? The most holy place in the galaxy?"

"Yes. If you journey there, you will find what caused Helios to die...but..." She continued. Terrina interrupted her.

"Fine queen...then I'll go get help...I'll get Sailor Moon..."

Orange Star High...

Serena yawned and leaned her head against Gohan.

"I'm sleepy...night night..." She said, leaning onto his shoulder and pretending to sleep. Gohan shoved her off.

"Down." He said. The girl pouted but began laughing. She seemed so happy with this life. A familiar figure watched through the door window. Maybe this wasn't the brightest idea of them all...

"Class pay attention." The teacher said. Everyone looked to the front of the room. The girl gulped and stepped in. A hush fell over the room. Serena looked as well, only to notice one thing about the girl. Her hair. It was styled like fact they looked nearly identical. Also she was wearing a very odd outfit. It was a school uniform, but Serena had never seen it before. Videl leaned over.

"Hey Serena. That's a Mugen Uniform. Remember that really big private school in Tokyo?" She asked. Serena nodded and whispered back.

"Didn't an earthquake level it about a year ago?" She said. Videl responded.

"Yea. There's a lake where it was. They say the owner did weird experiments on students...maybe that happened to her..." Serena nodded and turned to look at her. She seemed familiar. Her hair...maybe they knew each other and Piccolo just wiped those memories. That had to be it.

"This, what did you say your name was?" The teacher asked. The girl looked to him, and gulped. What name could she possibly give? Her real name would have probably set a clue off to soon...who could she tell them she was?

"Ah...T...Terra. Yes. Terra. Short for Terreina." She said. Yes. Terra. No one would remember her. No one would remember the little girl from far into the future...

"Okay then. Please go take a seat somewhere." The teacher instructed and turned back to the board. Terra looked to the rows , unsure of where to sit. Walking to the front, Serena waved her hand. Terra looked over, and smiled a little. She was being invited. She hurried up the steps and into the seat next to the girl. She set her satchel down and pulled her notebook out of it, along with a very odd looking pen. It looked like a green old fashioned key (A.N- It's exactly like a Time Key, but a little longer and green. It's her old Henshin Pen), but the top came off, to reveal the point. Serena smiled.

"Gee, that's a cute pen." She whispered. Terra grinned, and held it out to her. Serena blinked and took it. She then looked back to the new girl.

"What?" She asked. Terra nodded and pulled a pencil out.

"I'll let you use it if you give it back." She explained. Serena smiled brightly and nodded, beginning to write with it. Gohan had a question for her.

"Your hair is styled exactly like my sister's. Why?" He asked. Terra gulped and thought quickly for some excuse.

" see...I saw her once in town and...and decided to wear my hair like hers!" She stammered in a low voice. That was good enough for Gohan. He went back to note taking. Terra sighed in relief.

'Nice save there careful...Hybrid Boy isn't all that dumb after all.' She thought to herself. She then cursed herself for calling herself 'Zeph', a name she hated. When she was younger and had to work for Freezia, Vegeta called her that to make her mad. The name stuck, and she almost always called herself that unwillingly. And as much as she hated to admit it, she liked the name a little. She never forgot who she was when she used that name. It was why she hated the Hybrids so much. They called Kakarot by his Earth name, Goku. It made her mad that he never accepted who he really was. She grinned inwardly. She acted so much like the one Saiyan she couldn't stand.

'Guess putting up with him for two or three years one learns his habits...' She told herself. After about two classes, the bell rang for school to end. Serena handed the pen back to Terra.

"Here. Thanks a lot! It's a really cute pen!" She said. Terra smiled brightly. Acting human wasn't half as bad as she thought. If she acted friendly, she could make friends. The one thing she had never managed before. Back at Mugen while she was investigating, her only friend was the Tomoe girl. And that drove people away. But it didn't matter now. People in public schools were so friendly to her. Maybe she had the same attitude. Maybe.

"Hey Terra? Me and Gohan here are going to the Crown Game Center in Tokyo after school. Wanna come with us?" Serena asked. Terra picked her satchel up and grinned, unlatching the badge from the center of her bow, and putting it in the bag. Was this for real?

"S...sure." She agreed. Serena smiled brightly again and clapped, jumping up and down.

"Yay! I've got a new friend!" She giggled. Terra blushed at the attention and looked to the door. Now she hated herself. She couldn't tear Serena from this happy life. But she had to. Serena had to fight.

"Should we go?" She asked. Serena nodded and ran out, followed by Terra. Gohan, however, was doubtful about letting the girl go with them. Her power was higher than it should have been. A normal human's power level should have been in single to low double digits. A fighter's was in the eighties or nineties. Mr. Satan's was a little higher, but not much at best. But hers...even if it was at max, which he was hoping it was...was in the mid thousands. She might be a threat. Enough had happened to Serena. He wasn't about to let this girl do anything more to his sister. He ran after them.

At the Arcade...

