Ryan dose sadly but i had fun playing with the grammer mistakes are mine and im sorry i cant help find them all!

:'( but ya happy samcedes!

It was an ordinary day for Sam and Mercedes. They got back together over two month ago. Thier lives were they didnt know was that it was about to get better. Merecedes was sitting at lunch then she ran to the bath room and started heard the door open and close

"Mercedes are you ok"She heard Quinn got up started gave Mercedes a hug.

"No im not Quinn im preggo"Mercedes looked her in they bit her lip and took a deep breath.

"Whose do you think it is Sam's or Shane's"Q quetioned she realy prayed Mercedes would say that Quinn hated Shane she didnt think that he was a good course she still loved Sam but she wanted him to be happy.

"I know for sure its Sam's me and Shane never"Mercedes didnt want this to there was no way that she was going to get an abortion or give the baby up. She couldnt do looked at Quinn again.

"Well thank god I mean no offence to Shane but i dont like him and you know you have to tell him soon"Quinn gave her another hug and rubbed her has been her and she knew how bad it sucks to be in this chuckeld "Lets get back to them" Quinn smiled and put her arm around Cede's they were back into the lunch sat by Sam and laid her head on his shoulder.

"You ok cede's you ran out of her realy fast."Sam asked her and draped his arm around was getting consierned she has been doing this for over a week straight.

" I'll tell ya later babe"She smiled and kissed his cheek and snuggeld closer too him.

Later that day in glee Mercedes walked in with Sam but she told him she had to talk to Quinn realy quick."Quinn do you think you could help me tell everybody. i just want to get it out in the open."She sighed and looked at her.

"Of course Cedes i was in your same place two years ago i know how it feels."She smiled and gave her a .shue walked in.

"ALright guys"He smiled and sat down.

" I have an annonce ment i would like to make."Mercedes pipped up before could continue.

"Of Mercedes you have the floor."He smiled and leand back in his and Quinn walked up to the front of the room.

"Well umm every I'm just gonna say it"Mercedes paused and took a deep breath."I'm Pregnate"She heard gasps. She looked right at sam with a shy pointed to him got up and gave her a huge hug. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him tightly and broke down crying. Rachel was the frist to speak up.

"Well as shocking as this is can we start working."she said rollling her eyes.

"Rachel realy shut up Cedes is freaking out so just for one day dont make it about you Rachel."Quinn yelled and looked at " please tell Rachel to be quite"

"Yes Rachel we have over four weeks to practis "He sighed .And looked through felt three new was Kurt the otheres were Brit andTina .She smiled as she felt everyone else but Rachel give her a smiled and laughed into Sam's chest. She had the best friends ever.

"You guys are amzing."She smiled and felt them all Let go but she didnt let go of couldnt and she loved sam and she was having his baby. She finaly let go of Sam alittle rest of glee was spent talking about the it was time to leave Sam and mercedes walked out together.

"Cedes have you told your parents yet?"Sam quetioned as they reached his leand back agenst the door . He then wrapped his arms around Mercedes

"Not yet but i was hopeing you could come over tonight and we could tell them together."She asked hugging him tightly. She was getting verry nervouse.

"Of course baby I am never leaving your side."Sam smiled and opend her door for her and shut it and as he walked to the drivers they were off to Mercedes parents weret going to be home for about four hours. As soon as they reached her house she ran to the bathroom and started puking because her mom was cooking a rost in the crockpot and the smell filled the ran right behind her and held her hair up with his left right hand and rubbed her back with his left."It will be ok babe"He said to her as she stoped puking.

"I hope so and i just want this sickness to be gone."She sighed as she stood up slowly holding on to Sam's she did she had to fall and puke again. this time she puked for what seemed like an hour but it realy was only about two time she got up and brushed her teeth.

"Lets go and lay down"Sam suggested as he helped his girlfriend to her room,He helped her lay down on her bed and he laid be hind her wrapping his arms arond her smiled and kissed her head then her knew they didnt have long till her parents were home.


hoped you guys liked it and reveiw:D