Author's Note: And now the sequel to Rule of the Trines. I own nothing but Echo, Claret, Shimmer, Acadia, Carnelian, and Nightshade


Chapter I

"We have to show them that we believe in our beliefs as much as they believe in theirs"-Princess Yue, The Last Airbender

"Acadia you had best be in here," Carnelian grumbled. The ruby red femme scanned the abandoned warehouse they were currently using as a hideout. Her black wings twitched with irritation as she saw no one. Where was Acadia?

"Any luck?" a cool voice asked from behind her. Nightshade, leader of their trine, was a mixture of poison purple and a dark black that was almost reflective.

"No," Carnelian replied. "It's almost like she just...vanished." Something suddenly dawned on her. "Acadia this is about the worst joke you have ever played." The youngest of their trine let out a heavy sigh, her camouflage slipping off her sandy brown armor like water. Acadia's gift could be useful but most the time the young femme used it for practical jokes.

"You worried us," Nightshade said in a soft but firm tone.

"Sorry," Acadia replied, hanging her head. Both older femmes could see a hint of a smile playing around Acadia's faceplates.

"Don't do it again," Carnelian said sharply, still slightly peeved at the sandy brown femme.

"I said sorry," Acadia practically wailed. "What else do you want from me?"

"I want you to be sensible for once in your life," Carnelian snapped back. "All the time you do stuff like this-"

"But you're no fun anyway and you wouldn't know fun if it-"

"And I don't care that I'm no fun-"

"Enough," Nightshade snapped sharply, holding her hand up. Both femmes silenced, knowing that look all too well. Something was about to go very, very wrong. That was when they all heard it; the sound of footsteps. "Move quickly and quietly," Nightshade ordered. "Now." They all silently slipped toward the back, each directing her own prayers to whomever might be listening.

Miles away the Decepticon base, still mostly gutted from the fire the Autobots had set several cycles ago, stood in perfect silence. The injured were still recovering and absolutely no one wanted to be stuck with an angry Hook in close quarters, not even Megatron. The one rule that was followed with almost religious fervor on the Decepticon base was Thou shall not anger the medic. All other rules took second place to that one. If you wanted to survive you listened to the medic.

"You said you had something to tell me," Starscream hinted as he sat down next to Echo. The pair were on outside watch which meant they finally had their first privacy since the base had been burned.

"Yes," Echo replied in and equally soft tone. "I'm carrying."