You were just too damn cool; no one had the guts to ask you out on a date. You were the biker bitch of the school and you had attitude. Leather jacket, a black Harley with old school flames and you always wore your shades, and if you were kicked outta class you'd always say, "Eh, I was too good for this class anyways."

But three dumb idiots had their hearts set on you, and they would do anything to subdue you to them. They each had their own view of what to do, and they would each try their hardest to snag you for their own…

Francis slipped out from behind a tree and slipped a rose under your nose, "Mon cherie, why don't you subject your self to me? I will show you the ultimate kindness, and you will learn a world of love you've never known."

You stared at him point blank, "Get outta my way."

"Oh hon, hon, hon, mon amour, just a kiss and you will never turn back."

"Try it."

Francis grinned and took you into his arms, and kissed you gently, you punched him, and chuckled, "Well you aren't turning back, wuss."

Antonio was laughing his ass off, and whispered to himself, "That idiot, he obviously has no idea how to treat a woman." He played a latin tune on his guitar and sang as you were coming near him, "Oh bonita, such passion in your heart! Sing with me!" he then let his guitar fall to his back and he spun and dipped you, "Let me take your passion to a new level, and you will die a happy woman."

"Yeah? Try me."

Antonio kissed you with a fierce but gentle passion, and pushed him off you and he stumbled into the tree. "Tch, both you and Francis are wussies."

"Hey you damn bitch!" Gilbert strode up to you, pushed you onto the ground, and pinned your wrists down and kissed you with a demanding force, "Submit to me, or I'll make you crumble into pieces." He growled, as he took your ass and cupped it possessively.

You smiled and shook off your shades, "Now that's what I call a real man, got a place we can spend the night?"

"Psh, who cares where we're spending the night, I'm finding the first empty class room and I'm going to fuck you up."

"Sounds like a plan." You grinned.