**Sorry to say it's not a new chapter to a pre-existing fic...I'm hoping to finish those soon enough. Haven't really been writing lately, but slowly making my way back! So, yep, here's yet another one! Idea hit me from, you know, LIVING IN CANADA! XD**

Sunday night, ten-thirty, exhausted from a long weekend, and driving through a blizzard...fun?

"Drinking milkshake made entirely of spoiled ingredients," said Jill.

"Uh-huh," said Chris.

Jill sighed. She knew he was getting annoyed, but she was too so he'd have to suffer right along. They'd been on the road for nearly five hours, having done only one stop for gas. It was late, she was tired, and the car was starting to feel cramped. They'd taken two vehicles, but even though she was alone with Chris in her Jeep, it felt crowded. A few hours ago, she'd decided to keep occupied by naming various things she'd rather be doing.

"How about...giving a bath to a rabid alley cat?" she said.

"I get your point, Jill," said Chris.

"I know," she said.

"So why are you still going? It got annoying about two hours ago."

"Meaning it got interesting for me two hours ago."
"...You're doing it on purpose?" he asked, glaring at her.

Jill grinned and shrugged. "Maybe," she said. She concentrated on the road ahead, hardly seeing anything but snow. "I can barely see the road...are you sure we shouldn't just stop somewhere for the night?" she asked.

"Jill, if we stop, the storm's just gonna get worse and we won't be able to get anywhere tomorrow, even in the daylight," said Chris.

She sighed and glanced at her rear-view mirror. "But I can't see Leon's car, either," she said. She gently tapped the brakes twice, waited a second, and tapped them again. Soon after, lights flashed into her mirror. They'd planned it as a signal, in case one lost visual of the other. "Well, they're still back there, but this is getting dangerous," she said.

Chris turned to look out the back window, and saw the other car's lights slowly appear into view. As reassured as he was, Jill had a good point. "Yeah...I guess you're right," he said.

"As usual."
"Don't flatter yourself," said Chris. He turned back and pulled out his radio. He hit the call button and a second later, a crackled voice came through.

"Yeah yeah, we see you," said Claire.

"I know, but Jill's suggesting we stop somewhere for the night, wait out the blizzard. What do you guys think?" he asked.

Crackling, crackling, then "...inks it's a good...dea but where can we st...f we can't see signs?"

Jill sighed. "The radios are barely transmitting, and they're right behind us...That's bad," she said.

"I know," Chris said. He brought up the radio. "Claire, tell Leon to stay close to us. We'll slow down and stick to the right of the road. I'll keep a close eye on the side for any signs or lights, and you do the same. First one to spot something alerts the other, got it?"

Crackling, then "...barely got any of that."

"Follow us and watch the side for signs or lights," he repeated.

Two seconds of crackling, then "...did not copy."

Chris' grip tightened on his radio. He hit the button, but noticed Jill was grinning. "What?" he asked her.

"She's making that crackling with a candy wrapper, you know that right?" said Jill.

"...Are you serious?"

"Yep. You're so simple, Chris," she said.

He hit the button on his radio. "Tell Leon to stop," he said, then released the button. "Jill, stop the car."

Jill pulled over carefully, and saw that Leon had done the same behind her. Chris pulled his coat on, zipped it up, and got out of the car.

He pulled his gloves on, scraped snow off the ground to make a snowball, thankful it wasn't too sticky, and walked towards the other car with the snow hiding behind his back. He walked to the passenger window and tapped on it. "Claire," he said. The window rolled down slowly, and he leaned down to look his sister in the eye.

"What happened? Why did we stop?" she asked.

Chris quickly reached in and shoved the snowball in her face, then pulled her hat down over it. He turned and ran back to the Jeep, jumped in his seat and slammed the door. "Go!" he said.

Jill blinked, confused, and started driving slowly. "What did you do?" she asked.

The radio crackled. "CHRIS! STOP!"

He laughed, looking to Jill. "Pissed her off," he said.

Jill looked in the rear-view mirror. "Probably not as much as you'd think," she said.

"What do you mean?"
"Well they aren't right behind us, so she's not in a hurry to get payback. What exactly did you do?" asked Jill.

Chris looked back. "Shoved snow in her face..." He sighed and looked back to Jill. "Why wouldn't she make him step on it to catch us?" he asked.

"Because it would be stupid and dangerous?" said Jill.

"Yeah, but he'd at least follow close or flash his lights," said Chris. He took the radio and hit the button. "Claire, did you melt?" he asked, smiling slightly.

"Good one..." Jill said sarcastically.

His smile faded as the radio remained silent. "Claire, this isn't funny, what are you guys doing?" he said.

Jill slowly pulled over and looked in the mirror. "Maybe they're getting you back?" she suggested.

Chris opened the door and got out. He started walking back down the road, and Jill ran out after him, locking the Jeep doors for some reason. "Hey, wait up!" she called.

"I'm going to check, this doesn't feel right," Chris said.

Jill zipped her coat and stuffed her hands in her pockets, chasing after him. She was stumbling around in the snow, but kept her balance. "Think they stalled?" she asked.

"Yeah, Leon's car is a piece of shit."

"It's brand new, Chris."
Chris spotted the headlights and stopped. "A brand new piece of shit," he said.

The passenger door opened and Claire jumped out, wiping her face with the sleeve of her sweater. Chris sighed and walked over with Jill. "Something wrong with the car?" he asked.

She looked up at the sound of his voice and glared. "Somethin' wrong with you," she said. "What the hell was that about?"

"It was for making me repeat myself for nothing over the radio," said Chris.

"...That so didn't call for shoving a bunch of snow in my face!" said Claire.

"Guys, come on, main issue here," said Jill. She looked over at Leon as he got out of the car.

"Piece of crap stalled," he said.

"Yeah, we figured as much," said Chris. He slightly kicked the front bumper and grinned. "Not the best machine ever built, huh?"

"Shut up, it's a great car...just not built for heavy snow, I guess," said Leon.