Hum... Hello? Don't kill me? =)

So... I had written the whole chapter like 3 months ago but it disappeared and i was overly frustrated and i just could not write it over again. And then there was school, and graduation soon and life and a whole bunch of excuses and i feel terrible for not posting in so long and i know you must hate me and i can't find any really good excuses and i feel ashamed and i'm hoping you'll still stick with me until the end and I also hope you'll like the chapter AND i'm talking way too much!

Just go read the bloody chapter if you're still up to it =))))





It's over!


"Hermione, this isn't fun…"

"You've been in the water for two minutes what exactly are you complaining about!"

"Well let's see… Might be the fact that you're rubbing every inch of your bare skin up and down my body… or that you tied my hands therefore preventing me to take any advantage in this…"

"You're not even giving it a chance to be fun…" she said seriously, rolling her eyes at me.

"There's nothing to be fun about this. I've gone 3 whole days with this nonsense, I'm not sure how much more I can endure without tying you down to a bed or drugging you to have sex with you at last with or without your approval!"

"All you've done from day 1 is complain. You haven't tried once to actually give this thing a chance!" she said raising her voice slightly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Ok I'm not going to have an argument with you over why trying to go 4 weeks without having sex is not a good idea and isn't appealing to me at all. I'm going to bed." I said with much frustration as I got up, reaching for my wand to untie my hands.

Wrapping my waist with a towel in an unhurriedly manner, I see her pout from the corner of my eye.

"You should sleep in the guest bedroom if that's how it's going to be…"

My eyes fly open in shock as I've never had to sleep anywhere else but our bed in the entirety of our 14 years of marriage. Opting to shut up instead of saying something overly rude, I tie the towel and shoot her one last glare before exiting the bathroom furiously.

My pajamas on and a blanket in my hands, I make my way downstairs to the living room, throwing myself on the couch and turning on the TV.

All at the same time, I felt furious, horny as hell, and desperately disturbed by the fact that Hermione and I were somewhat in a fight.

We'd never been in a fight before. We used to bicker, that's true. We bantered for most of our marriage but I NEVER had to sleep anywhere else but in my own bed. And who was she anyways to tell me to go sleep elsewhere! She came up with her stupid idea of this sex retreat so if somebody was supposed to sleep on this couch it was her! Not me!

I'm too young not to be having sex. And I'm too old to be fighting with my wife but somehow, my mind was refusing the idea of going up to her to apologize for whatever it was I was supposed to apologize for.

Besides, if she hadn't started this no sex for 1 month business, we wouldn't be arguing right now… We'd probably be having hot sex in the pool…

Grunting as I pictured the scene, I went over to the refrigerator and downed a big glass of cold water. I've been told it helps reduce erection… Don't ask who I've heard this from but let's just say he has a stupid bloody scar in the middle of his big blasted forehead.

My mind rushing over the past few days, I grunt, wondering seriously how I was going to survive the next few weeks if Hermione didn't stop this nonsense. I mean if my will power was stronger than my "mini-me" it wouldn't be such a problem. But in the matters of the flesh, I am completely powerless!

The pounding in my head increases exponentially and before I know it I fall asleep only to be awaken by the presence of another body on the couch.

Groggily, I open my eyes and prop myself on my elbow.

"Oh…" Hermione whispers sheepishly, "I didn't want to wake you…"

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes… I just… I couldn't sleep…" she adds as I sit up to give her some space to do so as well.

We stay in silent for a moment.

"Draco, I don't like when we fight… I don't like sleeping in our bed by myself. I don't like knowing I'm going to sleep mad at you."

"I don't like it either Hermione… But I don't know how much more of this I can handle… I'm willing to try my hardest although to be honest with you I still believe this sex retreat is bollocks. But I'm willing to try because I somewhat still love you… I don't know for how much longer that is…"

She snorts at my miserable attempt at a joke and hits my arm lightly.

