Fanfiction written by Mae Vargas; (Most) Characters don't belong to me.


Eternal Eminence


He was a tall strong-built man in his early 30's. He had smooth black hair and a handsome face, framed by the stubble on his chiseled jaw. He was stern when he was angry, but gentle when he smiled. His name, Kazuya Kaito. They said he was the best ruler of Tomoeda since anyone could remember.

But this night, the people of Tomoeda were in shock. Their mighty ruler had become stricken with an unknown illness and was now lying on his deathbed.

"Kaito-sama," said his friend and right hand man, Jirou. "How are you feeling?"

Kaito coughed and forced a weak smile. "How many times must I tell you? Call me Kazuya. You are my friend. You don't need to be so polite with me." He coughed a few more times and closed his eyes in fatigue.

The best doctors from all over the place had been called to figure out the reason behind Kaito's sudden decline in health. Jirou looked at his friend with sad eyes. Kazuya Kaito was kind and honorable. He always kept his promises and looked after the bustling town of Tomoeda as if every single inhabitant were a part of his family. He made it his way of life to help others before he helped himself. Even though he was the ruler, he lived in a modest house and kept only a handful of servants, which he considered his friends.

Kaito was not married, although many women had their eyes on him. He said he didn't want a wife because of how little of his time he'd be able to devote to her. He didn't want her to be lonely. But because he wasn't married, he didn't have any children. What more, there wasn't an heir.

A knock at the door came, followed by one of his few servants, Maiko. She bowed. "Kaito-sama, there's someone who wants to see you."

Kaito tilted his head to face the door. A man walked in, someone he didn't recognize. The stranger wore a long dark cloak with circular spectacles. He had long dark hair, tied at the back, a staff with a sun carved into it on top, and he wore a smile on his matured face.

"Hello," said the stranger as he bowed his head. "You are Kaito, are you not?"

"I am. Who are you?"

"My name is Clow."

Both Kaito and Jirou looked at each other. Jirou had never heard of the name Clow before, but Kaito had. It was in books passed down to him from his predecessors. Clow. It was a name with power and great wisdom.

"Jirou," Kaito said curtly to his friend. "Could you please leave the two of us for now."

Jirou looked anxious. "Are you sure? Will you be okay?"

Kaito gave a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine. Thank you for your consideration."

Jirou got up, bowed, and walked slowly out of the room. Clow moved closer to the bed Kaito occupied. "I'm sure you've heard about me, not to be boastful or anything." Clow smiled.

"I have. I don't remember what it was about you, though. I was never into reading. I do remember skimming across your family name once in a journal written by my great great grandfather; he praised you."

"Ahh, yes. I remember him well. He was quite the strategist."

Kaito had no idea what Clow was talking about. "You knew him? You knew my great great grandfather?" Kaito scoffed as Clow nodded in agreement. "How can you know my great great grandfather? You must be 100-years-old to have been alive back when he was king! That's impossible!" A sudden bout of coughing passed through the room as Kaito uncontrollably tensed up and shook as his spasms came and went.

"Nothing is impossible." Clow sat down in the chair recently occupied by Jirou. "It seems you are at the end of your life. Now listen carefully. What if I told you there was a way to cure you from your sickness? What if I could not only heal you, but prolong your life? Would you take the chance?"

Kaito nodded. What did Clow have to offer?

"Do you know how old I am?"

Kaito gave him a puzzling look. "What does your age have to do with anything?"

Clow sighed as he stood up and walked to the window. He looked down at the courtyard. "I was alive when this castle didn't exist, a little more than a century ago. I was only 17 when they starting building the walls. I helped pave the roads of Tomoeda. I watched as this city flourished into the kingdom it is now."

Kaito took in every word, but it didn't seem to sink in. What did he mean?

"I am older than the walls of this castle, if you're wanting to know what I mean." It was as if he was reading his mind. Clow turned his gaze towards Kaito, who stared, dumbfounded, back at him. "I am 136 this autumn."

A moment of silence passed before Kazuya Kaito burst into laughter. Clow only smiled back at him. This was the response he expected. After all, denial was the first step in acceptance. "One hundred and thirty-six, you say? Why, that's hilarious!" He laughed a little more. "Really, how old are you?"

"I am not joking." Clow returned to his seat, but didn't sit down. Instead, he bent low, so that Kaito could see the austerity in his eyes.

"What.. how is that possible?" Kaito moved backwards in his bed out of fear and shock.

"I can grant you the same power." Clow said sternly. "But with great power such as this comes great consequences. I have watched you. You rule with fairness and equality. You are selfless. You lead with enthusiasm and passion that none before you have had as much of. You are virtuous. I see a great leader in you."

Kaito managed a meek smile. To be held in high regard by a man such as Clow was rewarding in itself.

"Do you want to live?"

Kaito swallowed hard. His throat had become dry all of a sudden. He pondered over the power of eternal life. He pictured himself living every day without the fear of dying. That was absurd! There was no such thing as eternal life on earth!

But here, right in front of him, was living proof that it was possible. Clow looked as young and healthy as any man, yet he had lived to be 136! A rush of emotions overcame him as he imagined himself, a century from now, ruling a more successful Tomoeda than now. He had aspirations to see to, dreams he hadn't made come true yet, things he had planned which he was unable to fulfill.

"I do." he answered.

Clow's voice was stern and cold. "Are you prepared to make the sacrifices?"

Kaito smiled. "For the sake of this kingdom, yes, I am."

"Good." Clow sat back in his chair. He hoped he was making the right decision.