Cassidey walked into the loft after finding RJ again after seven years. She knew RJ had other people that he wanted to introduce her to. She walked into the room still in her Ranger gear and she looked over the crowd of people before her eyes stopped for a moment longer on her father.
"Now I know the masters already know her so Rangers I would like to introduce you to the Jungle Fury Pink Ranger, Cassidey the Butterfly Master, aka Master Fli- I mean Flutter. Cassidey this Lily, Theo, Casey and of course you know Dominic." RJ said pointing to each of the rangers in turn.
She nodded to the rangers, and spoke briefly before turning to the Masters, "Hello Rangers, Dom. Master Phant, Master Finn." Finally she turned to Master Swoop, "Father." Her voice was slightly strained before she looked over at RJ, "RJ may I speak to you for a moment I have a question that I've been meaning to ask you for a while now." She said trying not to let anyone know she was uncomfortable being in the same room as her father.
RJ looked at his long time friend for a moment before nodding, "Of course Cass, what ever you need." He said softly before leading her to his room so they could have some privacy "What's wrong Cass I thought you would be happy to see your dad?" He asked softly his voice soft but still full of worry. When they got there Cassidey finally de-morphed, revealing a pale young woman with long blonde hair and brown eyes, which were currently trying to drill a hole through RJ.
Cassidey looked at him her face set so that he couldn't read her emotions. "Why didn't you tell me he was going to be here? There's a reason I haven't bothered to see my father since we became Masters RJ!" She hissed so that even her father wouldn't be able to hear her.
RJ looked at her taken back by her reaction. "Like I said I thought you would be happy to see him. What's going on Cass? I haven't seen you like this since we found out about the near massacre in the village out side the temple." He said softly very worried about his best friend.
Cassidey let out a soft sigh before flying into an explanation that RJ really only caught half of. He did however hear what she said about a dark cloud in her heart that made it so that she had no control over her impulses when she was around her father, and one other person. "I don't know when it got there or how… but I think Dai Shi has something to do with it." She worried at her lower lip, fear in her eyes as she said it.
RJ looked at Cassidey for a long moment, before speaking again, "You think Dai Shi has caused a dark cloud to enter your heart that makes it so that you, for some unknown reason, want to kill your own father, and one other unknown person?"
Cassidey looked at him and shook her head softly, "no… More like everyone around me. RJ please I can't be around my father right now not until I have this all figured out." The young woman was clearly distraught.
RJ sighed softly, "Hey Cass, did you ever get a full hold of the technique of yours? You know the one where you can good walking through peoples' memories?"
The young woman looked at him in confusion for a moment before nodding, "Yeah I did why do you want to know?"
"I think our best option might be to rebound it so that it hits you so I can go figure out what happened and try to fix it." He said softly even though he knew she would never agree to it, he would have to trick her into it.
Cassidey glared at RJ through thick blonde bangs. "No RJ just no! I've explained this all to you before if anyone uses that technique without having a vast amount of training in the Butterfly Style then they can and most likely will go insane! You can't do this RJ, it would mean you would be trapped in your own mind for all eternity!" As she spoke Cassidey had made her way back in to the main room of the loft, a light pink aura appearing around her, a tell tale sign that she was about to use it on him just to prove her point. RJ looked shocked when he realized what Cassidey was about to do, she wasn't the type of person who would do anything rashly, on the contrary she always thought through all the consciences of her actions. He really had thought that getting her to do this was going to be much harder.
Everyone in the room stared in horror as the young woman before them attacked RJ. No one was sure what to expect let alone think when he pulled out a small mirror and forced her attack to rebound upon her. She blinked in a daze as she stumbled back and fell into RJ's chair, it was right as she hit the chair that everyone in the room was transported into her memories.
The rangers all blinked as they looked around, "How did we get to the academy?" Lily asked as she brushed the dust off her skirt slowly getting to her feet.
As the others stood RJ looked at them all in consideration before saying, "We're not. Not really any way this, this is the Pai Zhuq Academy as Cassidey remembers it." He cast a glance at the others before shaking his head slightly. The others were not supposed to come with him, he had wanted to come here alone. Master Swoop must never know how his daughter felt right now.
Casey looked up at RJ horror written across his face, "RJ what do you mean by that?"
RJ sighed softly before looking at the others, but Master Swoop answered for him. "Cassidey has a technique that is almost unheard of even among the greatest of Pai Zhuq masters, this technique has no name, and all that most people know about it is that it allows a Butterfly Master to walk through a person's memories, we are all currently trapped in it."
Theo looked up at his master, "Wait… Master Swoop if it allows her to walk through other peoples memories then how are we in hers?"
RJ shrugged, "It was an… experiment." The others looked at him like he was insane, "You see Cassidey told me about something, and she needed some one to find an answer to it or things would have been bad, very bad, so I tricked her into using the technique and rebounded it back on her, only I was the only one that was supposed to get sucked into her mind, I didn't realize all of you would get pulled in like this."
Casey was about to say something when he saw something out of the corner of his eye, "Is that…" He stopped in shock, from seeing the woman he had just met as a five year old girl.