"You just can't torture me with those "sexual exercises" like that love. I am a man after all and there is only so much I can handle when it comes to you naked…"

My voice gets husky as it trails over the thoughts behind my words. I look at her and I know my eyes reflect the same passion burning in her hazel ones.

"I know… I'm sorry, I just wanted it to work but I guess I should know better than teasing you … So I thought about it and if you want to put an end to it then I won't mind…"

It seems like all of a sudden all my joie de vivre is back. I feel as excited as an owl being offered a mouse for desert. As it is now, I feel like I could do that hula hoop thing Ax' and Stark' are always doing. I start thinking about sending the kids away to my mother's house for the rest of the month so I can enjoy my wife's lovely body 24/7.

But the look in her eyes somehow manages to make me say something completely incoherent, something not even a crazy person would say:

"No… I know you want to try this so like I said, I'm willing to give it a try…"

My throat closes immediately. I'm shocked at my own words. After they leave my mouth, a million thoughts start bouncing around in my head, mainly WHY I had agreed to this ONCE MORE! Wasn't the first time enough? Here I was, being offered a chance at having sex with Hermione right this second and I say no! It was as absurd as a person being offered to be freed from Azkaban legally and yet refusing the opportunity! If that makes any sense at all to anyone then I'm declaring that the end of the world is in the next couple of hours.

As I realize the grandeur of my stupidity, I literally feel like I'm going to cry. Ok, perhaps I'm being a bit of a drama-queen but still, to know that I have CHOSEN to extend my misery when I had the choice to end it makes me wonder seriously about my mental abilities. I put it on my to-do list to stop by the psychiatric ward of St Mungo's as soon as possible.

I finally come back to reality to see a bright smile on Hermione's face.

"You really would do that?" she asks.

I'm tempted a million times to say "Well actually love, I think my brain was zapped when I said that so now that everything is clear again in there, I don't think that's such a good idea after all…"

I have to fight for a good while with my thoughts before I finally sigh:

"Yes… I really would…"

There goes the burn of self-betrayal in my throat again. As I'm back to contemplating my options to end this retreat before it ends me, she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Thank you…"

Then before I know it, a bright idea illuminates the darkness of my brain.

"Don't thank me quite yet…" I whisper, pulling her in closer to me so that she sat on my lap. "I have one request…"

She squints in suspicion as she studies my facial expression carefully.

I try my best not to snicker as my plan develops slowly in my head.

"What is it then?"

I pull her even closer. Our faces are not far from each other now. Just a few millimeters. I look deep into her eyes and down to her lips.

I can see her inhaling in surprise as she understands what my request is.

I slide my hands inside her shirt – actually inside my shirt since the one she's wearing is mine – and let my fingers run up and down her back. She shifts nervously on my lap, hungry for more. All the while, I don't move my eyes from her lips. I lick the bottom of mine and bite down on it as I move my hands from her back to her stomach. I go up slowly, tracing the contours of her belly button before I finally get a hold of her perked breasts. I run my thumbs over them lightly just as a deep sound emerges from her throat.

I do it again, this time bringing my mouth to her ear:

"My request is that I be able to at least kiss you and touch you whenever I want…"

I feel her swallow hard. By now, I know I won. Well… one could argue that I lost the major battle but still, for now, I won. Let's leave it at that!

I bring my eyes back to hers, trying my best to refrain the thoughts of ripping her clothes off.

The wait is killing me… But finally, a small mischievous smile appears on her lips and before I know it, her lips crash onto mine.

Just like that, I can feel the orgasm creeping up.

Danm it, now a simple kiss brings me close to an orgasm. I'm ruined. Forever. What a disgrace to the Malfoy name!




What did we think? Maybe we still hate me but i'm begging for forgiveness so i hope you'll be kind-hearted! =) I won't say exactly when i'll be posting the next chapter because i'm graduating in 3 weeks and the amount of work i have to hand in by then is ridiculous but i can promise you that it won't take me another 3 months to do so! Lets hope for sooner than later!

Kisses Loves,