Inter-House Unity

Summary: 250 AD. Hogwarts was founded, and in 256, a child of rivalry and unity was conceived. But as an act of Betrayal, Hogwarts one chance at unity, was locked far beneath the castle, and preserved within a time seal never meant to be discovered. Now, 1725 years later...Dumbledore has uncovered a newly found secret of the Founders of Hogwarts. How will this discovery alter the future, and change the delicately laid out destiny for the Wizarding world?

Anime/Book: InuYasha/Harry Potter

Pairing: Undisclosed Until Later Chapters

Genre: Drama/Romance

Rated: M for Mature Content


Lost Time


The days have darkened, and in the passing of time, many stories have been passed down, and many more have been made-up. None truly sure of the genuineness of the stories left behind, but the five who lived it; a tale of Sleeping Beauty had even been incorporated with the veracity that had taken place so long ago.

A beauty resembling a precious auburn rose, eyes as bright as the oceans blue, cursed to remain in a dreamless sleep, where darkness would take her by the hands, and hold her till woken by true loves kiss.

Now, while this story may hold some truth, it was not quite the way it went, or...would go...

There was a Sleeping Beauty, who lay cursed into a dreamless sleep, that is all true, and no one would argue that darkness was what kept her company, soothing her while both patience and hope dwindled. would not be true loves kiss that would wake her, but the blood of a loved one. Magic played a very important role in the unveiling of the beautiful woman who lay forgotten beneath the Earths' surface, for it was Magic which had sealed her, and it would be the Magic inside the blood that would wake her.

It was such a powerful substance, human hemoglobin, blood; both as a physical, life-giving essence and a tangible apparatus for psychic workings. Blood is used to keep yourself and those you love alive and healthy, not prosperous and powerful. Blood is elemental and basic, and should only be used for the basics, which don't include money and prestige. Which perhaps...reveals more questions than answers...but later...those can be answered later; for now...our story begins...

On a dark, sad night...where all over the world...people rejoiced~


YEAR 1981


Magic pulsed as a deadly green light washed over the once quiet night sky as a scream and the crying of a young child followed soon after.

The magic was powerful, and became more and more powerful as seconds ticked by.

Not even seconds later, after the magic turned blue and started to seep up from under the house the green light had came from, a figure appeared.

It was an elderly man with a long beard; he wore weird clothing and held a long stick in his hands which would only be known as a wand to witches and wizards.

"It seems I was too late..." The figure whispered as he took in the scene before him. As he stepped into the house a feeling of pure magic washed through his body and seconds later a flash of fire appeared next to him.

"Fawkes, old friend...I take it you felt it..." the elderly man muttered as he walked further into the house.

The bird gave a trill in agreement as the phoenix gave him a look, and flew into the house and down the hall.

'Albus, follow. It seems she was awakened'

The man, Albus, frowned but followed the magical bird to the back of the house, and out of the back door. Off to the left of the door Fawkes pointed his beak to the stone on the ground.

'Touch your wand to it and it shall lead you to her.'

"Her?" Albus questioned, not understanding the phoenix, but did as instructed and tapped the stone with his wand.

The magic pulsed again, as the ground moved and earth shattered and molded itself. The earth pressed to gather tightly and snapped in place so stairs were formed that lead down into the ground.

"It seems you have been keeping secrets, old friend." Albus sighed, as he lit up is wand and made his way down into the earth made stairs.

Albus Dumbledore didn't know where he was being lead but he had a feeling it was going to lead to something that would change the Wizarding world.

For good or bad, that had yet to be determined. He could only hope it was for the good.


With every step he took, he could only feel something akin to wonder as he took his final step and started forward on the flat surface of dirt below what seemed like miles of ground.

"Fawkes, my old friend, where have you led me?"

Fawkes guided the old man through a winding tunnel of dirt before finally stopping at a door. 'Inside, Albus, she will be frightened, you must ease her in with words, do not tell her of the year, be patient with her.'

"I am still confused as to who this 'her' is," Albus walked forward, despite his conflictions, and touched the door with his wand, watching as it swung open with a slight rush of air, stopping just short of hitting the wall.

Inside there wasn't much light, but what little light that there was, was clearly created with strong magic. Albus walked in and stared at a bed where a woman sat up, staring curiously around the room. "Child, are you alright?" Albus questioned, clearly taking the young woman by surprise as she looked straight at him in surprise.

"Who are you?!"

"My name, dear child, is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, please, call me Albus,"

"...why am I here?"

"I am not─"


Fawkes flew down past Albus who watched the girl hug the beautiful phoenix and smile, 'Dearest look as beautiful as ever,'

Albus took this distraction to take in the girl before him, no older than twenty five in looks, with bluish-green eyes, and chestnut brown hair which fell in long waves off the bed and onto the floor in miles and miles of silky tresses. He honestly felt as if she were a princess from a Muggle story he'd heard of many years back, Rapunzel, if he recalled correctly, was the young princesses name.

"Where is brother?"

'Now is not the time for trifle word exchange, we must take you from this webbed battle field, please, allow Albus to take you to Hogwarts.'

Aurina frowned, "I am capable enough to take myself!"

'I fear not,'

"Fear you may, but will not you let me try?"

' you wish, my Lady Aurina,'

She made to move and stand, but as her feet touched the cold of the ground, her body fell in shock and she was made immobile by nothing but the change in temperature.

A glow from her stomach showed and she brought forth a hand to which she lay gently on her abdomen, "...strange...Fawkes, where is Salazar..."

Frozen stiff by the spoken name, Albus stared in shock, at that moment, he could not keep his words to himself, and regret was soon to follow as he spoke. "What are you talking about child, Salazar Slytherin has been dead no less than seventeen hundred years,"

Fawkes released an angered cry and a fire burned fiercely around him before a soft voice came from Aurina.

"What are these lies to which you speak, old man?"


Her hair was starting to lift with heavy magic, a lost look in her eyes; she stared at nothing in particular, just stared... "What are these lies!?"

'Not lies, Aurina, you were placed in a deep slumber by your brother after he discovered you were pregnant with Salazar's child, be woeful, but know...he hadn't meant to hurt you, only Salazar...'

" heart is burning and aching...why are you not here with me...why am I left to live, while you have left me years back, alone and without my heart..."

'He wanted you to be safe; his magic flows strongly within you, and within your child. He loved you dearly, leaving your brother to live with his terror; he left Hogwarts to Godric, Helga and Rowena...he couldn't bare to be near them after he had lost you and his child in a single moment.'

Tears seemed to not stop as she her powers began to rise fiercely around her, a glow from above caught her eyes and she turned carefully with the help of Albus who was now by her side. The two stared up at the wall and she read aloud the words above her bed; "This sets my heart to flutter in my breast, for when I look on you a moment, then can I speak no more, but my tongue falls silent, and at once a delicate flame courses beneath my skin, and with my eyes I see nothing, and with my ears I hear nothing, as a cold sweat bathes me, and trembling seizes hold of me, and I start to grow pale, I feel closer to death...without you my love...oh, Salazar~!" She cried out as tears finally tore from her and she lost the magic she had once held angrily in her hands. She was no longer able to control her magic, and in a moment of sadness, she lost the ability to hold onto her consciousness and fell silently against the shoulder of the older man beside her.


Yuki Note: I hope everyone liked this...we made the chapter shorter compared to the first one...which was reeaaaaally long.

Enjoooy! Read and Review!

Akuma: Hey everyone! Hope you guys enjoyed the second chapter, I had fun writing with Yuki, of course, so I'm hoping you enjoyed it as much as we did~! Please stay with us and keep reading; we'll keep posting!