RJ turned and looked where Casey was looking as the world cam into focus around them. "Yeah that's Cassidey, she's trained here since she was about four I came here around the same time but I didn't start training for a few years, Cassidey and I have known each other since we were little kids." He sighed as he realized what day this was, the day the weight of the Pai Zhuq Academy was placed on her shoulders.
There he was Cassidey's first master, Master Hoot the Owl Master. He stood there looking at the five year old girl her blonde hair hanging lank around her face her eyes wide as she tried to hold the tears that were threatening to fall, "B-but Mas-master Hoot, why is ev-everyone trying to for-force me to become a b-bat or snow leopard…"
Master Hoot looked down at Cassidey, "your father is the Bat Master, your mother was the Snow Leopard Master, it is expected that you will follow in their foot steps." Cassidey scowled up at Master Hoot and stamped her foot in frustration. "Cassidey this kind of behavior will not be tolerated in a Pai Zhuq Master."
"But I'm not one yet, and maybe I don't want to be one at all!" Cassidey yelled as the tears that had been at the corners of her eyes finally began to fall. Just as everyone thought the young girl was going to be reprimanded for her behavior Master Hoot knelt down on the ground in front of her and gently put his hands on her shoulders.
"Cassidey let me tell you what my first master told me when I doubted my future as a Pai Zhuq Warrior." Cassidey looked up into her master's eyes and slowly nodded the tears still falling though not as hard. "As you go through life you'll see there is so much that we don't understand. And the only thing we know is things don't always go the way we planned. But you'll see every day that we'll never turn away when it seems all your dreams come undone. We will stand by your side filled with hope and filled with pride we are more than we are we are one."
Cassidey had stopped crying as he spoke now confused more then anything else now, "But if there's so much I must be, can I still just be me the way I am? Can I trust in my own heart or am I just one part of some big plan?" She sighed as she turned around wanting to be allowed to go play just this once. Everyone followed her line of sight and saw her looking over toward a young RJ with a wistful look in her eyes.
Her master saw this too with a sigh he continued, "Even those who are gone are with us as we go on; your journey has only begun. Tears of pain, tears of joy, one thing nothing can destroy is pride deep inside we are one. We are one you and I; we are like the earth and sky, one family under the sun! All the wisdom to lead, all the courage that you need; you will find when you see we are one."
Cassidey turned back to her master even as RJ was waving her to join him, "Master Hoot if I promise to think about it can I go play, pwetty please! I never get to play anymore!"
Master Hoot looked to RJ and knew that the two had never really talked before, but also knew that they needed each other, they need others their own age. "Yes Cassidey go play. It's good for you to have fun and relax sometimes, but you have to remember your lessons as well."
Cassidey nodded before running off to 'meet' RJ for the first time. She stumbled to a stop in front of him a smile on her face as she jumped around him happy to finally have a friend. She slowly settled down as she let out a small laugh, "hi my names Cassidey! Will you be my best friend?"
The young boy in front of her nodded, "Yeah! My names Robert James…" He paused when he saw the look on her face. "What's wrong?"
"Don't you think it's to big a name for you?" She asked him before rushing on, "I think I will call you… RJ instead!" Cassidey said happily.
He seemed to think about for a moment before replying, "fine but then I get to call you Cassy, and we'll be best friends for ever and ever!" He then took her hand and the two of them went running through the temple where the Pai Zhuq Academy was located, laughing, it was only the ghosts of those who were watching the memories saw the two fathers of the children watching them, with smiles that were almost invisible on their faces.
It was then that the image faded, and the world slowly started to reform into the training grounds. There they all saw Cassidey and Master Hoot, this time though the girl was ten. The two were clearly training as Cassidey was standing in a fighting stance. The stance was unfamiliar to the three Pai Zhuq students. "RJ what's that stance?" Lily asked as she watched Cassidey spar with Master Hoot.
"That is the main stance of the Owl Technique, it is called Octoris Fallis movement. Not only does it improve your range of vision but it can also incapacitate your opponent in a single blow." RJ told her softly as he watched his best friend closely, he knew this day well though he had never thought about how the events from her side would have gone. "Why did you leave this day Cass?" He whispered softly as he watched her.
"Are you sure about this Master Hoot?" they all heard Cassidey ask softly and all turned to watch her again.
"Yes Cassidey, I'm very sure. Now attack!" Cassidey's eyes narrowed as she swept her left foot forward trying to knock her master off his feet. Master Hoot easily dodged her attack lading behind her the sparring started in full both moving fast enough that their kicks and punches were blurs, neither ever landing a blow. Then it happened it was sudden and unexpected by everyone, Cassidey's eyes blazed as the white and pink wings of a butterfly appeared overlaying her face. Master Hoot fell back his eyes narrowed, his entire demeanor changed as he suddenly shot forward and wrapped his hand around her upper arm, "come along Cassidey we need to speak with Master Mao."
He swiftly began to walk with the girl her shock and surprise causing her to stumble along in disbelief, "M-master Hoot, what's going on? What happened back there? I mean what was that?" She asked quickly as the walked at break neck speed.
Please review, I'm more then a little shy about putting this out for other people to see so please good or bad let me know what you think.