A/N: Thank you, thank you everyone. You have my thanks. Thank you for reading, and thank you for even reviewing. I actually have a bit of a pet peeve about not reviewing every chapter or part. Since every piece is different from the last, and is usually they are an improvement from the ones before. If you haven't noticed, I constantly upload a newer version even after I uploaded a recent or previous piece. I won't get angry or annoyed with anyone who doesn't bother to do that, because that's their choice, but in my opinion, I love to hear everyone's thoughts. Especially when it comes to the upcoming chapter, or when people really get what I'm portraying. It really makes me feel good as an author. And I bet there are others who feel like that too. I apologize for not thanking everyone earlier, but I hope this makes it up for it. You guys should read Slide by Taisi.

Barry Allen

There's something about Barry, Wally thinks. He knows there is something about his uncle that makes him feel this way.

He gives his aunt a hug, before she heads over to where Barry is, and kisses his uncle on the lips. Wally makes a face as he looks away.

She does come back though to kiss his freckled cheek. As she hurries off to work, he rubs his cheek. Rubbing off the jealousy that his aunt mistakes as envy. Aunt Iris probably thinks it is because of Barry, but the one Wally is the most envious of is his aunt. He wants to be in his aunt's shoes, when his uncle kisses him.

Even if he has to wear high heels.

Because every time they're in love, they kiss. Whenever one of them needs to be loved, the other gives a hug. They even cuddle. Especially in bed and on the couch.

Wally wants to cuddle too, every now and then.

"Barry," he finds himself saying. "I wish I were adenine, because then I could get paired with U."

His uncle just smiles back. "You already are, kid."

Wally hopes his eyes are not twinkling, because they sometimes twinkle whenever he is like this. Feeling so god damn hopeful.

"We're nothing like the Dynamic Duo," Barry admits, "but we still make a pretty good team."

And all Wally could do is hold back. Hold back from smacking himself silly, because this is Barry. Of course his uncle would think that.

Instead, he moves in a bit closer. Until they are sitting side by side. Barry just grins at him, and leaves an arm around his neck.

They sit like that for awhile. Alone in the living room, on the couch, with the television set in front of them. The fact that it is turned off, makes him wonder if he is dreaming.

"You're more special than relativity." Wally tries again. This time with a bit more feeling, and a lot less flirting.

Blue eyes flicker. "Is that so?"

As the two of them look at each other, Wally could feel himself vibrating a little faster. Barry vibrates too, but just enough so that it cancels his.

Uncle Barry is like that. Always catching each and every detail, and putting it into good use. In a way, it makes Wally feel better, knowing that his uncle is paying attention to him.

"I'm attracted to you like the Earth is attracted to the Sun," he confesses, "with a large force inversely proportional to the distance squared."

"Wally," his uncle says, sounding rather serious. "About your nocturnal emissions."

And my nocturnal penile tumescence, Wally includes.

"If you need any help," Barry goes on, "you can always come to me."

His uncle is unreadable at this point, and Wally is unsure on what to do. So he says the first thing that comes into mind.

"I love you."

And Wally just starts counting in his head. One milisecond, two milisecond, three milisecond, and so forth until he hears a reply. His heart racing at the same time.

"I love you too," he hears Barry say, as his uncle leans in towards him.

Just enough to press their foreheads together. A moment later, he could feel a nose trailing down the bridge of his own. Nudging along, until it gets to his nose. Hesitantly, Barry pokes his, and slowly rubs him. As they touch, Wally could feel the subtle creases of his uncle's forehead.

Soon they adjust themselves, angling their faces so that they could kiss properly. Lips grazes his for the first time, and he finds them quite dry. Barry pulls back, for just a moment. Licks them quick, and right away Wally could tell the difference.

After awhile, Barry stops. Stops with the caresses and kisses.

As his uncle gets up and ruffles his hair, Wally sits perfectly still. His face flushed red, with a nose that wants to bleed so badly. He covers his nose, in hopes of calming himself down. But it doesn't, not when Barry is here.

"I might stop by tonight." his uncle whispers in his ear.

And suddenly, his nose starts to bleed. Barry blinks a few times, before rushing off to get some tissues. While he waits for his uncle to come back, his mind starts to wander.

There's something about Barry, Wally thinks, and I think it has always been his feelings for me.

A/N: I do not own Flash (Barry Allen) or Kid Flash (Wally West), for they belong to DC Comics. Or the pick up lines.