Summary: The team wakes up in the Watchtower Holding cells. One by one their mentors come in to berate them for their crimes. Wait, CRIMES! Yes you heard right, and Young Justice is just as confused as you are. Now, our favourite team of partners have to escape, evade, and stay hidden from their mentors, all the while trying to find out what they did AND clear their name!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not yet have complete dominion over the earth. Until I do, I don't own Young Justice. Or Mission Impossible 4 for that matter.
Authors Note: Yes this sounds like GothicRose's idea from Getting Traught. Yes, I did ask for permission to use her general idea. No, it will not be the same thing. Yes, you should go read Getting Traught. No, I don't have any idea how to spell Megan's real name, you know the Martian spelling. Deal. Yes, you will, having suffered through this, read the story now.
"We never go to another comic-con again." Declared Artemis as she walked into the cave, the rest of her team in tow.
"Aww, come on guys! It was fun and you know it." Whined Wally from behind the rest.
"How," Aqualad asked, lowering himself onto the couch in the middle of the living room, "was running around in a large gym, while in costume, with a bunch of other people dressed as us or our mentors 'fun'?"
Wally speed over from the fridge (he was hungry. Stupid metabolism.) to right in front of Aqualad. "Because" he explained, crossing his arms and looking his leader in the eye, "WE got most, if not all, costume prizes. Getting prizes is fun."
"Well we obviously got the prizes!" Robin reasoned, raising a sceptical eyebrow above his domino mask, "We ARE the originals. If we DIDN'T get the prizes, it'd be strange."
"Dude, you are so not whelmed" Wally replied, only just barley concealing the laughter in his voice.
"What's a comic-con?" asked Megan innocently.
The rest of the team just stared at her. Except Superboy, who was just as confused as she was, and just slid his eyes to the floor beneath his feet.
"A comic-con, is where a bunch of -how do I put this- um, let's call them 'people with a lot of time on their hands-" started Robin.
"Nerds" coughed Artemis.
"Get together and dress up as super heroes or other characters. Then they go around buying stuff and, well, basically what we just did. You know, the whole costume contests and stuff."
"So we just went to a comic-con? Not just a large gathering?" inquired Megan.
"Yep." Was Wally's reply.
"I can't believe how many people dressed up as Superman." Superboy grumbled.
"I can't believe that we let Wally talk us into going." Artemis said, angrily.
"Actually, I believe that he didn't 'talk' us into going. He merely said that we had to get over to his position right away and that we had to be in costume. If I recall correctly, something about a 'dire emergency'?" accused Aqualad gently.
"It was an emergency!" Wally exclaimed "One:" Wally lifted a finger in the air "Megan and Conner have never before today experienced a comic-con. Two:" He lifted up another finger "the Central City comic-con is the BEST! Lastly, three:" He lifted up a third finger "I didn't want to go in there by my self, and we're supposed to do team bonding stuff for training." Wally, finishing his tirade, seated himself on the armchair at the right hand side of the couch.
"You want team bonding?" Robin asked, "Well, I just figured out how to get Mission Impossible four on the T.V."
"Is that legal?" questioned Superboy suspiciously, "Will we get in trouble with our mentors?"
"Nope!" was Robin's only reply.
As he moved towards the T.V., he motioned his three standing comrades to the large couch Aqualad was sitting on. They all just barely fit.
"Hey Wally, can you pop some popcorn and turn off the lights? And don't even think about eating any of the popcorn; I know how mush you wanted to see this movie and if you come back with only a few kernels of popcorn left for the rest of us, I'll personally make sure you NEVER see the movie" Robin threatened over his shoulder.
"Fine" Wally griped, moving off the chair he was sitting on. Before anyone even noticed he was gone, the lights went off.
"Not ALL the lights Wally" yelled Artemis.
"Um, that wasn't me." Wally called over nervously from the kitchen.
The team froze. The cave never, EVER had a power out, and the only time the lights went off was at night.
"We can't have spent that long a that comic-con" mumbled Superboy, "Robin, can you check the time. Please?"
"Sure thing. Robin replied calmly. "It's 3:47 pm."
"That's definitely not normal" Megan mused.
"And doesn't the cave have back up lights in case of an attack?" Artemis inquired.
Aqualad nodded. "Yes. And the only people capable of turning off both the main lights and the reserve power are-"
Suddenly, a green glowing cloud entered the room. Superboy screamed, clutching his head in agony and falling to the floor. He was instantly unconscious.
That was the team's first clue to be ready for an attack. They never got the chance.
Seconds after Superboy hit the ground, a new, grey mist ate the green one. The team fell to the floor, much as Superboy had, but they remained conscious.
Spasms began to violently shake their bodies, then one by one, they stopped, motionless.
Robin, the last to go, fought of the dark grey lines that threatened to over take his consoiuness. With tremendous effort, he slowly moved his hand to reach the small gas mask in his utility belt.
Halfway there, he saw something that made him freeze in horror.
The last thing he saw before the darkness took over.
A man clad in black, two long pointed ears going strait up from his head, putting large smoke bombs away and pulling out six pairs of hand cuffs.
So how was it? Please review, first story I haven't been forced to make, so any advise from experienced authors is appreciated. Also, any one know where Wally was born/ lived with his parents? If it's a different city. I need it for future chapters. PM me if you know!