"Cool! A new level!" Serena said, playing the Sailor V game as Terra watched. Sailor V was a super hero who disappeared as soon as the Great Saiyaman showed up. In Elysion, Terra had perfected her Crescent Boomerang attack, and could now use it in normal form. It wasn't powered up with Scout energy, but by her own Ki. She watched, hoping to see a new move to perfect. She had no attacks of her own and copied the attacks of the others. She had three so far. The Space Turbulence from Uranus, The Twilight Flash from Moon, and the Crescent Boomerang from Venus. Just then Serena yelled in disapproval.

"No! I died!" She said, whining. Terra looked to her.

"Can...I try?" She asked. Serena looked back and nodded.

"Have. Fun." She told her new friend, standing so Terra could take her place. The Saiyan took her place and began playing rapidly. She had seen Goten and Trunks blow a lot of money on this game, so she knew how to play and what to expect. Only once had they gotten very far. Of course, they'd never remember it. Anything having to do with Sailor Scout business was cleared from their memories and false ones usually replaced those. That meant anytime they ever saw her, that was cleared. Only memories of Sailor V were retained. It was necessary. Serena gasped in amazement.

"My god!'re on level fifty!" She shouted. Andrew looked over, and grinned.

"She's actually spending money on that game?" He asked. Serena walked to the counter. She liked this guy, but would never admit it. Willingly at least.

"What makes you say that?" She asked. He chuckled.

"I've seen her in here a lot, and I mean a lot. She usually only watches other people play though." He explained. Serena turned back to Terra. Terra realized she was drawing a crowd, and didn't want to explain that Sailor V herself had told her the tricks of the game. Before arriving at the school, Terra tracked Mina down and explained the situation after restoring her memories for a brief moment. Mina agreed to allow her to get to a high level for a new attack. Terra resealed her memories and had then gone to school. She didn't want to tell others that, so she lost on purpose. She pretended to get angry at the game, hitting it very gently, even if it still was a sharp hit, and claiming it to be 'rigged'. She typed in her initials 'T-Z W' and turned around. Serena blinked at her initials.

"What're those?" She asked. Terra put one hand behind her head, and began to explain.

"Terrina-Zephyr Wong. It's my name. My full name at least." She lied. When she had told Vegeta she wanted to be called Terrina, and not Zephyr, he tormented her by not only calling her Zeph, but Terrina-Zephyr. It was another name he had given her that she still used. It was an emergency full name. She needed it for her Mugen I.D. It stuck.

"Hey Serena, where's your brother?" Terra asked. Serena looked around.

"Good question. Maybe he went to see Bulma." She said. Terra nearly stopped breathing. She would probably have to go with Serena looking for him and if she saw Vegeta, he'd know her this time. When they knew and hated one another, that had nothing to do with the scouts. So his memories were never sealed up. Serena blinked.

"Let's go see!" She said. Terra tried to breathe. This wasn't happening. Terra weakly nodded and had an idea to stall.

"Wanna...have some ice cream first?" She asked. Serena brightened up at the word.

"ICE CREAM!" She shouted gleefully, running out of the building and down the street, dragging the older girl by the arm as she screamed 'My arm is attached.'

An hour later...

"Yum! Thanks so much Terra! That was good!" Serena said, finishing her large sundae off. She had chocolate syrup all over her mouth. Terra was sulking and shaking her wallet down, realizing she had spent up her money for the day.

"Good for poor wallet..." She whined. Serena wiped her mouth and pointed to the Capsule Corp building. Gulping at the thought of discovery, she pulled her glasses out and put them on. Serena blinked at it.

"You wear glasses?" She asked. Terra nodded. Another lie. Terra was a Saiyan and had very good eye sight. The glasses were part of a cover up.

"Sometimes." She said. Finally a word of truth. She wore them sometimes. Serena walked to the building, followed by Terra. Feeling around, Terra noted that Vegeta was possibly training. Good. She kept feeling around, and noticed the power of the stars. The Silver Crystal. It was coming from the Hybrid's room. At least it was safe. It also put him in possible danger. The Silver Crystal was a Sailor Crystal after all. Terra would have to try and come here as often as possible...

"Hey there Serena. Who's your little friend?" Bulma asked. Terra looked to the woman. Bulma wasn't much older than her. Maybe just a few months. Maybe a little more.

"My name is Terra." She explained. Bulma smiled and noticed her uniform.

"That's a Mugen Uniform." She said. Terra nodded. Then Bulma noticed the one other thing about it. She had seen a few of those Uniforms before but never like this.

"What's that Black Star mean?" She asked. Terra looked at the star. The only thing that kept her alive during her time there.

'It means I've undergone Vessel Transformation...' She thought, nearly shuddering at the thought that she would have lost her soul. She didn't really, but lowered her energy enough to cause the star to form.

"It means I of the best." She said. In a way that was true as well. One of the best Vessels. Serena looked around and spoke up.

"Where's Gohan?" She asked. Terra felt for him, and caught another power level. Kakarot's. At least he wouldn't know her. She pushed her glasses up and pretended to wait.

