This story is based on a prompt, if you wanna read the prompt go to my tumblr sillylazylcp-me, go to read my fanfictions and prompts. This is my first time writing something angsty, writing Finn, Rory and anyone else who isn't Klaine. Please review, I really need pointers.
"Touchdown! And then the crowd went wild, it was sick, man!"
"Artie, you're the bomb!"
"Damn straight, bro!"
That was the conversation between Finn, Puck and Artie, Kurt heard when he arrived at Glee club.
"Football again, boys?" he said as he took a seat and left his bag on the floor.
"Is there anything else to talk about?" Puck asked.
"Girls!" Finn said with his usual goofy smile. The boys high fived. Kurt just rolled his eyes, sometimes Finn could be such a boy. "Oh, Kurt! Before I forget, are you watching the game tonight?"
"The Buckeyes are playing!" Puck interjected.
Kurt was about to graciously deny the invitation until Blaine arrived, "Are you talking about tonight's game?"
Kurt could see how Blaine's eyes sparkled, it was obvious that he couldn't wait either to watch the game, "Yes! We were planning on watching it, would you like to join us?"
It was hard to Blaine to not say yes immediately and start jumping up and down, but one look at Finn's face made him hesitate, "I'd love to, if it's not a problem."
"No, not at all! Right, Finn?" Kurt looked at his step-brother expectantly; he didn't see when Finn's smile faltered for a second, he just saw when his face was back to normal.
"No, of course not." Finn lied. Blaine could see that and he wished Kurt could too, but maybe he was choosing to not see that Finn wasn't actually happy with the idea, nevertheless, Blaine let it slide as he didn't want to fight with either Kurt or Finn.
After Glee club, everyone was heading to the doors and talking about their assignment for the week. Finn noticed that Kurt wasn't following him.
"Are you coming?"
"No, today I go to Blaine's and…hang out, but we'll be there in time for the game! And don't worry, dad already knows."
"Oh. Cool, okay." That was all Finn could say, then he saw them walk out of the school hand in hand.
After they left Finn didn't bother in hiding his disappointment, he was practically dragging his feet to the door, then he felt someone poking his shoulder. When he turned around he saw that new kid, Rory.
"Is everything alright, Finn?" Rory asked genuinely worried, at first Finn just wanted to tell him that everything was ok, he was just tired, something like that; but then he took a better look at Rory, his skin pale and smooth, his hair light and soft. Finn smiled.
"Yeah! Hey, Rory, would you like to come over tonight and watch football?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around Rory's shoulders and walking him towards the exit.