Carix here guys…I'm so sorry to everyone who's been a fan of mine. A lot of stuff has happened since I started this story, and I mean a lot. My grandpa passed away; alongside a few other close relatives…I know that's not really a good excuse for me to be gone for almost two years. I won't try and make some bullshit reason and beg for you guys to forgive me for it. I just want to let all of those people that have been waiting and wanting this to update for so long that…I'll be working on this story soon. Though by soon I mean I will be starting as soon as I can…so long as you all will allow me to continue that is. I don't mean I won't try when I say that…I just mean that if you guys even want to continue to read this I will try my absolute best to make this story work.
I've been thinking of putting this story up for adoption and starting something new if you guys don't want me to continue this. If I do, what would you guys suggest for a story? I'm up for anything really…as always I'll be looking for a beta to help me out a bit, so if you guys see someone looking send me a PM. Love you all, and I really hope you guys can forgive me for being such an unfaithful writer to everyone.