"He came in earlier asking for your father and Vegeta. He seemed nervous for some reason." She said. Terra nearly had a heart attack. That power level build up wasn't training. It was anger. Well this was Vegeta. Same thing. Serena smiled, not noticing her new friend's fear. Grabbing her arm the two headed for the back yard. Terra clutched her school case close to her body as they stepped outside. Vegeta, Goku, and all three hybrids were sitting around talking.

'Deep breaths Terra. Lower your power level. Big deep breaths...' She thought to herself. Goku gave a big goofy grin and waved.

"Hey Serena! Is this that new girl Gohan was telling us about?" He asked. Terra tightened her tails grip around her waist, and nodded. Maybe she'd be lucky and Vegeta would remember least outside a rejuvenation chamber. She couldn't use her full name. Vegeta gave it to her. Her blood ran cold.

"Please call me Terra." She said. She praised god her voice didn't crack. This was hard enough. She pretended to be shy about being the center of attention to get off easy. Goten smiled. Terra looked at him and remembered Helios talking about the 'Chosen Warrior of Elysion'.

"It's okay Miss Terra. We don't bite." He said. Trunks grinned. Terra recognized him as the boy who was someday going to be her brother in a rebirth.

"Hard." He added, still grinning. Terra nodded and sat down. The lavender hair boy was the one who had the Silver Crystal. She assumed it was hidden in his room where he would never find it, or in his body. In so deep she would have to pull it out. Everyone began to talk. Every so often Vegeta would glance to Terra, knowing he had seen her before. But where? Maybe he was getting old. No. That wasn't it. Who WAS she?

"Who are you girl?" He asked. Terra gulped inwardly and looked to the man. He sat his drink down, not wanting to get yelled at when he didn't have a gravity chamber to escape to. Terra blinked and tried playing dumb, slowly lowering her power level.

"What do you mean?" She asked. He snorted.

"You look awfully familiar." He told her. Terra's heart raced. If she had to, she could have powered up and have been out of there in literally less than a half a second with as much adrenaline pumping into her. Gohan nodded in agreement.

"Do we know you?" The hybrid Saiyan asked. Terra searched for an explanation. She didn't have long to think.

"Because if I'm right then you're..." He began, when an explosion cut him off. Terra was thrown back violently, and through a wall.

'Thank you god...' She thought and ran off to transform. The others were stuck there. A girl in the shadows giggled like a child. She looked like she was Serena's age, but her voice made her sound like she was Goten's age. She had long silvery blond hair that spilled to the ground, and had odd bracelets on both wrists. For some reason, Goten KNEW who she was but he didn't. The girl smiled evilly, her face hidden by the shadows.

"I can't believe it. So many in one place. I feel one escaping though. The one I missed." The girl said. Gohan and Goku shot up. Gohan ran to his younger siblings and stood between them and the threat. Vegeta stood as well. The girl looked to him.

"Your star doesn't shine as brightly...but let's see if its golden." She said, holding her hands up. Just then a voice rang out.

"Everyone! Shield your eyes! This Holy Moon attack will blind you!" It shouted. The others complied. The girl turned to the origin of the voice.

"Moon Twilight Flash!" The female voice shouted. The enemy shielded her eyes.

"Damn you! Iron Mouse! Destroy them!" She called, jumping up and vanishing. An odd character showed up. She dressed almost similar to the first one but she looked...well like a mouse. Ears and all.

"Madam Galaxia will be pleased. When I steal your shining stars and deliver them to her, she will give me a planet and star all my own! Then I will be a True Scout!" Iron Mouse shouted. The girl who saved them jumped down, and delivered a kick to her stomach.

"You? A Scout? I'd kill myself before I'd let such a disgraceful and unholy ritual take place. For the powers to be bestowed upon a non scout such as yourself, is an act against our sacred laws of the shining Moon Kingdom! I won't allow it!" She called, summoning a sword to her side. Iron Mouse sent a wave of energy to her, but it was deflected by an invisible barrier of energy. (A.N- I believe we Sailor Moon fans call it 'Silent Block') Iron Mouse grinned and went for Trunks. He had the brightest star of all. The second warrior kicked her back.

"You destroyed the holy Earth power with your presence and killed the Priest of Elysion! Now I, Sailor Earth, she who will take the crown of the Earth, shall destroy you for all your actions!" She shouted. Iron Mouse flipped back, and the sword flew towards Trunks's chest. Guardian Earth told her of a similar tale once, though she didn't remember the whole thing. But this time, she tossed the sword to the side seconds before the struck the child. She then used her hands to push on his shoulders and lift herself up. She gracefully flipped over, and landed in a crouching position and stood. Everyone looked to her in amazement.

"Sailor Earth...?" Goku repeated, not knowing why he should have known that name. She walked over and lifted her sword.

"Terra, did you save us?" Serena asked. Sailor Earth showed no emotion to this reaction.

"I am Sailor Earth, Princess to the Golden Kingdom. My name is not Terra." She said, walking off. She then called back.

"You're quite the trend setter Miss Son. I like your hair." She called and vanished...